Adam Lambert announces 'Glam a Classroom' project
Filed Under (article,news ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Longtime Adam Lambert fans already know of his longtime commitment to, but those less familiar may need a bit of a refresher. The organization is meant to provide ordinary people with easy access to classroom projects around the country, and provide them with the means to support education in as many forms possible.
Now, the "American Idol" singer is giving fans on his Glam Nation tour yet another opportunity with his "Glam a Classroom" project to support his charity of choice. Fans can text "Lambert" to 30644 to receive more information about how to donate and help impact the lives of kids around the country.
In a statement, Adam had this to say about his goals for the initiative:
“I can’t thank my fans enough for getting involved with the Glam A Classroom campaign to provide much needed resources for public schools. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of amazing music and theater teachers, so I want to help foster the next Ansel Adams or American Idol.” CEO and founder Charles Best went on to sing the praises of Adam for doing so much for the charity:
“Adam has outdone himself again! By championing classrooms in need last fall and again on his Glam Nation tour, Adam continues to use his star power for social change. So many students have a tremendous disadvantage simply because they don’t have the learning materials they need. Luckily, people like Adam are encouraging everyday citizens to step in to help.”
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aww i love adam:) question does anyone know the name of Adam's dog when he was a kid? i know its random but just wondering:)
I remember Adam named his dog "Madonna".
Just kidding.
I don't know haha.
Is it any wonder why we all love Adam? He has a big heart. He spreads the love. He is compassionate. I could go on for days. He is beautiful from the inside-out. He makes me want to cry tears of joy.
Wasn't his dog named Maggie? I say that because one of the people on this site signs their comments "Maggie Longfellow" - and said it was Adam's "porn name"...which I always thought meant you took the name of your first pet and the first street you lived on, or I'm thinking it was Maggie! :) Ha, ha!
- Adam Fix
Yes,agree, Adam Fix and think it was a Golden Lab, as there was a family photo with one, but it may not have been the 1st pet.Can't help smiling when seeing Maggie Longfellow name tag! Wonder how our boy celebrated and if he's come down from the universe yet. Love to see the haters "eat some crow."ha ha funbunn40
or maybe THE PRESIDENT of the USA
with all the Love and Goodwill that ADAM ooooozes
he would be PERFECT
just an idea
What do you say guys
Hi to Everyone you know who you are xoxoxoxo
love this Beautiful man so Much
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
life would be a PARTY it'll be ECSTACY
just sayin
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Ha ha above! Can picture it and Adam singing in the next room all glammed up with Leila's makeup,wearing a cape and and Maggie howling a few notes as well. lol funbunn40
Adam Fix
I may know anything about Adam's dog name, but I NAMED MY 2 MONTHS OLD KITTEN «ICON» because of Adam. Paula Abdul said «-Adam, you are going to be iconic» and I believed her. Actually, Adam became already iconic, at least to us and a million fans. Am I right or am I right?
We need more people like Adam who's kind, gentle, good heart & humble.<3
VOTE !! VOTE !! VOTE !!! VH1
What a kind person. This is one of the qualities that I see in him and that's why I'm a fan. Love ya Adam!
awwww I'm so touched by Adam's kind act. He certainly has a BIG heart n am proud of him for doing so much for those kids in need!!!
Love u so much!!! Wish u every success in ur music career n all ur other projects!!!
Hi again everyone. I'm Maggie Longfellow on this site and a couple of others. Adam's porn name is the name of his first pet and the name of the street he grew up on. Maggie, his dog. Longfellow the street he grew up on. He answered the question on an interview a long time ago.
It took so long for someone to notice my site name here and it was only after AdamFix, Glambert Isle of Wight UK, FunnBunn and Poland loves Adam were talking about all the site names here. I wrote that I was suprised no one had called me out on my site name. And then the fun started.
I'm not into porn. But I'm totally into Adam and I thought it would be fun to take that name.
