Everyone Loves Adam Lambert!
Filed Under (magazine scans ) by Admin on Saturday, March 3, 2012
Posted at : Saturday, March 03, 2012
This is from UK GLAMOUR Magazine.

Scan via @Bloody_Viki

Scan via @Bloody_Viki
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Huh? New format?
Yay, back to posting on site! No wonder I lost so many posts! Will have to get used to this new format.
Here is a better link to above...
Wow! I just realized we can reply directly underneath someones responses too!
Adam, now you can add Sir Elton John to that list!
I think that lots of celeb. what to know Adam, I mean, like Brian & Roger from Queen,people who recognice talent want to work with Adam.
About to leave others response underneath,(btw Thanks Adim for that great idea!) you can only do it if you use your smartphone, not on the computer screen,or I just can't see how. I realise about it yesterday when I open this side with my phone.
The look on Adam's face when he's with Katy Perry is priceless .... like the cat that licked the cream!
Everyone wants to be in a picture with Adam and why not. It's great publicity for him and it shows what a nice guy he is with some of the comments from other celebs he has met. You also read the same comments from all the individuals at all the radio stations he has visited for those recent promos. Hopefully everyone will begin to notice his SUPERB vocal talent appreciate all the hard work that has gone into the making and producing of TRESPASSING.
I may know Adam better than he knows himself. ;) He said in an interview a few years back something about Fergie. He was asked in the AI days when it was that you felt like you had really made it (or something like that) and he said when Fergie came up to him backstage on the AI show and said "I just love you." I remember that because I became a bigger fan of Fergies. So he met her way before this.
JAK here..........Remote in hand I just taped BTIKM from VH1 this morning. I was a little angry with host...the video seemed too abruptly cut off. Adam walking slowly toward you with integrated personality is dramatic and needs a second to sink in at the end. The host (Jim ?) jumped in so fast it sort of spoiled the effect IMO.
Those of you regular watchers will know if that is usual. I don't watch the Top 20 Countdown...unless I've been promised Adam will be on!
Seems the celebs realize that Adam is the real deal and that he's "one of them." He's not considered an outsider. He was born to be a star. He was born with star DNA. I can't recall anyone, famous or not, who hasn't liked him after meeting him. He has made so many valuable connections in show biz since Idol. He's included in so many star-related events, etc. Hey, it just ain't a party if Adam Lambert's not there!
Sometimes they don't even show the whole video on the VH-1 top 20 countdown..so glad they @ least did for BTIKM.# 17 isn't too bad,but we need to KEEP VOTING every day TO get it higher & higher..it was so good to see it on there,tho!
Oh heck, so called celebrities
are in total and utter AWE of Adam!
He mesmerizes them everywhere he goes. Be honest how many so called stars are talented? I only know one who can fit the bill and that's Adam...and he has all the qualities of one heck of a Superstar! Adam has it all!
The ending of that vid is my fav part. That is the money shot. Sorry it was cut off. Haven't watched the Countdown for a year; no one interests me as much as Adam. Yes, Adam's personality is a plus. Who wouldn't fall in love with his charm, kindness, generosity and humor. The TOTAL package for sure. Anyone who says anything positive about Adam becomes someone I am a fan of. He could do it all -
the world is his. So glad he gets recognition and admiration from his peers as well as his highly devoted fans like us.
As you have commented , you don't have to have talant to become a star. If Adam's new album is pleasing to the people, he will make it big time. But you don't have to have only a fab voice, the songs and tunes are what catch the audience. We love Adam no matter what he sings, but not so with everyone.Anxious to hear the new album, and peoples reactions.
On a little vacation in the CA bay area/wine country..currently no wifi (motel internet doesn't like my Mac) but have trusty smartphone so can keep up..Cool new mobile format for 24/7!
Glad to hear BTIKM is #17 on VH1...#1 next week, right???!!!
Darn! Just lost my post....gotta go now be back later.
Still only that one picture of Adam and Gaga. Not that I care though. A picture of Adam and Adele is also very unlikely to occur. Adele is Adele.
I don't know why, but I think Gaga and Madonna like the money. Gaga had her 100 million deal and now it's Madonna's turn again?
Add another one...Bruno Mars:
Yes!!!! And he's not the first and he won't be the last!!!
WHAT NEW FORMAT? May I also ask what Bruno Mars said about ADAM? You see, my computer doesn't recognize Twitter or Ytube links so I have to type in a title for the link or it tells me it doesn't exist. Please post a title for the Bruno Mars link & any others so I can look them up as well. Now I'm off to VOTE! VOTE!! VOTE!!! ~~thanx~~
tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)
New mobile format allows replies...
I hope Bruno really "gets" Adam. I think he does. Future collabs would be good, or even duets.
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