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Adam Lambert is recording his second album soon!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, June 28, 2010

Posted at : Monday, June 28, 2010

During a new radio interview with KC101 Connecticut, Adam said that he will working on a new album in 2011. Yay! (Credits to Adam Lambert Glam Fans!)

This interview was recorded on Thursday, June 24, 2010 at the MGM Grand Theater at Foxwoods, CT.


Anonymous said...

YAYY!!! can't wait. and just wanted to say i think today is the day adam is playing at the 9:30 club and thats in D.C i live like 20 min away in northern VA and i got all excited!!! i am not going (wish i was) but just the thought of him being in the same time zone, feeling the same weather, and yeah i know thats crazy but still ha:)

Stephanie said...

This is so exciting!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did he say he's going to release the album in 2011 too? If yes, then we only have around 5-6 months till a new album?!!! OMG!

Anonymous said...

more like a year...

Anonymous said...

Adam! You have a wonderful song that you are ignoring right now. My friends and I totally LOVE IT!! The song is "Can't Let You Go" It plays in my head all the time. My friends and I would be soo verry happy if you would add it to your list of songs on the Tour. We are soo lucky to have tickets for July 6th here at the Historic Tennessee Theater. Thanks to RCA for my special E-mails letting me know that tickets would be on sale here. Love You and everyone on your show.

Anonymous said...

Yay on even the mere suggestion of new music.

I'd LOVE to hear AL sing "Master Plan" live at a concert! (just being greedy, I know I the show just as it is 'though!!)


Anonymous said...

What an adorable picture! Love seeing Adam with no makeup - so handsome.
(Also love seeing him with makeup, pretty much love seeing him all the time haha)

Anonymous said...

Yaaay, great news from Adam! New ALBUM coming up... so exciting! can't wait! like a little kid waiting for his/her birthday to come! will be counting the months and days until it comes! Celebrate!!!

Anonymous said...

Just love his voice... even just to hear him talk makes my day!:)

Kinki said...

Am I the only one that thinks Adam should take it easy and take it slowly at a time? I mean, I do want new Adam music but I don't want his first "album era" to end so quickly. I hope he releases a total of 7 singles for "FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT" and it will last until 2012. And then tour in 2011-2012. Then make a second album.

But I'm always weird so don't mind me lol.

Anonymous said...

haha...where were you the day Adam Lambert shaved his hair? So funny.

Anonymous said...

Great interview.

Anonymous said...

I too--want CLYG! It is one of my favorites and shows Adam's sensitive side and wonderful voice...Kansas City is around the corner and we are all in anticipation!!!

Anonymous said...

I love CLYG so much to, but I dont think it will be done at this Glamnation tour. Unless of course unless he has it or one of the other previously unsung tracks in store for near the end of the tour for an encore,, to keep things fresh. We can but hope,. No matter what he gives us we are left wanting more. (Soooo greedy where Adam is concerned.)
By the way these were greaat interviews thanks again for posting. Jan.

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam experiments with different kinds of sounds for his new album. I can't wait.

talex42 said...

So, Adam says work starting in the fall, so we should get an early 2011 album release. I think he is saving CLYG maybe for that album? Many of us are hoping for a more pop/rock feel to the next one. Yes Master Plan is a perfect live song as it's an anthem and my own fave hasnt been done live yet, Pick U Up and may never be.

The way ppl like Rihanna keep pumping out vids, a new one every couple of weeks, we'd think Adam could but it takes bucks.. He needs to the the rest of the worl on board first, more sales to fund any more good vids.

talex42 said...

I meant 'get the rest of the world on board....' sticky keys...

Anonymous said...

I think Can't Let You go is the best song I've ever heard Adam sing as it is technically the most difficult song in his repertoire. With that being said, I don't think it would be a song that could be sung on tour due to the harm it could cause to his voice over time unless it was dropped to a lower key. The lyrics are outstandingly beautiful as well. I think that in time it will become as iconic as Adam, it is just that good.

Music Man

Anonymous said...

Music Man

Welcome to this site. I love Can't Let You Go too, and thank you for your high praise of this beautiful song. You sign and sound like you know what you're talking about. Please join us often.

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

Wow - Music Man - I'd like to know more about you.

I'd love to have Adam record some new true Rock like the songs he covered on Idol. The world is ready for a new ROCK STAR!

Maggie Longfellow

Anonymous said...

I don't know whether you guys reading this are americans, but as a foreigner (English is my 2nd language and I work my ass off to SPEAK it), let me tell you: it is quite amazing to HEAR Adam's voice just having a chat; I mean, his diction is so perfect (not only singing) so musical, clear and transparent that even the quick way he talks sometimes, so fluently (many things comming to his mind and to his natural improvisation), its is really easy for me to get EVERYTHING (or at least 97%) at the first time, even in a long non stop chat. I wish I could get 40% of american people in similar talk... but NOPE, and I'm sure other foreigners know very well what talking about. Am I wrong? Is it only product from my imagination and love for my sweet Adam Lambert?
Fan4fun (btw, beautiful interview!!!! A+)

glitzylady said...


As an American, I can say I do LOVE Adam's speaking voice and perfect enunciation,which I suppose comes partly from years of training in the theater, but also from parents who speak well and clearly also. Not only that, he puts his thoughts together so well and always seems to think before he speaks (well, most of the time, that "unfiltered" honesty thing comes up from time to time....) and doesn't ramble (like I do...). And like most here, I could listen for hours...speaking or singing. Loved this interview as well, very relaxed and respectful to Adam. Think I heard him say elsewhere that he would really start on the writing and recording for the new album after the overseas tour, like after the 1st of the year. Guessing it won't be until at least next fall before we see it ....This time he'll have the luxury of taking his time. Guessing he might release a new single before that, not on this current album, such as Can't Let You Go. Seems albums aren't the only way to go in the music biz these days.... He is also more aware of what he might want to do next, and also what the fans are really enjoying. Should be wonderful, can't wait. ..

