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Gorgeous Picture of Adam Lambert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, May 14, 2010

Posted at : Friday, May 14, 2010

This is a photoshoot from the Japanese Magazine INROCK.

SOURCE: Adamholic


Anonymous said...

He has too much make up on.

Here's a better and hotter looking man:

Kris Fan Christy

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you KRIS FAN KRISTY!!! I don't like reading your comments here. Get the f out of this blog!!

Anonymous said...

You're pix are lovely Kris Fan Christy - I gave them a look... but I'll keep my fandom with Lambert and his wordly, aware, adult, sensual deliciousness (and the vocal prowess, well I'll continue to support Lambert on that too).

Anonymous said...

were looking at a beautiful man not no boring country singer kris allen!! get real or piss off!!

Anonymous said...

Just wondering, is there any other males here?(gay or straight) Or am I the only (straight) guy here??

I noticed most of Adam's fans across all boards are women. Wonder why. His music is good. Should appeal to more people.

PS: Broken Open needs to be a single.


Anonymous said...

Adam has the most beautiful Eyes,
hey Kris Fan Christy Adam will be Iconic remember we told you!!

Anonymous said...

omfg hotter!!its that deluded Kris Fan Christy again
she loves Adam really thats why she keeps popping in to see how beautiful Adam is lol

BabyGirl said...

Christ Christy, why don't you find another hobby? I'm sure Kris doesn't want you to stalk Adam.

Anonymous said...

Kris Fan Christy,surely its your bedtime soon,nighty night

Anonymous said...

Martin, I'm not sure online, but in real life, there's a lot of guys who love Adam. I have witnessed a few. I'm sure you're not alone.

Also, there are a lot of straight guys who are closeted Adam fans because of society pressures which will doubt their sexuality becuase they listen to a gay singer which is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

it's funny for this kristy allen fan, so delluted saying kris is hotter whatever, better whatever than adam? she was a fan of kris and now obsess with our adam, coming here and there :) the truth is...all the experts say, adam is very talented and one of the most beautiful people and iconic...that's why kristy allen coming to this site..:) Yay!

Anonymous said...

Adam without make up = 10x hotter than Kris.

Adam with make up = 100x hotter than Kris.

End of story.

Anonymous said...

I am straight (guy), i love adam's music, i may not be crazy for adam like all his female fans are, but i admire adam for his talent, his mastermind, his braveness/risks taker. And guess what, adam may be gay, but he's very manly in handling things in my opinion. I am a fan :) ~ robert

Anonymous said...

Kris is a major dork. His tweets are are pathetic talking about picking his nose, etc. He is only 23, so hopefully he'll mature.

Too bad Idol is a popularity contest and not a singing contest. This year's Michael has an amazing voice but not as "cute" as Casey who can't sing worth a darn--but a great guitarist. Same thing happened last year with the tweens, having nothing better to do, just clogging the lines.

Martin, I can assure you that there are a lot of straight guys, including my hubby, who love Adam and appreciate his talent. However, you're right, most of his overt fans are female. In addition to the voice and performance talent, Adam is eye candy. Sexy is sexy. So guys, enjoy the results what Adam does to us.

Anonymous said...

Yay Martin and Robert - promote Lambert if you can in whatever ways you feel comfortable doing!! Good for you.

Anonymous said...

IMO ... Idol made a big mistake when they added INSTRUMENTS to the contest. If it is a SINGING contest then why add the instruments? Do you think Kris Allen would have made it on just his VOCALS? I DON'T!! In a singing contest the VOICE is the ONLY instrument that should be considered! GO AWAY KRIS FAN KRISTY!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Robert and Martin,welcome aboard this wonderful Adam Lambert Site,
yes we can't help it but Adam has this beautiful Effect on us Women and hopefully men as well,he's driving us crazy with his Hot Sex Appeal and stunning looks and Gorgeous Charisma, we just cannot control ourselves,hes the most amazing man to ever walk this planet..see i told you we just can't control our lust!

Anonymous said...

HEY! Kris Fan Christy: What magazine is that photo from? How many covers has Kris been on?? Are you his PR person on these message boards? How much do you get paid to promote Kris Allen?

