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Adam Lambert performs "Sleepwalker" at iheartradio Live

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Anonymous said...

This is a stripped version? Wow, it's incredible. I didn't like this song so much until I heard it on Leno. Now this. Unbelievable. There are no more words for fabulous and out of this world.

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful voice and then...
I love how he rocks it starting 3:40. That's what amazes me.

Anonymous said...

I love it when he does the falsetto version of "You're everything that I want...but you don't want me" at 2:07. It's so expressive - he captures the feeling for all of our hearts that have ever been broken.
I heart Adam. I heart Sleepwalker. What a powerful performance!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Just Adorable Adam
Thankyou xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

i like the way adam sways his arms and flicks his fingers very gracious. adam can turn a particular song into hundreds of versions. very creative!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE me some Adam Lambert. Am totally infatuated with the boy...but I did not think this was his strongest performance - I'll be honest - until he really started rockin' it towards the end. I think this mid-range is not his strongest to sing in. But I love him to little, tiny pieces, no matter what!!! xxoo

Anonymous said...

I so wish this were the next single. Such a powerful song that would have mass appeal.

melissatoronto said...

I also wish this was the next single. This is my favour song since the first time I heard it. When you see Adam performing, he makes you love whatever songs he sings. Oh...Adam, what are you doing to us!

Anonymous said...

Love this song. Amazing performance, as usual.

Anonymous said...

"Sleepwalker" should have been the next release! Love Monte's guitar solo. This was my fave from the lst time I heard it! He tears it up Live!

Radio DJ's are deaf--if they are not playing this song-regardless of any official release.

Anonymous said...

Gives me goosebumps!!! Your vocal never cease to amaze me.
Come back to America Adam.

Anonymous said...

Yes, come back, Adam, we need to see and hear you on TV. You are incredible!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Last post - Yah, right on! If he did this song for the Idol appearance, the place would collapse! I keep saying I can't pick a fav song off FYE but I keep coming back to Sleepwalker and playing it over and over and ovvvvvv - it's that hard rock emotion, like Whole Lotta Love. He climbs into it and feels it and, it was like he was SO into it he couldn't let go at the end! The guy is mesmerizing!!

Anonymous said...

yes, Idol is pretty much over!!with out ADAM!!!!! if he goes back and does this on the show !!!!!WOW !!!!SHOWS OVER !!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! I love all your posts .. they say just what I'm feeling ... nothing to add ... just "THANK YOU ADAM"!!

Anonymous said...

Thanx for all the FYE songs in the thumbnails at the end of this SLEEPWALKER video .. even VOODOO .. WOW!! Just like a full ADAM concert. I just keep clicking & watching!! THANX AGAIN!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, Adam really rocks this song. His voice
is EXCITING. I literally get goose bumps all
over when he sings in the high register. Luv you
Adam Lambert.