Adam Lambert, 'Jersey Shore' collide via Twitter
Filed Under (article,twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, June 26, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, June 26, 2010

As it appears right now, Snooki from MTV's "Jersey Shore" is echoing the opinion of almost every Adam Lambert fan out there.
On Saturday the reality star sent a shout-out to the "American Idol" singer via Twitter:
"Nice meeting you at the mmva's! bumpin your new song right now, loves it!"
Of course, Adam was kind enough to send his thanks -- after all, Snooki is someone that you want on your side these days (which is strange consider one year ago she was pretty much a nobody). The reality star is pretty much at every awards show at this point, and she is pretty much the golden girl of MTV (even more than music, tragically).
If nothing else, it's at least one more person who likes Adam and "If I Had You". The singer is now in Atlantic City about to perform at the Borgota Resort & Casino.
Are you hoping Adam will tweet you back some day?
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Ya, I'm hoping he will tweet me back, but I'm not holding my breath. lol
Do you guys tweet Adam directly or just respond if he asks something? Curious. I wonder who he has screening all his tweets, and I'm assuming he has a separate private account for his close friends.
You can tweet Adam here, but you need to have your own twitter account.
I just click on this link (it's in my bookmarks) to keep up with what he sez.
OMG! every single thing Adam says on twitter is being written up, reported or discussed!!! Holy Cow!:) Adam you're HUGE!
Yeah the media is crazy for Adam lool.
He even expressed his shock when the media gave him so much press and attention when he posted that hair cut a few weeks ago!
Thanks 8:01. I do have a twitter acct., but I'm thinking Adam has thousands of tweets already so why add to the mess. I know he sometimes responds. Guess I'm thinking it's a nuisance to him but maybe he like it. At least it's direct input form his fans.
Would someone fill me in on who is Snooki and why is she special?
(Glad she loves Adam tho!)
It seemed those girls had time to chat before Adam's award, but then there was no time for him to finish his speech! (On my chanel, the show ended about 4 minutes early, so still don't see why he got cut off). As you can see, I could listen to Adam all day!
Snooki is on a reality show called Jersey Shore with 3 other girls and 4 guys that are on vacation,partying, getting drunk,trying to hook up,tanning, getting in bar fights and vying for attention any way they can to become celebrities. Big muscles, big boobs and even bigger mouths are their claim to fame.Some N.J. residents are upset that these kids are reflecting a poor image of their state. The kids state they are just having fun and doing their thing. Adam got cut off because of lack of time and commercials pay for air time. I was upset too, but Adam did get to say his thankyous on a few interviews later. Maybe Snooki will get Adam's music played at the clubs in Miami, if they don't already.That's where this season is being filmed. Last year they filmed at the Jersey Shore. funbunn40
funbunn40 you are a wealth of knowledge! love your comments.... Weekend family 'stuff' leaves less time for 24/7...but catching up tonite.
Thanks Glitz and Sparkles. I always laugh and say I'm a wealth of b.s. and trivia but not anything earth shaking or really important! haha Today I have to do something important,like pay bills,clean, etc instead of getting my Adam fix, which is a lot more fun! funbunn40
@ funbunn40 2:56 - Was thinking the same thing about Snooki and getting AL's music played in Miami!! :). Here's hoping!
(I really do try to lead a live-and-let-live lifestyle so I shouldn't be snarky, but that Jersey Shore business, uugghh... just hoping those kids are PUTTING AWAY some money now, cuz I don't see that gravy train lasting all that long and I don't observe a lot of other skills going on with this bunch... but I wish them all good luck... as for AL, as I always say - where there is skill, luck is not needed!)
Adam must get a gazillion tweets. I hope to God someone with his Pr is screening them and suggesting ones Adam should respond to. Jersey Shore is pretty memorable!
Different strokes for different folks, but as a Mother, hell would freeze over before I'd let my kids get to that point of non-values. I am being snarky and will own it,lol. Think people watch because they are so outrageouse and have to see just how much they can get away with. A lot of it is probably scripted too for shock and awe, but wonder if in the long run the $ will be worth the shallow picture that they paint of themselves, but what do I know! They're kids having fun, laughing all the way to the bank. funbunn40
I agree funbunn, these kids are laughing all the way to the bank. I saw Snooki (why would anyone use that name?!) interviewed a couple of months back and she did not come across well-actually pretty nieve. I wonder how she got into show biz.
All of these kids were interviewed for this show and called themselves "guidos and guidettes" an Italian nickname. Snooki came from a household and father that spoils her, giving in to her every whim. None of them as far as I know, has ever had any showbiz experience. Think they all were hired for being outrageous and controversal characters.None are rocket scientists! lol funbunn40
I guess these kids are indeed laughing all the way to bank, so who am I to judge... but I think they sorta don't get that the world is laughing at them, not with them... as evidenced by the fact that 3 of the 4 males were just used on the cover of the "Queer" issue of the Village Voice, posing shirtless, under the heading "Queer" issue, above an article title called something like "The Guido Ideal" about a story on the "down-low" gay culture at the Jersey Shore - all of which they supposedly were completely unaware of. They apparently didn't realize this - didn't pick up on it themselves, and didn't have proper representation watching out for them on this gig. Don't watch the show but from what I understand about their treatment of women, I think this one could be categorized as - Karma is a bitch.
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