PINK may perform 'Whataya Want From Me' on her upcoming tour
Filed Under (what ya want from me ) by Admin on Friday, May 28, 2010
Posted at : Friday, May 28, 2010

Apparently, PINK performed Whataya Want From Me during the soundcheck for her upcoming summer tour. It will be interesting to see her version of the song.
Credit: BubblesPurry
"yaaay. @Pink will play @adamlambert's 'whataya want from me' on her upcoming summer tour i guess. she did it during soundcheck. wohoooo."
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Well, she wrote it--duh!! Interesting that she would "give" the song to Adam and then do her version. I'm sure it will be entirely different. Wonder if she knew it was going to be an international hit. Adam has always given her tons of credit.
Is it good fir Adam? I hope so. It's not on her record so she can't sell. It. Hopefully it will help Adam.
It will definitely be good for Adam because she'll be performing the songs to her fans. If her fans love her performance, they'll buy Adam's version on iTunes because PINK hasn't released her version yet.
I know she wrote it and all..But why is she doing this new version WWFM now?!! I mean, Adam is a new artist and she's more than known worldwide so why do it, is it because now that she realises what a great international success the song has had, she perhaps regrets a bit giving Adam her song..I don't know but I think it's a strange coincidence that now that WWFM is in the charts a bit all over the world and did so well, she decides to present her version. Please don't get me wrong, I like Pink a lot and Adam has given her lots of credit for writing the song but this is reminds me of Britney and Lady Gaga with the Telephone song. Britney didn't want it on her album, so Gaga took it made a great version of it and it became a worlwide hit...resemblances anyone?
Either way, I hope it's a good version of WWFM but not better than Adam's. :-D
Take Care,
Portuguese Fan
I don't blame her. It's a great song and I am sure she will do a great job singing it. But no matter how she will do, wwfm is Adam's HIT!!! The way he sings it and the emotions in his voice and video is pricless.
why give the song to someone else (Adam) and now try to take it back?
why wasn't it good enough for her before she gave it to Adam?
i've never heard of such a thing. sounds mean to me
This would mean Pink is doing a cover!
"This would mean Pink is doing a cover!"
Yeah the song is Adam's afterall. PINK only wrote it.
Chill's win/win here. Pink is a well-established artist and having her sing it only puts it out there more to a greater audience. It goes without saying that Adam will, in turn, benefit from the exposure. Hence, win/win.
well, come to think of it, will the song WWFM be a hit if pink recorded it? my answer is: not as successful as adam.
IMO Adam's version is going to remain better, if in fact she does sing it, because of his interpretation of the meaning behind the song and the fact that it is on his debut album. And imo Pink is actually doing Adam a favor by covering it, if in fact she does sing it, by showing the world that Adam's songs are worth covering. This is going to happen, peeps. His songs are going to be covered by other artists. It only means good things for Adam.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
I am not sure if singing a song during sound check means the song is on the tour. Maybe. I don't know how I feel about it. If Pink does sing the song on her tour, I hope her fans check out Adam and fall under his spell. What I would love is a duet with Adam and Pink.
WHY???????? she can try but we all know she will never sing with passion like Adam can....i know Adam likes Pink but she plays that LADETTE card too much and always comes across Hard and Unsexy... nope she,s just an attention seeker!!
she will NEVER top Adam's version!!
Love the Lambert very much Indeed
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
no sorry Adam,s needs to Duet with either Muse or Christine A
Adam and Pink would not work vocally sorry my opinion!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
No matter what the outcome is, I hope it's all positive. Adam needs a break. One thing for sure is NO ONE has Adam's voice & the vocal range, also the deep inner emotion when he perform. Adam is in the league of his own. Adam ROCKS!!!<33
Pink and Max Martin wrote the song. She has a right to sing it. There's room in this world for more than one person to sing the same song. On down the line, Lady Gaga may end up singing Fever too. Big deal!
yeah i think we all know as we are Adam fans that pink wrote the song duh!! she can sing it but it will not be as good as Adam's
imo.. aside from his own songs from his album.. i've always like Adam's version of the songs (from other artists) he sings.. be it whole lotta love, mad world, if i cant have you.. etc. etc.. its always Adam's version that caught my attention.. no one else can perform any better than Adam!!!
