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Adam Lambert Wango Tango sign outside Staples Center

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, May 14, 2010

Posted at : Friday, May 14, 2010

Credit: DaveStyles


Anonymous said...

wow Adam is rising day by day to become the ICONIC Star of our Dreams!! Love Adam

Anonymous said...

Love that picture.

Anonymous said...

any one know what songs he is performing

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to VOTE on KIIS FM 102.7 everyday for WWFM to keep it on JoJo Top 9 countdown:

Second song from the bottom ... unlimited voting

Anonymous said...

In the big scheme of things, Adam's rise to fame has been meteoric!

Anonymous said...

Adam. Literaly , rises above everyone!!!!
Love the sign. I live in TAmpa FL. And Adam's huge poster from the AI tour is still up. I couldn' t stop looking at it. He looks gorgeous. No wonder A
almost a year later it still up.
I am loving it!!!

Anonymous said...

Wango Tango is a Kiss concert with various artists, right? I'm having a brain cramp! AL is at a Kiss Concert TWO towns over from me and I couldn't get tix... and I was so irritated that I made it my mission to see him on the Glam Nation Tour... and I'm happy to report that I got tix to Foxwoods in CT... and as of this morning, and I'm still bursting at the seams, tix to a Massachusetts "summer venue" show. Still floating on air. Crappy seats to both shows - but I don't even care. The Foxwoods show I'm thinking, hoping, should be a full-on fully mounted "GLAM NATION" production as the venue can certainly accomodate that... the Massachusetts show is in a venue I've been to before - VERY SMALL, so even 'though I have rather lousy seats, it still should be a fairly intimate show! I still can't believe it. I NEVER do anything for myself...and I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass me by. Hope I'm not rubbing salt in an open wound to you hardcore 24/7-ers who can't get tix or aren't close enough to a venue... just psyched I guess, can hardly believe I'm going to these shows myself (again, lousy seats to both, but I'm not complaining :) lol).

Anonymous said...

no were not toooooooo jealous!!! NOT!!
have a great time all Glamberts at the Glam Nation Tour...we LOOK forward to daily reports on this Brilliant 24/7 site...we want to know Everything!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Thanks Glambrit Isle of Wight UK May 15, 2010 4:30 PM, thanks from "May 15, 2010 10:39 AM"! And yep, I can't wait to read about experiences from fans who are going to concerts/tour... and oh oh, btw, has anybody else ever noticed how freakin' adorably AL says the word "Tour". Is that just me??!! :) lordy I love it!