Adam Lambert: IF I HAD YOU Video Preview!
Filed Under (If I Had You,pictures ) by Admin on Friday, May 14, 2010
Posted at : Friday, May 14, 2010

Adam Lambert steps into some seriously high platform shoes for his new “If I Had You” video early Thursday morning (May 13) in Griffith Park, Calif. has the first pics from the music video set, where the 28-year-old American Idol alum wore glittered 8-inch high platform shoes with spiked shin guards. Glam rock to the max!

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WOW, WOW, and WOW!!! (Speechless.............)
This is going to be the video of this generation!!
Adam Lambert! Adam & the band are HOT!!!
Leather, glitter, studs....the glam rock god is ready to show it all in one very HOT, SIZZLING video. Can't wait to see it.
I wonder if Kriss Allen will do a video like this, ha ha ha ha ha
Leave Kris alone - different style altogether. I hope the best for Adam's video but I wish Kris good luck as well. There certianly plenty of room for both artists. They are good friends, and one would only wish the other well. Let's follow their example.
Hot hot. Adam looks amazing as always. This in one HOT outfit!
Bring on the glam. What a ride!!!!
Ooooow wow wow hoot hoooot hoot
He's just drop dead gorgeous loving those sexy boots!
Can't wait for the vid :)!!
as Ellen Degeneres might say - "Adam Lambert that Adam Lambert is hot"! And if you're a real fan and have been paying attention - you'll know what means LOL :)
well it aint Memorial Day yet but daayyamm I'm glad he's wearing white... white hot is what he looks like those pants ;)
OMGGGGGG!!! This look is fantastic and sexy!!
OMFG! Adam looks freakin amazing, drool...drool, he looks dang hot in the white sexy outfit.
just saw these comments on another site and thought you hard core 24/7-ers would love them:
"OMG….THUD!! I’m dead! Totally dead! Death by Adam will need to be a new category on all death certificates I think."
this was in response to latest pix of Adam from Paper Mag. party and IIHY mv shoot.
so funny, so true! The Glamily is such a witty lot.
OMFG those Boots are F**king Mental!!!!!!!!!
Adam is soooooooooo HOT
Fantastic Glam Rock Sex God Look!! LOVE IT !
Only Adam can create this LOOK!! for 2010
The Boots are so 1970s English Glam Rock..checkout English Band SWEET boots
I cannot wait to see this Video
Adam looks Drop Dead Gorgeous in White!!
the Band look real Rockin!!
so proud of Adam and Band
WE all know Adam's going to be a Huge Iconic Star
but this Video will show the doubters for sure
the American conservatives will need to sit down once they see ADAM THE GAY GLAM ROCK STAR STRUTING HIS STUFF!!! BRING IT ON BABY!!
Lambrit Isle of Wight UK
proud to come from the land of Original Glam
SMOKING HOTTT!!! that's all I can say...
i bet the wild animals in this forest thought what the F**K !!!!
WHITE hot!
and hey, isn't that the tour jacket with the tails off?! He said he would find a special use for it without the tails someday. HIS tail is quite enough thank you very much ;)... and with no coat-tails in the way, better view to his tail, lol. Okay, I'm awful, I know I know, I'm saying goodbye now, lol.
GREAT STUFF!!!!! i cannot get enuff of these pictures,
Adam is so Beautifully HOT!
checkout Longineu in picture 6 Rocking that Beat
Lambrit Isle of Wight UK
adam looks awesome!
Adam is the definition of both masculine and feminine. He's the man of every women/men's dream. I wish I can find someone like him in real life. <333333333
So obsessed.
anon 4.25......don,t we ALL !!!!
Did Adam shave the hair on the side of his head- like Tommy's?
please help us this is such a treat and also torture when is the video due for release
Lambrit Isle of Wight UK
Knew you were like me. When the Idols on season 8 did a group number in white, when Adam sang Feeling Good and when he did some post Idol interviews wearing a white jacket, I almost fainted. He pops white. It makes him so verrrrrrrry beautiful. Lovin me some ADAM :)
Love and Light
For those of you who might not know, Griffith Park in Los Angeles is where the LA Zoo is. Bet he had the animals up all night long. (Hearing lions roaring in the background.)
I didn't realize how much I missed the glam bulge. Photo one. thud >--<-O
WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAITTTTTTTT????? Anon 3:30PM, still laughing at your comment. Sooooooo right! One can only imagine the state of that forest at sunrise, at the end of the shoot.
Hi Love and Light...yeah i know it getting late in the night over here in UK .. 2.30am and we have a car boot to do at 7am.