Anonymous said...

yeah come on tell us were waiting Kris Fan Christy

Anonymous said...

hey kris is that you??? hiding behind the name Kris Fan Christy

Anonymous said...

i have just checked out this pic of hot kris,
F**k me its awful sorry but does not fulfill my dreams of a man.i like a man with some spunk,
and his name is Adam Lambert voice and looks of an angel

Anonymous said...

good lord kris fan christy! you can't even find a recent picture of the guy,can you? this is from april 18, it says on the article. Poor Lad! Noone even cares he exists...Lambert has stolen all this guy's thunder, starting with the publicity, international fame, sales and overall success.

Anonymous said...

kris fan christy! how dumb are you Adam is Huge kris will soon be history get a grip truth hurts don't it!

Anonymous said...

i have a feeling that kris fan christy is either kris allen or one of his relatives. too bad, adam does not want us to be negative but sometimes we could only take much.

anyway, kris fan christy, thank you for stalking adam, are you in denial? come, don't be shy, you could join and have fun with us (adam's fans)

Anonymous said...

To kris fan christy: actually this one is hotter than the one you have there...

Anonymous said...

Haha... Anon 9.31pm u r very funny!!! yeah who knows that Christy is a 'paid' agent tasked to spy on Adam n his fans!!

Adam is the ONLY artise I follow so far! I'm always looking forward to reading updated articles on him n checked him on my Twitter every now n then just to see if Adam posted any new tweets!!

I think I am so addicted to Adam that at one point when I didn't receive his tweet for a day (esp on the day when was busy shooting the IIHY video) I'm like missing him so much!!!

Adam I'm in Love with u darling!!! I love u so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Stan - LOL!!!! That was a good one!

glitzylady said...

Re straight male Adam fans: My husband and 29 yr old son are both fans, of his singing talent, his personality, his sense of humor, his grace under pressure, his creativity, his intelligence, his courage to be himself, etc., and thought he should have won Idol by a landslide, and my son doesn't even like the show and has only watched it for Adam. My husband has been to one concert recently (I've been to 3, soon to be 4), didn't really see what was the big deal with the AMA's , was the instigator of voting for Adam last year, something we had never done before, and my son is going to one of the Glamnation concerts in July, on his birthday no less! Being a former high school "theater kid", he really appreciates Adam's theatrical performances. He listens to Adam's CD in his car. But, as anon at 9:05 said, we ladies of all ages are also VERY impressed with the REST of him, and are drawn to him for more reasons than just his singing abilities! I may be "older", but i know sexy when I see it, and when you mix that with being the nice man that he obviously has become, I can't help but be over the top in my "enthusiastic" support for, and sometimes in defense, of Adam. He has that undefinable charisma that I just can't resist or explain, so I just go with it and enjoy! And, in regard to the lack of males in these types of sites, I just think we ladies are a little more social and like to express our thoughts, just can't keep all of our Adam adoration to ourselves, and there are just more of us! I also can't just ramble on to friends and co-workers all the time, they already think I'm a little nuts (so true...)!

Anonymous said...

Great comments anony 10:12 p.m. I'm sure there are a lot of male Adam fans out there still in the closet. The men who like Adam's music are self-assured and confident in their sexuality. They don't feel one bit threatened by the fact that Adam is gay. Good for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Agree with losing the instruments on Idol. It's a singing competition. Isn't a full band/orchester enough for the contestants? I get so sick of seeing pathetic singers standing behind a guitar. Most of them don't really play that well. They are just going through the motions.

bec said...

Fans on either side - be nice to each other please?!!! It's apples and oranges!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just read all of the above posts. AI 8 was a year ago. Season 9 is just about to end. Can everyone PLEASE stop talking about last year's season. It's done and over with. Adam Lambert is now a superstar internationally. That's my main interest here. For having viewed many of Adam's videos on YouTube, rest assured that there are lots and lots of male fans commenting on how much they like Adam's music and him as a performer.

Anonymous said...

I'm a male (aged 48) who grew up on Zeppelin, Beatles, Rush, even the Carpenters! And the past 10-15 years in pop/rock music have sucked..... until Adam Lambert came along!! I've read this site daily for the past 8 or so months and have followed Adam since his audition on American Idol even predicting him to win but not concerned he came in second because.... look at him NOW!! He's been on Oprah, the Tonight Show, Barbara Walters special, cover of Rolling Stone, toured Europe, Japan, Australia, and now getting ready for a US tour. His single is platinum, his album is gold/platinum. Take it from a guy who's been listening to music since the ORIGINAL Woodstock... this guy is an incredible talent and will only get bigger! Just watch, listen and enjoy!
-Tom (Palm Springs, CA)

Anonymous said...

