Adam Lambert Interview with The Dead Hub
Filed Under (interview ) by Admin on Friday, June 25, 2010
Posted at : Friday, June 25, 2010

The Dead Hub was lucky enough to get the opportunity to ask Adam Lambert a few questions pertaining to his debut album For Your Entertainment and current headlining Glam Nation Tour. Read what Adam had to say below about his last two hit singles, transposing his tunes live, pitch correction plug-in Auto-Tune and the dreaded act of lip-syncing…
Dead Hub: Could you discuss and elaborate on your experience in the studio working with Max Martin while you were recording “If I Had You” and “Whataya Want From Me”?
Adam Lambert: He is great. I think Max is obviously one of the best in the business. He just knows what is going to sound the best. I trusted that because I have heard his music and I have always been a fan of it. I remember we did “Whataya Want From Me” over the summer [last summer]. I remember after hearing the first demo, being so thrilled with it. I remember going back to my management and saying, “We have to ask him to do another song. We have to. He is so good. He is so, so good.” And then he sent this one ["If I Had You"] and he wrote some lyrics that are specifically about me, kind of for me. It is a really great song. I love it.
Dead Hub: Many of your songs have you belting and holding out some pretty high notes. Do you find yourself having to lower the key of any of your songs live in your set on this tour just as a means to save your voice?
AL: Yes. We have lowered a couple of the keys so that I can make sure that I am sounding my best every night. I worked with a vocal coach on the show and we sat [down] and looked at everything. We said, “Okay, so let’s take this one down a half step and maybe alter this one,” so that I can get through it every night.
Dead Hub: As someone who can really sing and has Broadway musical experience, how do you feel about artists who lip-sync when performing live and use Auto-Tune in the recording studio?
AL: I think at the end of the day, whatever they need to do to make the song sound good is what it is about for them. I do not judge it. It is not for me. I am not going to be lip-syncing anytime soon. I am not really fond of Auto-Tune abuse. But it’s a style and it’s cool and it’s catchy. If it makes you sing along and it makes you dance, then the song is doing its job and that is the whole point. I just happen to prefer the style where it is more vocally driven.
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With a voice like adam's who needs lip sincing and auto tunes?
I can't wait to see Adam next week. His voice and talent and hottness is out of this world.
I like his answer regarding the autotunes. He didn't diss the artists who use autotunes but he himself would never do it.
I love Adam because he has a great voice that doesn't need to resort to autotunes and fake sounds.
Adam has a gift of seeing the whole of an issue, of getting to the real heart of it. If someone asked me what I thought of autotune and lip syncing, I would automatically respond that I think it sucks! But, the truth is, I simply want to hear music that is pleasurable to the ear, something that evokes a genuine emotion in me. It doesn't matter how the artist manages to get there. Adam's right. The point is for singers to make good music, period! The fact that Adam brings me to every emotion imaginable with pure, unmanipulated voice just stuns me! Love him, love him, love him!
Being a talented singer he can win over critics. I like Britney Spears 3 that was also produced by Max Martin, but Brad Walsh remix made it sound even better :)
Auto-Tuning is horrible. Bring back the voice!!! Artists like Britney, Gaga, Cyrus etc., can sing. Those that can't stay on pitch should not be recording and shouldn't be making millions, but they are. Go JayZ. Spread the word. Show these pretenders for what they are. End auto-tuning.
Wow I love the last response too :)
Adam is so intelligent and articulate I would have never thought of such a brilliant answer on the spot.
Great minds think alike @anon 4:47PM
It is very nice of him not being critical or judgemental of other musical style! Thank you, Adam!
Adam does not say hurtful things or insult others. He possesses a loving soul and giving spirit and shines the brightest in the world of entertainment. His beautiful voice and talent touches all our senses!!! He is truly a national treasure!!!!
Adam pls don't ever lip sync, it does no justice to your fantastic voice which is what all your fans fell in love with. We just love how you can sing perfectly whether on stage or in the recording studio!
Adam is such a class act and can always state his opinion without trashing others. He has the knack of keeping things in perspective and doesn't need to demean others that may have a different way of doing things. To each his own is fine. It's ok for all to do their own thing. Just one of the many things to like about him. No meaness or pettyness, just a sweet guy. funbunn40
This is kind of funny because He was very, very obviously lip syncing on the Ellen Show a few days ago. Not only that, his lips were kindof off so wasnt fooling anyone. Not that I am trashing him, as he said, people have to do what they have to do to sound good on stage. I just think he should admit it before he pulls an Ashly Simpson.
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