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Adam Lambert is sad he's leaving Scotland!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Adam added he was sad his time in Scotland was so short.

He said: "It's beautiful. I stayed in Edinburgh and the architecture was incredible. We drove to Glasgow across the countryside and I saw the beautiful rolling hills, churches and cemeteries. Hopefully, next time, I'll get to go out in Glasgow."

Don't worry Adam! You'll have more chances to go back there in the near future when you have a world tour!


Anonymous said...

Woah!!!! this picture makes me go weak at the knees
Our adam is sooooo Beautiful!!!
love this Picture so much

Anonymous said...

I am sure it's frastrating to go from place to place in a hurry. O totally understand him. This area is beutifull and u want time to enjoy it. I have NO doubt Adam wil be back soon.

Anonymous said...

Please come back home Adam! We miss you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm in the US and I hope Adam doesn't come home YET! I'm loving all these international promo stops.

Anonymous said...

Adam has worked so hard on this international tour,Everybody has fallen for ADAM in a BIG way while he has been singing, talking, and Looking Bl**dy HOT who could not fall in love with such a Charming,Beautiful and Sexy Man
Adam is living his dream and so are we,Thanks Adam for stealing our HEARTS xxxx

Anonymous said...

He appeared to be so comfortable in Scotland....seemed to really enjoy the fun of the kilt! Who else could make a kilt look sexy and hot??? He is a natural!


Sharon said...

Don't call me crazy but I'd would really like to move to Scotland as I have ancestors from Scotland, Ireland, England. I love the architecture and how well it is preserved in that area. I am ready for a more accepting environment of people. Too bad that Americans aren't that way in general.

Anonymous said...

I would love for him to wear the kilt when he comes back to U.S. I love it when he gets tongues wagging! Like I've said before, no one else could pull off that look quite like he can;)


Anonymous said...

omg, that picture!!! Why Adam, why?????

how is it possible he never ever takes a bad photo? Oh, yeah, now I remember. Because he's the GAFPF (Glittery Alien From Planet Fierce)


Anonymous said...

There's more of that same day photo yesterday here. Look up Adam in Scotland. Absolutely gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Come back to Australia Adam......we miss you too!