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Adam Lambert Interview and Performance on Morgenmagazin

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 29, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 29, 2010

Click Here to watch Adam's interview with Morgenmagazin.

CLICK HERE to watch Adam's performance of Whataya Want From Me on the show.

Credit: Adamholic


Anonymous said...

another beautiful Flawless performance by Adam and his Band,love the electric blue lighting

Anonymous said...

Beautiful close-ups of that magnificent face and expressive eyes. This is my favorite look for him. Breathtakingly handsome! Band and Adam sounded perfect as always.He looked rested and happy! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you (9:41) This is my favorite look. It's new, different and shows off all features to their best. His eyes are so beautiful and when he sings it's as if he's looking at you. ( Not too thrilled with up do at all, it seems to distort his face!)

Anonymous said...

i know German and that guy was really nice to Adam! He was totally supportive and you probably didn't catch that but after they talked about the AMA controversy he told Adam : "Well, I'M not afraid of you at all or of you performing for us today!" as opposed to the people at ABC the morning after. i thought that was really nice.
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

xP I don't like the voice over I want to hear Adam Talk <3

Anonymous said...

Did you guys see the results for the Time 100 poll?????????????????? What a load of bull-shit! They didn't mention Adam anywhere! And I think he was number 7 the last time I looked! What a fuckin set up! I voted quite a lot but I bet a lot of you voted more than me and I feel really bad for all of us who spent our time voting and caring:( I can't believe they did that! It breaks my heart! I can't believe the people who rule american media distort reality so much! It's sickening! I'm glad I live in Europe!

Anonymous said...

I checked the Time 100 poll also and feel the same way! Am thinking I might send a message to Time asking what happened. Maybe we all should e-mail Time, what do you think? Anyway, this performance was once again an example of his beautiful voice and his originality in always changing it up. Love this man, love his voice and love this look.

Anonymous said...

i voted non stop even though i knew it would be FIXED!! America could and would not have a Gay man at the top of this Poll.....F**kin F**kers!!!!!!!!
UK Fan

Anonymous said...

Hey, hey, hey Anon 2:19 America saved your a$$ in two wars. You'd be speaking German right now if we hadn't stepped in and lost hundreds of thousands of good young men in the process.

This is an Adam loving site not a geopolitical site and while I'm not happy Adam wasn't number 1, he's new to the game. Give him time. He'll be #1 soon. Just be happy for all the awards and accolades he's been given in such a short time.

Anonymous said...

Adam's #6 in the TIME poll. YEA adam fans everywhere. Our guy is number 6 out of over 200 entrants.

Anon 4:23 Your right on.

anon 12:10 stay there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, i was also upset on the Time poll! They mentioned Conan, Subo, who are below Adam; but they did not mention him! They just used Adam fans or other fans to get clicks on their boring site!

Anyway, this is a refreshing interview!

Anonymous said...

Can someone get it out on the internet that ADAM came in #6 on the Time poll AHEAD of SuBo & right behind Lady Gaga? I'm sure some blogger or newspaper on the net like the L.A. Times or N.Y. Times might like to get wind of this ... you know how they LOVE controversy. I don't know how but maybe someone could put a HUGE headline on Google with the results starting at #1 down to #6 and leave OUT the rest of the list? I noticed that AfterElton mentioned that ADAM did not make the list with the Other GAYS in the poll. Maybe someone should INFORM them OTHERWISE!!

melissa toronto said...

I am piss too! Whenever I voted, the number dosen't seem to change. Btw this is my favorite look of Adam, makes him look younger.

Anonymous said...

ditto to 9:27, 9:41, and 11:52

And thank you for the translation info 11:49!

I love this performance.....lovely, clear, soft, sweet - with lots of closeups of those gorgeous eyes that made me fall in love with him all over again just now. Had to watch the performance twice in fact.....ahhhhh