To all the men who might frequent this site: thank you for being here!

As mentioned a number of times, none of us can help the crazy mindset Adam has put us in! I haven't been this obsessed with a singer since I was in high school! I love Adam for more than just his talent...he's a beautiful man, inside and out. I appreciate who he is as a person, his strength, his candidness, his humor and his ability to articulate his refreshing point of view so eloquently. My husband thinks I've lost my mind...and I guess he's right...but I've happily lost it! :)

I think Adam has such an appeal to women for a couple reasons - first, the obvious (he's talented and sexy), but second, I think Adam is everything women want men to be, but in the US, men tend to be so much more "macho". Excuse the cliche, but Adam is in touch with his feminine side - he is a kind, thoughtful, caring person. I think a lot of women have a very emotional attachment to him.

I personally think, as someone stated above, that women are more social and will spend more time on sites like this, commenting. So - perhaps there are plenty of male fans, but they prob don't spend as much time socialzing online as women do.

And - lastly - beautiful picture of Adam!! Kris seems like a nice guy, but a bit "too nice" (ie - not very exciting) for me. Adam's got some spice.

Anonymous said...

Martin, Robert, Stan and Tom: So glad you guys spoke out. Maybe you'll encourage other guys who post as anonymous to join you. My husband, his brother, my 3 sons and 2 nephews (all in their 30's and straight) think Adam is the best thing to come along in ages. They don't mind the guyliner or the glitter or the makeup as long as they can hear this wonderful man sing.
I don't know if they go on Adam fansites, but I do know that they have touted Adam to their friends and I bought each of them and their wives Adam's FYE for Christmas. I bought a total of 12 - one for hubby and one for me.

Sorry you happened to come in on a blog that has been arguing re Kris vs Adam. We try to keep it down, but some fans are more willing to trade barbs than others.

Thanks, guys for being here. You're already loved because you appreciate adam. Please join us whenever you can in all things Adam Lambert. We love your opinions.

Love and Light

glitzylady said...

Hey, Tom from Palm Springs at 11;16 pm, thanks for the Woodstock male perspective. As a former, slightly older truly Woodstock generation female, I have to agree. I missed a whole lot of years of music, mainly from lack of interest, but have recently found some worthwhile things to listen to, partly because I have been paying attention (a whole lot of attention!) to Adam, but also to some of the artists that he is enthusiastic about as well. Not a fan of country or rap, and there didn't seem to be much else out there, but now my iPod (which I bought initially to download Adam's Idol performances) is full of Adam, Lady Gaga, Pink, Beyonce, Kings of Leon, Muse, etc.. Adam does have that 60's and 70's feeling of course, with a new spin, and he certainly does know how to entertain us. And I sure have never in my entire life flown a thousand miles to a concert (in your neck of the woods) for his epic first solo concert at Fantasy Springs. Betting you were there too! The power of Adam, and as you said, this is just the beginning!

Anonymous said...

Hey, hey, hey - its old MaMa again. Guess I have to get hateful and send a few of you to your rooms. You know the rules. IGNORE HATERS
IGNORE HATERS IGNORE HATERS IGNORE HATERS. They don't know what to do when you don't respond to them. TheY slink away quietly with their tails between their legs. Argue with them and the fight is on every time. STOP IT NOW - or I'll have to bring in Old PaPa and he loves Adam more than I do and he can cuss with words you've never heard. GOT IT?

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom from Palm Springs - I used to live in your neck of the woods, but I moved north FAR north. Miss going to Idylwild for day trips.

Welcome to 24/7 and bring your buds along with you next time. It's good to have men in this site.

Anonymous said...

Martin I totaly agree with you about Broken Open being a single and so should I Can't Let You Go. It's a true rock ballad and showcases Adam's vocals to the max.

Anonymous said...

I Just Can't Stand Kris Fan Christy. That site she posted for us to enjoy Kris shirtless, if you haven't seen it, don't go, He's got the UGLIEST belly button ever seen on earth. This is just a warning, please don't hurt your eyes.

