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Adam Lambert in Red Robinson

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 9, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 09, 2010


MiMi said...

Boy, I wish I was there. Adam looks so fantastic. I love his striped Tee. What a fasion icon besides having the best voice in music and the most beautiful face. He is so adorable. I am so happy that he is doing what he loves.

Anonymous said...

Dont kill me, but he looks kinda chunky here!! Still smoking hot though..

Anonymous said...

I loved the concert! He really looks good in that casual outfit...hope he wears something like that on AI. Does anyone know yet what the theme is for next week?

Anonymous said...

Chunky? Is your screen on a wrong setting? Funny, I was just thinking how beautiful and very young he looks.
Adam looks fit and great. Love him and he killed it, again.

Anonymous said...

Chunky???? WTF are you smoking? He looks great !!!!!

Anonymous said...

holy mother of gawd how he looks in those frickin' jeans!! I love the music, I really do - his pure talent and ability reels me in like nothing else... but hot damn how he looks (especially in the actual videos) in those pants! ;)

Anonymous said...

we all love adam and we are all entitled of our own opinions, anon 10:52 i think was just trying to say adam put on a bit of weight and that is my observation too. not much but a little and that's because of his recent international tour. let's not be nasty with each other for the sake of our love with adam. PEACE - adam would love that.

Anonymous said...

I Love These Pics I Wish I Can Be Able To See This Soon. I Love How He Looks And To Me He Looks Fine. I See No Problem With His Weight. He Looks FAB In Those Pants And Shirt!! I Heard That He Might Mentor The Idols On Elvis That Will Be Amazing If True!!

Anonymous said...

Chunky??? he's just right. Perfect bod, love his tight jeans and outfit. Oh yeah, and I lu,. luv his singing.

Anonymous said...

Chunky?? I was thinking how lean he looks in his tight t-shirt, mmmmmmm, which I LOVE. Adam is not a stick-skinny guy, and never will be. And the camera adds weight. I think he looks great - but then again, I always do.

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA! What Anon 12:44 said

my take ---
this is a stunning set of photos --- even more stunning when clicked on to enlarge.

I wouldn't want Adam buff, don't even want to imagine what we would be looking at if he was.

Anonymous said...

This beautiful man needs our votes!!!!!!!
Han Han is right behind.......Please vote
time 100 poll.VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam himself said that he put some weight on during his international promo tour & it clearly shows in this photos. He is still completely gorgeoeus of course, but we are all look better a little thinner. When you look back at old clips of him, it seems he is even more attractive thinner. In the 10 Commandments he is way thinner than now & his face is very very beatiful.