Adam is brilliant n creative!!!
when is her tour? would like to hear her version of her song. doubt if it will be as good as our boys version. have to wait and see. wonder how he feels about this news?
i agree with anon 7:37pm
remember ryan tydder covering the song he wrote for adam (sleepwalker)? adam OWNS it ! ryan? not much. same goes for WWFM, adam put so much emotion to the song, like he said it has double meanings for him, so i can guarantee you, adam's better :) if i were adam, i'd be happy, hope pink fans all over the world'll embrace adam then!
~ robert
It's not the first time an artist writes a song for another artist and then wants to sing it because it was succesful. P1nk has been way more succesful than Adam but she doesn't have a hit song in 2010 so she might want her show to feel a little more current
Of course we will all love Adam's version more than Pink's. However, she did write the song. I just hope she gives Adam as much credit for taking her words and making them golden as much as he gives her credit for giving them to him. I told somebody the other day that Adam's music is a study in taking somebody else's music and making it his own. When I hear an original version of a song Adam has covered on the radio, it just sounds wrong to me now. He has infiltrated my perception of what songs should sound like. Forgive me for saying this, but it would seem from some of the sources on his album, they were giving him their rejected material; stuff they didn't think would do well. Bully for Adam, as he has taken other artist's "rejects" and perfected them and made them his own relevant saleable masterpieces. Forgive me for this also, but not many people in the US, from my perspective, had ever heard of Muse before Adam gave them props. Now Pink appears to want to use a chart-topper she wrote on her tour, so be it. When I was growing up, we called that being an Indian-giver. Sorry if that offends anyone, but that's what it was called when you gave somebody something and then wanted it back when it suddenly looked better to you. Don't get me wrong. I love the very talented Pink, but isn't this slightly too early to "take it back"? I'm sure no matter what, she will come out great, as she is collecting royalties for the song as we ramble on about all this. We have been accused of being overprotective of Adam and I guess it's true. I'm sure he agreed to something in a contract that would have allowed this, so if she releases it, the market will tell her what she should have done.
Why would Pink do this to herself??
I hope the fans don't get snarky about Pink singing this song. It won't help Adam if they do. It's not going to hurt him and can only help him when other artist pull him into the music means he is one of THEIRS.
Having Pink as your friend is a good thing! No one is trying to compete with him and certainly not Pink! He needs to be part of pop musics circle and if people get wind of fans who get angry at the slightest will not serve Adam well.
I can actually see Pink and Adam singing this together, changing it up a bit and trading the "WWFM" lines back and forth in a duet. That would be powerful done live.
it is about time all these artist's that Adam plugs at every interview could just once plug Adam Talent, you don,t hear GaGa ever mention Adams name! i wish Adam would stick to doing his thing and not mention them
Pink as a supporter is a good thing for Adam. Like any professional that wants to advance they need a strong network of accomplished credible people using their influence to help. Just like Adam does a good turn for his friends in the business when he can.
Ya'll.....this is a GOOD thing! It will give Adam new fans, it gives props to Adam's success with the song, and it will probably push it back up in the ratings some - if she sings it in enough of her concerts.
Think POSITIVE dear fans!!
Remember that what you give your energy to gets bigger - so give your energy to GOOD things that you DO want.
You know, Pink and Max Martin didn't have to offer the song to Adam at all. Neither did Gaga. WTH? For the life of me I do not understand the mean spirited attitudes toward Pink. Each artist has his or her own interpretation of a song. Adam himself has done several different versions of WWFM. You're allowed to like more than one person's version at the same time. I have both Dilana's and Allison Iraheta's versions of Holiday and like them equally. I own three versions of Hallelujah by Cohen, Lang, and Timberlake, and though each is unique, I love them all. And I have Robert Plant's and Adam's versions of WWL and I love them both.