Sorry Old Mama, this is the last one. I promise.

Anonymous said...

It's men who admit Adam's talent and manliness in the way he handles things who seem comfortable and confident with their heterosexsuality to me. That's what I find manly and attractive.

Martin and Robert, you rock!

Anonymous said...

and tTom, sorry, missed your post.

Anonymous said...

Martin,Tom and Robert thank u!!! Finally male fans are speaking up, after all it's not just women that like Adam's music and voice..male fans like his voice and manlyness weelll so do we which is why we find him eye-candy, very very hot-sexy eeye-candy...see lust just takes over..Lol
P.S.:ignore non-fans
Take Care,
Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

Me again..forgot to say I love this picture of Adam (already have it on my laptop)...he looks devilish, lol!

Portuguese Fan

Anonymous said...

Old MaMa your'e a scream when you tell off the haters!
Welcome to all the Men... Martin, Robert, Stan and Tom on this site,
truthfully what do you think of us Adam Crazy women.with our open Love Leters to Our Sex Glam Rock God Adam, its totally out of our control,
The Delicious Adam has stolen our hearts forever and we really Thank him BIG time for that, Our lives will never be the same again just more exciting,happier and FUN!!
Lovimg the Lambert,Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

I love hearing from Robert, Martin, Stan and Tom! Thank you guys for speaking up here. Nice to know you're here. And I agree about Broken Open too. It's my favorite and I hope they really will release it as a single after Adam gets more established on radio.

There is a guy who is a big Adam fan and often comments on MTV articles about Adam. He goes by Bruce99 there, and I've wondered if he ever comes here. He has great things to say.

I was too young to go to Woodstock, but wanted to be a part of that so much that I, like you others, was not only thrilled when Adam came along - but had a huge sense of relief. It was like I could breathe again, could BE more fully who I really am again. It gives me such hope for the future. :)

I've been curious about what our tags are on youtube, and if I've encountered some of you there without knowing it (for those of us who have youtube accounts). I am wowwnc on youtube, and of course have tons of Adam videos on my page (plus tons more on my playlists).

I'm the one who put this link for SYTYCD dances set to Broken Open here a few days ago. In case you haven't seen it still, it is beautiful:

Cheers everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie - and thanks for that link to SYTYCD - they damn well better use at least one of Lambert's songs this year!!!

Anyway, wanted to say Right On to the men who commented here. I am too young for Woodstock - but you know why I love Adam Lambert - because he reminds me of who I did follow and enjoy growing up. I loved Elton John, LOVED Meatloaf, Queen, Bowie a bit, Prince, Duran Duran, Adam Ant, Blondie/Debbie Harry... some of those artists had super stardom, some of them didn't... but I loved them (and more) and Lambert reminds me so much of them. In recent years I just fell into purchasing Pink and Christina A. and that sort of artist (in the Pop/Rock arena anyway, I have other interests musically that aren't popular radio genres)... and I LOVE PINK etc., but I'm finding Lambert's music really fulfilling in a way that Meatloaf and Prince and Elton John used to make me feel. But anyway, I've digressed, my point was supposed to be that men of my age (41) who spent their youth listening to Elton, Meatloaf, Prince (which males of my generation DID) and even Poison or Motley Crue etc. - like my husband did - well, why wouldn't they love Adam Lambert' music then. My husband digs Lambert's music for reasons like this. I'm really rushing and I didn't say that all very well - but just wanted to put that out there. Again, kudos to you guys who posted! Spread the word.

Anonymous said...

It's good that Christy's plan didn't work out. I bet she wanted us to be mad but it ended up being a fan discussion. Yay!!

And Christy, please never comment ever again!! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Lova Ya Martin and Robert & Tom~~~~Thank you guys for seeing Adam for what he does.

Anonymous said...

don,t forget Stan!!
welcome aboard the spaceship to Planet Fierce!!!

Anonymous said...

Back to the picture everyone. He looks fantastic, only better with his hair down and more natural look.

Anonymous said...

Glambert Isle of Wight UK

This is Old MaMa. Thanks for the props. I dislike the haters, and somebody's got to keep the peace on this site because on their sites they call us the haters.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie: thanks for the link to Broken Open and the montage of dancers from SYTYCD. Truly beautiful.

Deus te amat and I do too