I love that he is so generous and wants kids to have the same opportunities he did. And I am happy to see that people other than Adam's fans are noticing it.
Maggie Longfellow :)
Big MaMa here:
I been hanging around for many weeks. You guys been real good about not arguing and no nasty remarks. You making Big Papa ane me real happy. You need to know I am hanging around and will jump anyone gets out of line.
Just keep up the good works.
Big Mama
If each of Adam's traits and talents were put in a shoe box and stacked on top of each other, I wonder how high that stack would be. This is certainly another reason to adore this wonderful, beautiful man.
It's nice to hear from Big Mama again. I was beginning to worry about her and Papa.
Love and Light
Thanks everyone for the dogs name:)!!! i have a yellow lab to and seeing if there was any possible way it would be the same name haha. jk but the dog is a lambert part of the family ha so is vital to know the names of everyone in his family:)
Well - I see a lot of the 24/7 regulars in this particular thread right now... and I'm a big 24/7 regular too, and I actually comment frequently. I'm the one who often says "damn, I gotta give myself a tag..." but yet I never do, lol. Some of you have told me to get that done just in the past few days actually too - and okay, I'm completely inspired by seeing a few of you regulars right here and now on this thread - how about "MassGlamFan". I'm a MASSive fan of AL (and all his massiveness in many various areas ;), 'ya know, that talent and all that lol), and I am from MASSachusetts; I love the GLAM thing and it's been missing from the music scene for so long, and 'though I've come to admire Lambert the person, I was drawn to him originally, after his stunning AI8 run, to his particular brand of music; and then FAN - I am a fan of this guy on so many levels, I can't even begin to tell you (but you all get it anyway, lol, and I love that!). So there we have it I guess - MassGlamFan.
And on a side note - haven't seen much from justpeachy lately - unless I've missed things... just wondering out loud, so to speak.
See you all in the comment sections, lol.
Oh, and hey, one other thing... going to my first Lambert concert this Thursday at Foxwoods - lousy seats but I don't even care - so excited I can barely contain myself. Not worried about the lousy seats cuz the extended Glamily is SO very reliable with their recordings!!! Seeing AL again in August in Cohasset, MA - not great seats there either but it's such a small venue, I'm not worried... I just want to hear that glorious voice in my eardrums live and be enveloped by it! (again, the visuals, well hell, the fan concert vids on You Tube and such are so excellent that I'm not worried about my lousy seats at all).
That was me - MassGlamFan - above @ 6:07pm... see, I'm totally not used to using a tag, 8^).
Hi Big Mama,so pleased you are both happy with all our friendly did warn everyone about Old Papa and those bursting neck veins and all those BADASS words he uses..looks like Old Papa scared them all away..GREAT WORK you two and you both ROCK..hugs & kisses to both of you
Hi Fan4fun...delighted to hear about your darling kitten icon..great name..i have 4 cats 2 girls who i call my glitterbabies real names(minnie & biba) & 2 boys who i call the fiercebabies real names (casper & dream boy)
sorry folks had to talk about my furkids,
Hi Everyone..been so busy its a heatwave over here in UK..been a lazy sunbather,walking over cliffs and doing all those lovely summery things..nice! and then crashing out on the sofa dreaming of you know who then forgetting to cook tea..other half has had to put up burnt offerings for tea and then with every little detail about Adams Award and performances..well you know men they never listen anyway so i end up telling him around 3 times like you do,he is getting used to having another guy in our life but would like clean clothes and tea on time and the housework under control sometimes at least but i tell him stuff that i,m on the Glam Nation Tour for the summer lol
Glitz and Sparkles is that you with your name tag at last?????????
Can,t wait to next New York Gigs hopefully on 24/7
i am still trying to catch up with with all the recent Adam Stuff...
Loving Adam Non Stop
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
RE...MassGlamFan is that you with your name tag?????