..poor other half will be dragged screaming to the computer just so i can show him how bl**dy Hot Adam is looking in his Glam Rock Sex God Look!!
What are we LIKE!!!!!
don.t know if you know but just had to go to
Sunny Choi Music Channel to hear ..if i had you.. again to calm myself down ..phew!
and found that she also plays Whataya want from me and Muse uprising,she's so good
how long will we have to wait for the video??
well really must turn this darn computer off well maybe in a while,i want to go and hear ring of fire 1st and then and then ........
Lovin Adam so much Lambrit Isle of Wight UK
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
oops, I'm an American politically concervative Christian who LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEEESSSSS Adam. Pease don't place us all in one basket. Thanks :)
So I got my boots on, the right mount of leather...
oooops....sorry anony 6.35..but you probably will need to sit down like we all will after seeing this video and dancing around like mental glamberts and glambrits
sorry no offence intended :)
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Sunny is brilliant. Love whatever she does because it's contemporary. You can say bloody in US because it doesn't have the same meaning over here. Ring of Fire and Can't Let You Go - these are my calmer downers.
Have fun at your car boot (I'm guessing that's something like a tailgate here. lol)
The video is out sometime in the first two weeks of June. They have to do the post production now and that can take a while.
Regards to the other half for putting up with you.
Love and Light
anony..6.46 thats funny
Love and Light.........JUNE....BLOODY HELL!!!
thats like forever!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
not sure what a tailgate is a carboot is carting your crap to some field in early hours of the bloody morning and someone buys it Bloody Fantastic
Anon 6:46
I'm anon 6:45 Hey guess what? FYI I dance, I sing, I laugh, I cry, but I don't get baited easily. Lambert lovers come in all shapes and sizes just like gays do. I will ruin my lungs screeming when this new video comes out. Adam is the best thing to come along in decades. Thanks for your concern, no offense taken. :)
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
The f**k you say! A Tailgate is a when you take food and beer with you, go to a football game and share your food with your friends before the game. Your carboot is what we call a swap meet. lol
Lordy I love learning new things.
Love and Light
hi 6.45..7.03 ..i am 6.46 (this is starting to sound like some secret code.. lol) Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
I forgot to add my tag...
I Agree Adam is the best thing to happen in decades...he's driving us women/men crazy with love...and WE LOVE IT.xx
love and light....that sounds fun..our football matches you go watch, cheer and sing "who,s eaten all the pies!!! i know don't ask!!!lol
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Anon 6:45 here. xoxoxoxoxo :)
aah thanks 6.45 thats sweet xoxoxoxo (*-*)/")
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
What a week - got glam nation tickets and now these hot pictures - DON'T (ever) let me out of this dream!!
Okay Glamily - going for AL tix for Massachusetts show tomorrow morning - wish me luck (I'm gonna need it) and send some positive energy out into the universe would 'ya?!
@Anonymous May 14, 2010 5:51 PM, who said...
I didn't realize how much I missed the glam bulge. Photo one. thud >--<-O
Too freakin' funny (and true ;)!!)
anon i am sending you lots of luck and postive vibes from the UK for your tixs for Glam Nation Tour
i,m so digging those Glam boots and Adam of course
Oh man - Adam, you're killin me! You look f'n HOT! Love the star painted over his eye. Love the crazy boots. The whole band looks great...but am still so curious to see this video because, personally, I find this song very pop (almost light and bubble gum-y) and these outfits/images seem a lot heavier than what I picture in my head when I hear the song.
Your Car boot is also called a flea market here...
AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree with you anon 7:55! In fact, those are the sorts of words I sing whenever I hear Sleepwalker...because I LOVE this dream - ever since I first saw a picture of Adam, even though it was on TV and wasn't in an empty hallway. I heard that voice and I KNEW + I couldn't walk away. (yes, I play around with the lyrics a lot)
Love the Glambulge!!!!!!!
cannot wait to see this video
Are we all crazed? Nope, we're Adam Lambert Fans.
Weighs in hands, the boots or the bulge. The boots or the bulge. Bulge wins everytime although the boots are hawt!
The video was awesome... but not his best one, i have to say :P
*swoons from Adam's hotness*
Bring back the white pants! It's not labor day yet!! Smokin'! funbunn40
He speaks gay (homosexual)
but it is quite nice
Adam and Tommy look so fucken hot I feel like fucking Adam so so bad
My name is Linda Galicia martinez and I love Adam lambert's music and him
Adam lambert is the hottest and sexyes man alive love his beautiful eyes!
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