Adam Lambert tweets 'CAMPINESS'
Filed Under (random,twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, May 22, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, May 22, 2010

After performing on Jay Leno's show last night, Adam tweeted a total of 12 tweets, mostly about the definition of 'Camp' and 'Glee'. Check it out! It's funny and interesting!
"Goldfrapp's video for ALIVE is hilarious. CAMP so often goes over the general public's head... so sad... video put a huge grin on my face. Other things CAMP: Mika. Scissor Sisters. Gaga. My FYE album cover... lol. None of them to be taken too seriously... until they want to be. GLEE is the campiest shit ever. "Glee is the campiest shit ever" doesn't mean A) I dont like Glee (was saying how much i enjoyed campy stuff) or B) that Im gonna be on it. CAMP: willfully over-emphasizes certain elements of a genre or theme, creating an almost self-satirical milieu. Campy: being so extreme that it has an amusing and perversely sophisticated appeal.
I ENJOY CAMPINESS... got it!? Rocky Horror is so so Camp one needs a TENT to watch it.
My tour is gonna be GLAMPY. lol #GLAMNATION"
If you are curious, here is Goldfrapp's music video for ALIVE.
And here is MIKA's music video for WE ARE GOLDEN. (Adam tweeted about this video a few months ago.) It's a very fun and sexy pop video! Check it out!
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Im the biggest Scissor Sisters fan on the planet. They are the ONLY band that could detour me from Adam. LOVE THEM!!!
I LOVE MIKA. I'm so happy me and Adam both have the same taste in music and men.
That was so strange...was Adam drunk?
I'm so glad that Adam included MIKA. I have been a MIKA fan for 3 years. I follow his every step.
He has a new music video out this month...."kick ass"
Mika was nominated at the 2009 European Music Awards in Berlin same time Tokio Hotel won for best group. It is amazing that in the US we never hear of what's happening in Europe on national TV.
In Europe, everybody knows what's up in the US and all over the world!
These were tons of fun, happy and while artistic, not overly serious about THE ART. Lots of fun, talent and creativity—like Adam!
Referencing anony 12:41. You are correct. Americans, for the most part, are insulated. They have difficulty comprehending how riots/economy in Greece should impact them, so it is perfectly clear how they (we) ignore international music. This was my first exposure to Mika, and I adored it. Thanks to this site for posting.
Those of you going to the Glam Nation concerts, here's a cool idea fans have for a flash mob surprise for Adam, complete with the choreography:
Hey fans - I've been away from 24/7 since early yesterday - so I haven't read through everything yet - so sorry if I'm repeating something or it's terribly off-topic... but just FYI if anyone is interested, Kiss 108 Boston is having their version of Wango Tango type concert today and they show it live on their website, here's link:
and check out their website and the line-up, Adam near end of show this time. And also, popular Kiss 108 DJ told a funny story on air today which I caught about getting tons of calls about Lambert's performance at concert today (just outside Boston, Mansfield MA, I live a few towns over and no tix :(!! lol) and he also said one of their employees has asked him (Matty) to introduce her to Lambert to get his autograph on the back of her neck because she's going to get it tattoo'd... but mostly the coolest thing was that Matty played IIHY (it was my first time hearing it on the radio - AND IT WAS SOOOO EXCITING I gotta say!) Sorry for rambling, I'm really rushing and not concentrating on being concise, but again, if you're interested, apparently Adam will be shown on Kiss 108's website which I've linked here (just watched a few minutes of The Script a few minutes ago myself, so I guess it's legit). Sorry if this has already been posted or I'm wrong. Kiss 108 Boston always been supportive of AL!!!
^^^ Anon 2:19
Thanks for the info :D
Hey 3:48 - this is 2:19 here again - yeah man, this coverage on Kiss 108 site is actually awesome... I'm just checking back to 24/7 and this thread to see if people commented about checking out the Kiss 108 link... dang, I hope the 24/7 fans are! This is great... wasn't sure what to expect, but getting excited now!!!
Now returning the conversation to the topic at hand..."campy". Isn't it sad that Adam has to explain it to his fans. We really should have "gotten it" by this point. I don't know what prompted him to write all that. I suspect twitter went wild commenting on his new video pics. I personally think Adam and all his "campiness" is part of his charm. He's going to do things in his way, how he wants and we should just sit back, chuckle, be amused and love every minute of Adam's campiness and the surprise of every show he performs. Just sayin. Now, I see his new video pics (fabulous magical fantasy world, by the way!) and I say to myself..."That's our Adam!", chuckle and smile. What a pleasure he is on so many levels.
Thanks for the link! I'm watching it now. Just in time for Adam? I'm seeing fans screaming with Adam signs. I didn't know that Adam would be performing today. I thought it was a day off.
Yeah thx for the link. Watching now.
I hope he performs BROKEN OPEN.
I am such a fan of Mika!
I was the one who Adam answered about Mika during his twitter party.
verrrrrrrrry interesting!
I FREAKING LOVE MIKA !!! and i'm so glad that i had the chance to see him yesterday on a concert in RABAT morocco ( i travelled 250 Km to see him ) he was just so much fun as usual !!! hope that i'll have the chance to see my ROCK GOD ADAM FUCKING LAMBERT here soon !!
A lot of people do not get Camp! If they don't get "Rocky Horror" then they cannot understand where Adam is coming from! CAMP is fun and it's just a smidgen of what Adam likes to do. He is so versatile but enjoying Camp is a good-thing. That is why he is so funny. His wave length is out there but that is why I enjoy him.
Surprised people don't understand 'campy', but there again so many had a problem with the 'FYE' Album cover which was campy and incredible!
What is Rocky Horror, should it be more like an urban legend. I think only Finns and Saudis are called forest people, and that's not necessarily a compliment, but maybe in Hollywood too..
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