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'American Idol''s Siobhan Magnus Talks Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 29, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 29, 2010

It was a surprising bottom three on Wednesday night's "American Idol," following Shania Twain week, when Casey James, Michael Lynche and Siobhan Magnus learned they had the least number of votes. But it was Siobhan who ended up going home. May be in part due to Simon Cowell's comment: "I thought the screaming at the end may have gone a bit … it was like you were giving birth up there. But it was fun."

Siobhan's ability to hit those high notes also drew comparisons to last season runner-up and this season's mentor Adam Lambert.

"It was wicked flattering being compared to him," she admits. "He was extremely helpful as a mentor because he was the first mentor that the show ever had that was a past contestant. He knew first hand what it was like to be in our shoes. The things he said were so dead on. I tried to absorb every moment that I had with him."

Finishing sixth in the competition is just fine with Siobhan, who sees her "American Idol" experience as a stepping stone for things to come. She hopes those things include music, theater and possibly even a gig in a horror film. But first, she is looking forward to this summer's "American Idol" tour when she will be reunited with the rest of the Top 10.



Anonymous said...

Oh, lord. I don't want to be a kill-joy here, but Adam is epic in the way he hits those gorgeous high notes with perfect pitch, lets them linger in the air and even plays a bit with them. Siobhan... was just howling and screeching. Often, her screaming at the end of the song did not even sound like a note at all. Let's please stop the comparisons to Adam. Quirky, yes. She seems like a nice and unique girl. But as a singer, she's no Adam.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How can one even compare Siobhan to our wonderful Adam? She shierks, he sings. No comparison, like saying apples are like oranges.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the first 3 comments. She is not as pretty as Adam ha ha either. TGhere is only one Adam, and he is one of a kind.

Anonymous said...

I agree. She's talented but she is not the singer Adam is...>And I'd like to know WHO first made the comparison? I think it can be traced back to AI. They needed to compare someone, something to Adam in the hopes that it would be enough....

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of you. Adam SINGS. He's got vibrato and all in those high notes...even the loud, wild ones. Siobhan screams on a pitch, but it's not singing like Adam. Hers just cuts off, screechy, no vibrato.

Anonymous said...

I watched her first performance and had to turn away. I could not watch her sing. I could listen to all her performances, but not watch and I couldn't figure out why until last night. I don't want this to sound mean either, but in the Ford vampire commercial, she was the only one who really didn't need false fangs. She wore them, but imo didn't need to. ...just saying

Then she says above that she wants to be in a horror film. OK. suits her imo.

Anonymous said...

Mean people, just mean, mean, mean. True...but mean.

Anonymous said...

Everyone's comment is right on. Adam is in a league of his own and can wow everyone no matter what country he is in. This years American Idol group is so boring I can't bear to watch them. I know they are trying, but none of them have the 'it' factor. Lots of luck to all of them.

Anonymous said...

ditto! there is no "IT" factor to make me pull out all the bucks and go to the concert. Gosh, what a dull and boring bunch they are. I don't want to spend money to sit and watch them for 2 hours. They are all so "punny", they have no force, I will stay home and watch South Park!!
I do hope someday to see Siobhan though. I think she will have a good career and will improve with age. She is only 19. Lots of luck Shiobhan..

Anonymous said...

I'll bet money that it did have something to do with Simon's remark about Siobhan sounding like she was giving birth. I think those remarks have no place on the judging bench! Watch what you say, Simon, it can cause the death of a very good and talanted singer! Be a little more respectful!

Anonymous said...

I think Kara was the one who made the comparison.

Anonymous said...

I felt offended for Adam when they made that comparison. But after thinking it over I think the comparison was not as much for the voice as for the free spirit and uniqueness of personal presentation. Certainly her scream was compared to Adam's power vocals...but...really there is no comparison. She is not even in the same league as Adam. She seems like a nice girl, but she needs some vocal coaching with those screams. They are just that - screams - not power vocals like Adam's.

Anonymous said...

i think the only one who came close to having any kind of "star power" was Todrick who for some reason got booted off way too early....but you guys are soooo right. NO ONE will ever compare to Adam. But I do like Crystal and Mike they just don't have "it". Even they can't be in same catagory as Adam though....

Anonymous said...

All of the above said it well. Siobhan just doesn't know what to do with her voice. Even Adam said that he had to be taught how to hit those power notes and he's pitch perfect. I also thought that Todrick had stage presence that the others did not have. He seemed to have more experience and confidence. This was a pretty bland group, but Adam is a hard act to follow. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oh....big NO NO!
She's screeching..... unpleasant notes.
Adam is singing......beautifully and perfectly.
Period. End of story !

melissa toronto said...

Agree with you all. Siobhan is sweet & unique, but No Adam comparison Kara please. Crystal, Lee, Michael & Casey are good but don't have the IT factor. I also thought Todrick has stage presence.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes... I agree with most of the above comments - that Siobhan can't sing!!! like I've said b4 in my previous comments when Kara made the comparison between Siobhan and Adam... I was like.. NO WAY!! no one can be compared to
Adam Lambert!!! He is so talented, versatile and he has a kind of 'magnate' in him that makes u attracted to him all the time!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad that Siobhan is out - couldn't stand another week of her screaming! Granted that she has a big voice and queer, but I cant imagine myself listening to her CD. There is no way that she can be compared to Adam.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is keeping "alien boy" in??? He should have gone. Not handsome, no "it" factor. Must be teens and grandmas. He's a dork and I can't believe people would pay to see him. He belongs on Glee. Siobhan should have at least beat him. When she's not shreeking she does have a beautiful voice. Copying Adam was a big mistake! I can't believe anyone would choose a song Adam sung last year. Really stupid. Who manages these kids????

Anonymous said...

c'mon peeps, let's not be so negative, live and let live...they have hearts after all...

no one is like adam so...comparing is useless

and vote for adam on the vh1 top 20 countdown!