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Adam Lambert featured in OK! Magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, May 20, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, May 20, 2010

This is the 5/31/10 issue.



Anonymous said...

shame that boy george gets credit in this mag/video,
boy george is such a VILE man!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking at the mag pix and seeing they are from the IIHY shoot, and so I just wanted to post here what I just posted on the other 24/7 thread about "Enetertainment Tonight" 's (ET)segment on the topic tonight: Will just cut and paste - thought some fans, especially non-USA fans might be interested - sorry if it's long:

Hey fans - if anyone is checking back in this thread because of the "Entertainment Tonight" involvement - just wanted especially the non-USA fans to know that I just watched the "ET" story live East Coast USA and at the risk of sounding goofy - it was THRILLING. There was a teaser near the beginning of the broadcast - and then the actual story, deemed an "exclusive" was quite substantial itself! I was actually happily surprised at the time given. I'm sure 24/7 will upload it. Yeah, it was a pretty beefy little segment considering how the format of these shows work! ET obviously has a relationship with Lambert harkening back to AL's covering the Grammy red carpet for them, which they mentioned. I've been a little disgusted with "E" not coverning AL much...but at least AL has this relationship with "ET". Anyway, another cool thing is that the story was VERY well placed within the 1/2 hour formatted program being aired at just a little before 1/2 way through - great placement, thought that was notable. Also, at the end of the segment, Samantha Harris mentioned the Glam Nation Tour being just about sold out and so you should hurry and get your tix :). Yay. Well, again, I'm sure 24/7 will get it on here... but just thought your Glamfans might enjoy the POV of someone who just watched it realtime...was really exciting :). Back to life now!!

Serena said...

Anon 4:55

You mean there's another video of ET with Adam??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah 11:13 - I mean, I can't get to every single daily episode of "E" because I have a life to lead :)...but with midday repeats of previous days' evening show and weekend editions and stuff, I catch a lot of "E" shows, and I feel they are very stingy with their coverage of Adam. The other day, "E" did a big segment (considering the format of "E" it was a long segment) on R.Pat's appearance on Ellen... I thought they might segue into a quick blurb about AL appearing - NOPE! Now, I know the world does not revolve around Adam Lambert and many PR people and publicists and managers are working to get their clients on shows like "E", but I think that AL Ellen appearance warranted a quick blurb on "E" and they could have done it right when they came out of the R. Pats story (like "ET" came right out American Idol coverage and went into their segment on Lambert). I've sort of kept a close eye on this since back at New Year's Eve, "E" and the "D 10" gave some coverage on New Year's Eve festivities - and they didn't even mention AL at Gridlock - NOW THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN TOTALLY FINE IF THEY HADN'T MENTIONED PARTIES AND EVENTS WITH MUCH LESSER HOT STARS AT THE MOMENT!!! On "E" especially, they gave a run down of - like events hosted by the Kardashians and Nicole Ritchie... I know "E" has a relationship with the K's and stuff like that, but they listed this event held by Eva Longoria at her new restaurant - all sorts of parties were mentioned - so I thought it was certainly reasonable to mention the Gridlock gig!! Idk - just irked me then and I've kept an eye on it since and I feel "E" is a little stingy with their coverage of non-Idol Adam Lambert. I remember hearing Ryan interviewing Lambert on his radio show when Lambert was first letting out that the was going to do the Grammy Red Carpet for "ET" and Ryan made a joke about "competition" but somehow, by the tone of his voice, it seemed like a little "irk" was in w/ that joke. IDK, just interesting. Well, I can tell you one thing - I'm gonna skip "E" and "D10" and just watch "Entertainment Tonight" and "Access Hollywood" (who also has been good to Adam Lambert) when I have the time to catch these shows. Sorry to be so long w/ this post :(. LOL

Anonymous said...

boy george is a very vile man! steer clear adam

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree anon at 4:55 and also 5:52. I thought the same things as I watched last night. I just can't help but want all of them to gush about Adam!

Anonymous said...

I agree about ET. Stopped watching them because it's boring. They don't realize that Adam has as many fans as the number of CD's that sold or thereabout. So, they should cover him more often than they do. Covering the Osmonds every day is just mind boggling and show how out of touch they are! They need a re-vamp on that show.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:10 - this is 5:52 here - I don't know if you understood me correctly (or maybe I'm not getting you correctly), I am actually saying I AM in favor of "ET - Entertainment Tonight" (though I do hear 'ya on the Osmonds stuff :)...ET has a longstanding relationship with them too I think). I was saying that I have been irked by "E" 's coverage - 'ya now "E News" w/ Ryan Seacrest and Guiliana Rancic etc. I think "E News" and their sister broadcast "D 10" are very stingy with their coverage of Adam Lambert (and I sorta think there's some underlying reason why - nothing big - just maybe competition or something because Lambert has been hooked in nicely to Access Hollywood and "ET" (Entertainment Tonight). But I do also agree w/ you 7:10 on "ET" (Entertainment Tonight" needing to revamp and update themselves a bit - and I think they have been in the process of that the past year or so actually. Yeah, so, I am going to start bypassing (when I even have time in the first place) "E News" and "The Daily 10", who covers that same SHORT LIST over and over, and check out "ET" and "Access Hollywood" when I can - they cover the same things "E" will and seem to dig Adam Lambert. I mean it's all business behind the scenes - Lambert's camp could have made certain deals for future coverage w/ "ET" when they first collaborated on the Grammy Red Carpet stuff... and if not officially, there's also certain unofficial "I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine" stuff going on all the time... we people not in the industry don't even know the half of it I'm sure... and I don't really care, I'm just saying that I think I'll watch "Entertainment Tonight" and "Access Hollywood" when I have the chance because at least they seem to cover Lambert when it's warranted.