@ Anon 6:27 Jun 22 - is that you again "Glambrit Isle of Wight UK"? Yes, this is me - the newly dubbed "MassGlamFan" :) - I am not "Glitz and Sparkles" (but I saw something about that name/tag in the past few days - never figured out that whole scenario... but think it was someone like myself who posted comments frequently but never w/ a tag???) Anyway, as I said above, I post comments quite a bit, often referencing or responding to many of you 24/7 regular commenters, and I'd often publicly chided myself here for not giving myself a tag, but yet never seemed to simply take the 3 frickin' seconds to just do it!! LOL. I guess, also, somewhere down deep, I was nervous about losing some anonymity (goofball, I know!). Many of you regulars might have come to sort of sense when it was "me" commenting anyway, by my very stream-of-consciousness style (a.k.a. - annoyingly longwinded and verbose 8^)!!). And speaking of longwinded and verbose - I should shut up now - this thread's topic was such a wonderful subject matter specific to AL, such a magnificent cause - onward with the comments about "Glam A Classroom".
drum roll ...its offical..she finally done it and given herself a name tag..
good choice its so nice as we are all sort of getting to know who we all are and totally understand each others out of control addiction for ADAM the AMAZING AMERICAN .....which is great as i am sure our menfolk are at times bored shitless with constant ramblings about how Beautiful,Gorgeous and Sexy Adam is and forced to checkout every photo etc
and we all say Tough Deal with IT cause it ain't going away we will LOVE ADAM until the day we Die!
yes where is justpeachy???? and hi all the Regs ( you know who you are x )and to hot pots Gina,very happy brit fan and stephanie
and glad to hear from you again the lovely Love and Light
keep up the good work everyone
as always berting with Adam Love
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
MassGlamFan....Great name. Glad to know you at long last. I was born in Massachusetts (before Noah built the Ark). Use your name. Get used to it. We'll answer you personally now.
Love and Light
Lovin all the energy and the time I get home from work, most of you all are probably sleeping. We're 6 hours behind the east coast...but eventually I'll catch up with the fun.
MassGlamFan you stated it 'perfectly'..what I think also...I just had to get an identity.
I got to post first on the "FOX 5" interview... whew whew....
Just pray that I will see Adam before he conquers the next galaxy.
I had Glitz and Sparkle confused with MassGlamFan. Have it straight now and nice to see the new tags. We're a friendly bunch and it's nice to get to know each other in case we decide to drop out and start a Adam commune. I don't want to go to rehab for my Adam addiction, love the natural high of our boy! Cute Icon name, Fan4Fun and Glambrit IoW, I thought I had alotof cats with my 3, Mickey, Mollie and Max. What a bunch of cat lovers we are! Smiling again after seeing Maggie's post. Wonder if Eber chose Longfellow street because he's a poet. IT's 1:30am in Charlotte. I'm a nightowl, Glitz and Sparkle. So many different time zones, but we all manage to catch up, adoring Adam, our good , caring samaritan, looking out for the school children. Where are you Peachy and Emmaline?
@Glambrit Isle of Wight
Glad to see you are still "berting with Adam love" Love that term, it says so much!!!! Me too!!!! as in "berting with Adam love",( and I guess I do tend to go on a bit.....) And this info in the above article just confirms once again what a lovely and caring person Adam is. Wish more people knew THIS about him. A few months ago, one of our local (Seattle) stations had a really nice piece about Adam's involvement in Donors Choose and showed a classroom in this area that had received musical instruments in his name. Was such a positive thing and no mention about anything controversial at all!!!
Keepin' Colorado Warm for Adam
How rare is it that someone truly understands the gifts they have been given and the people who loved and nurtured them along the way AND makes real efforts to "pay it forward". Adam is genuine all around and Donors Choice is just another of the many ways that he inspires me every DAY! Yah, I see the cat lover in lots of us Adam fans - cats are beautiful, confident, make NO excuses or concessions for who they are and when they choose to love you, it feels like the biggest honor in the world!! (much like our Adababe!!)
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