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"Whisky helped bring me together with Lady Gaga"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Adam revealed in a new interview that whisky brought him together with Lady Gaga!

"We had a couple of whiskies and traded stories about life and music in the studio and, in some ways, we are cut from a similar cloth. She did theatre for a while too and she got into the club kid scene in New York and I did in LA. We had a similar experience and it's a compliment to be dubbed the male version of her."


Anonymous said...

Why is this news? He's been saying the same thing since they announced that his album would be dropping. But nice pic.

Anonymous said...

Adam, you're NOT the male equilavent of Lady Gaga! You are the first ADAM LAMBERT. You're not a male version of no one. You're a unique, original artist.

Anonymous said...

Adam you are a Dream!!!!!!!!!
and soon to become an Iconic Star!!
Your Charisma has been Delightful, your Singing is Beautiful and your Face is Stunning
you Deserve this Dream, you have made us all so Happy,Thankyou xxxxx

Anonymous said...

adam adores gaga and we can't take that away from him.

lola said...

hi guys, two ladies, juneau and xena have written a book about adam "ON THE MEANING OF ADAM LAMBERT" please order your copies from amazon. also visit their sites : juneau and xena or

Anonymous said...

Adam, by saying that, is just being humble.