Guys - "WWFM" was very very in keeping with the whole tone of Pink's wildly popular "Funhouse" album... and maybe so much so that she didn't use it on "Funhouse" in favor of other material that offered a bit more variety, while still adhering to the tone of the album. But again, WWFM is very very Pink overall - and it would definitely fit into her concert set! A win/win.
To the poster who commented that Lambert fans best not be snarky about this - agree!
Also, to 7:52 above me - loved your comments. I also love Dilana's and Iraheta's version of Holiday (Ireheta's cd is actually great IMHO), also own multiple versions of Cohen's "Hallelujah" etc. And hey, have you ever checked out Jason Castro's version - VERY NICE! (didn't love Lee's version 'though. I know I know, not supposed to be being snarky :)...and I don't actually mention that to go against Lee, it was more that the judges so pushed that down our throats that night and it sooo wasn't deserving. Like Lee, a lot, but just sayin' his version of that song that night was not special IMHO, judges were just trying to paint the picture of the season finding it's "moment" and coming to a great conclusion...when most know that it was quite a lackluster season, that's my personal POV on their over-zealous comments of Lee's version that night).
He's so talented, it's scary, even to other very successful artists. There is no competition for Adam - you either get him and are falling over dead-in love with everything he does or you're not. There is no middle ground so does not matter who sings what of his or theirs, etc. If ya love him, he just does it better .... period!!
The way I see it, Pink is honoring Adam by covering a great artist's hit song that she happend to write. Good for both of them. If people like it her rendition of it, they'll buy it from Adam.
I love Pink. But I do not like this. Sorry. I won't be "snarky" about it but I will voice my opinion. It would be different if she decided to do this like next year or so. But to do it so soon after Adam is taken away from Adam not helping him like some of you are saying. Instead of buying Adam's version many fans might just buy hers. Tell me, how is that helping Adam? It's not, it is helping Pink and I don't like that. Sorry, she should have kept it for herself if she wanted to "cover" it.
CHILL EVERYONE! This is good news! PINK is acknowledging Adam as a super star! Adam has said he LOVES pink. This feeling is mutual.
Hey, 9:49, I'm 7:52. Thanks for getting what I was saying. And I agree with you about Pink. The lyrics and everything else about WWFM is totally Pink, through and through, especially since a lot of her Funhouse songs were reflecting her personal struggle with relationships, etc. Love her; love Adam. I have room in my heart for both.
Season 9? Let's just say the highlight of the entire season for me was Bret Michaels walking on stage to sing with Casey. I probably won't be buying any music from Season 9, except the one I already bought, Casey's Jealous Guy.
re anon may 29 11.15am
i totally agree with you she is being selfish,she should wait,whats betting pink would get more aiplay than Adam, no it is wrong she does not need to do it,also i have not heard her comment on Adam,s talent?? are there any interviews to prove this? wish Adam would stop keep bigging these artist,s up like GaGa, Pink etc
Love Adam x
how is Pink acknowledging Adam as a super star! shes just jumping on Adam bandwagon and cashing in on ADAMS HIT,she should of kept the song herself no i don,t like this idea!!!
Did any of you see Adam's tweet to Pink/ sounds like she is acknowledging him when she performs the song.
yeah but she just said GUY why not say ADAM LAMBERT??? just wondering????????
adam fan x
Pink is jumping on Adam's bandwagon??? Oh that's rich. She's a superstar. She doesn't need anyone else's bandwagon. Get real.
hey folks did you know that Pink is playing at the Isle of Wight Festival in 2 weeks time
just thought i'd say
Glambrit isle of Wight UK
Pink performed that song yesterday in cologne at it was absolutely stunning! Much more power and expression than in Adam's version. Anyway, both versions are pretty awesome!
Hey, Glambrit Isle of Wight! I've been everywhere in the UK except any of the islands. Next time, if there is a next time, I hope to visit Wight. What's to do and see there?
I just heard the Pink version of WWFM on YouTube and it sounds like an exact copy of Adam's version only Adam does it much better. I believe somewhere I heard her original version and it was awful. I've heard Lady Gaga's original version of Fever and it is definitely a mess compared to Adam's version. When Pink stated she gave the song to another singer who did it better, she told the truth.
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