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Adam Lambert is in Berlin now

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 29, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 29, 2010

Twitter Update: Adam tweeted a few minutes ago that he's arrived in Berlin.

"Back in Berlin!!! Woohoo!!"

-Adam Lambert


Anonymous said...

Adam you darling,you are flying around this planet spreading Love and happiness,thanks for everything

Anonymous said...

you must be frickin tired now adam! look after your health

Anonymous said...

So jealous of Adam. He gets to go all around the world.

Anonymous said...

Love Ya Adam~~~~~WWFM USA!!!!!!WE LOVE YOU ADAM!!!!

Anonymous said...

There's tired and then there's exhausted. I think Adam is exhilarated and if needs be will run on adrennelin. Love you you gorgeous man.

Anonymous said...

Lucky Berliners!