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A Few More Pictures and a Video!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, March 24, 2010


lola said...

i met adam in sydney and had a photo taken with him which i will treasure. someday when he will be HUGE around the world i could say "look i met adam before and had a conversation with him, here is the proof".
please vote for adam at vh1 top 20 countdown, remember he lost the no. 1 last week, currently in no. 3.

Anonymous said...

Everyone loves u BB

Anonymous said...

when you wwfm original video #1 and unplugged wwfm#2...we're losing because we're competing against ourselves....Iok????

Anonymous said...

I'm so envious of you fans in Australia, Japan, etc. You guys get close enough to Adam to have a picture taken "with" him ... When I saw him after the Idol tour last summer, the crowds were so huge and almost out of control here in the States that we had to stand behind barricades (which were not really enough, IMO) and take pictures of Adam as he passed by. But I'm very happy with that (just wish I was in the picture with him!) He was very gracious in the face of all that frenzy. Oh, and remember to vote for vh1!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He came to Florida in desember. And we waited good 2 houres to see him when we got close to him were told that we can't take individual picture with him. We had to be in grills of 8 or 10 and the worse part was, that we were not alowd to use our cameras. It was taken by the radio station photographer and we could only see it on line
so, I still don't have a picture with Adam. Now, I don't think I will ever have a chance.
Happy for my Btits friends.

Anonymous said...

Awww, Adam's so SWEET! I love how he just walks right over to the fans and starts talking to them and getting pictures. He's such a gentleman. Love HIM!

Anonymous said...

Yay S - you met Adam at last - fantastic - I met you in London at Sony - I hope my time will come too - from S

Anonymous said...