And your English is beautiful, you do an amazing job! I know a few words in French after taking 2 years in high school and couldn't write anything that made sense or carry on a conversation to save my soul!!! Can read it a bit but that's all! So nice to be fluent in a second language.

And Welcome! everyone, to the Weird Club! Or Club Weird as someone called it. Has a little more sophisticated ring to it!!!! Either way, I'm definitely a member (secretly, of course.....).

glitzylady said...

And if anyone is confused about the reference to Club Weird, see the previous thread. (Long day...)

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady

(as sweet Adam would say) «Thank you, thank you so much!». I feel grateful to yours, Funbonn40's, MassGlamfan's and Glambrit Isle of Wight UK's prides to my English but you all must know that my «amazing job» is completely due to The Universal Power of Adam Lambert. Don't you doubt it, I would «walk on water» to be able to spoil&pamper my golden boy, every single day, by posting my «special sugar» to him in this site, this 24/7 that I simply ADORE; and be able to share your party on bord, ladies and gentlemen, commenting with you in these chats, sometimes informative, sometimes just funny, but always full of honesty and respectful LOVE. As sweet Adam also says, «Doesn't matter how much fame, fortune, money or sex we have, it doesn't mean anything if not all connected with LOVE!». So, as I guess sweet Adam's countless talents do no include fluency in Portuguese, I had no choice but «get back to future» my old&rusty English in the botton of some old suitcase and start working it out; I guess I'm a work in progress, am I not? Of course I am... (repeat with me) by The Universal Power of Adam Lambert... (HA!)

It would be great if sweet Adam could know about this amazing site and come to visit us sometimes. Certainly he would be flattered and proud of us, because WE ALL are doing an excellent job by loving our him in such a deep, careful and supportive way! Am I right or am I right?
(or should I call myself Fan4truth?)

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun, We get you{understand you}and sometimes may use terms that can be confusing.Sometimes we even confuse ourselves!haha You are very fluent in English and love hearing what you have to say. I understand some Spanish and speak a little, but I'm nowhere as accomplished as you. If we confuse you, just ask. no problem. You're so much fun!!!It would be nice if Adam would visit this site and shock us with a comment, but he may not know we even exist.It would even be fun if we heard from any of the Glamily! There are so many sites and I don't even think he's able to read the majority of twitters. I've sent some, but never had a reply and doubt they were even read. Just too much for him to read. Most importantly, hope he feels the love,acceptance and support from all of us, and I think he does.I get great pleasure seeing him happy,being respected,getting hugs and plenty of affection.Finally the effort he's put forth is paying off in a big way and he truly looks happy! He deserves all of it. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADAM is workin on the NEXT ALBUM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait !

Anonymous said...

@ Funbonn40
So glad my comments have been responded by some of the most respectful, fluent, funny and informative loving fans of my sweet Adam that comment on this amazing site. When I am here I feel like visiting the Paradise, I mean, I am part of the «happening» and I don't want to leave. I thank you and I thank all fellows for the encouragement to my English (you bet, I spend «some» time traveling through the dictionary and the grammar), and for sharing your opinions and love to sweet Adam with me. As I can't watch him live (not yet), YOU ARE or WILL BE VERY SOON my eyes and ears. But mark my words, if any of you make to get close to himenough to tell about Fan4fun and her love for him, you won't live long enough to show off your luck to your friends(HA!). I love you all fellows, seriously. It's a shame that many commenters (some of them as good as hell) keep on posting as «anonymous», instead of sign a name. I got Fan4fun showed since my very first comment (here and on other sites). There is much more fun and love connected when we can recognize a fellow in the crowd. I'm afraid some commenters may think we are gathering our own «weird club» when I believe we truly are as OPEN as Adam's heart and life to all his fans.


PS: I loved your welcome message to that Adam's fan from Las Vegas who is ill and moving back to NY. Loved her comment lovely. And sweet Adam can't read things like that? What a waste!

Glitz and Sparkles said...

WOW Adam is soooooo busy...on the express train to super stardom. Hoping FYE goes platinum in the US soon. He so deserves that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah - it would be great to here Master Plan on tour! It's such an upbeat, vicious and powerful song in my opinion. Makes you wanna start the revolution ;) IMHO I also think Can't let you go is the most beautiful song I ever heard Adam sing and it brings tears to my eyes every time I hear it. I would be real excited for a new album but I think this one should release at least 1 or 2 more singles. I'd suggest Sleepwalker. Genius song.
Poland Loves Adam
ps.Can I join Club Weird? You have no idea how aprropriately it seems to fit me;)
I wish we could put up pictures of each other! Are any of you guys on Facebook!?;)

glitzylady said...

@Poland Loves Adam

Figured you were already a member in good standing!!!

Yep, I'm on Facebook, but then I'd be giving away all of my secrets (as if I haven't already revealed my secret life to you all already!!!)

Anonymous said...

That Facebook thing was sort of a joke (i'm not one of those who will do everything to get a larger amount of friends;) but it would be cool if we could have a picture:) Although each of us would probably choose a different picture of AL. But it would be interesting to see which picture each of us would choose (it's like that on AdamOfficial but I hardly go on there cuz the merrier people are here!;)
Poland Loves Adam

glitzylady said...

I actually do like the idea of pictures but also do like the idea of our favorite AL picture, where to start. So many....