Adam Lambert thanks fans for supporting him!
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, June 26, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, June 26, 2010

Adam took to twitter once again to thank the fans for the continuing support.
"Thanks to everyone who's downloaded the If I Had You video on iTunes! Thanks for the radio requests too! Life would be a party, it'd be esctasy!!"
He also wishes everyone a Happy Gay Pride! (It's Gay Pride month!)
"Oh and Happy Gay Pride!"

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I didn't know there was a gay pride month. How exciting! I have always wanted to march at a gay pride event. I doubt they have it in Michigan though lol. I guess only LA and NY or something.
I bought the video on iTunes and requested IIHY last week so....
You're Welcome Adam!
I was watching the news and they were saying how there's this man who was handing out bibles at a gay pride in San Francisco.
Some people are disgusting. I hope they arrest him.
Jesus came for EVERYBODY (even for that disgusting guy that I wish has been arrested already too). I bet most of gay people love God following His commandments and the Bible in a much respectful way than religious fanatics.
Happy Gay Pride back at ya, Adam. ♥
I am a 60--something Mom and I marched in the pouring rain, in a Gay Pride Parade to support my daughter and her friends.Very proud of all who have the gonads to stand up for what they beleive.Luv ya Adam. I'd march for you too!
Awww he's so sweet...
Happy Gay Pride Month EVERYONE!
It's everywhere. Today
there was a parade in FL. I went with my 9 year old. I educate my kids by show and tell ,it was hot as hell, But we didnt care. We should all be proud of who WE are !!!!!!
I love how Adam always expresses his thanks and
interacts with his fans at concerts!
I remember going to a Miles Davis concert where he spent the entire night playing with his back to the audience. Also have gone to rock concerts where the band was too out of it to be aware of anything but themselves and then smashed their equipment in anger. It seems when artists think they are so talented, they can be grumpy or high maintainance and everyone will just accept it because they are "entitled". As one very wise guy said once, "entitlement is not sexy."
I love how Adam shows how joyful and thankful he
is all the time.
I saw that rainbow flag on some websites today and didn't realize it was to represent gay pride.
I guess we learn something new everyday.
I can't wait until gay people can get married to each other. It will be historical! I'm sure Obama will make that happen!
I love that Obama gave a great speech the other day about fighting for gay rights. He's truly a spectacular president. One of the most gay friendly US presidents we have.
can't wait to see Adam get married. :D
All Obummer has to do is sign an Executive Order and it's done.
10:54-do you really think it's that simple? Really?
Sure, the President could sign an Executive Order. And while no one wants gay men and women to have ALL the rights they deserve as citizens of the United States more than me, many people's heads would explode. If you thought the country was polarized over this issue before, guess again-and I can guarantee the ugly and the violent would zoom to the stratosphere.
Gay people SHOULD have the right to marry-marriage is, after all, a civil contract between two consenting adults-and while people drag religion into it, you still have to have a marriage license from city hall-church or no church. For the government to deny that right is deeply wrong.
And President Obama could right that wrong with a sweep of his pen, yeah. But considering everything else going on-to wars, massive unemployment, and that you know, little thing going on in the gulf-if you were president at this point, would you really want to add to all the chaos? Imagine what the Tea Party/Fox Noise homophobes would come up with. All I can think of is scary.
Gay rights shouldn't be backburnered, that's not what I'm saying either. But it's going to take more time, and maybe another generation-Adam's-to come in to power. We need to work through state legislatures and Congress, as well as Basic Rights organizations to change hearts and minds.
And before this whole thread becomes massively OT, Glam Nation, while not political IS a important cultural change. I know Adam isn't political, but him being so visible and brave DOES change things, and so can his fans.
I completely agree, above, 12:23. There are many still in the dark ages, followers of the KKK,Rush Linbaugh, Glenn Beck, etc that are so prejudiced and cannot accept equality in any form. You saw how many came unglued at the mere mention of Adam and how hateful they were and intent on destroying his career. Fortunately the majority of people have logic and common sense, but we still have a way to go. I think Adam just being Adam has already enlightened many that really had no experience knowing any gay people and had a lot of misconceptions. He has done more by example just being a loving generous, very bright man that just wants to love and be loved like everbody else.Sometimes that can be more effective than being in a political spotlight.I think some in the gay community also misunderstood him because of the AMA awards. Enough time has passed with Adam showing he is more than that and really a classy guy.People can be intimidated and fearful of the unknown and can have their own insecurities.Just seeing and hearing Adam be so basically human and normal{if there is such a thing}may chase those barriers away and our support can also make a difference. Happy Gay Pride Y'all Funbunn40
@Anon Jun 27 12:23 (& Funbunn40 too)
ps. in this regard especially, so proud to be from Massachusetts!
Anon at 6:50
Happy Pride, Adam!
Pride events are all over the country this year- like Motor City Pride. A listing can be found on the HRC (Human rights Campaign) website.
Funbunn, Massglamfan or anyone
please help me up,
back to the amazingly performed FEVER at the GLAAD 21th, in late April, after finished and living the stage, sweet Adam said «my mission this year(...) is not only to promote visibility within the gay lesbian community but also to promote diversity within gay lesbian... WHAT???» I could never get the last word he said. Try to get the video on Google (adam lambert at GLAAD youtube video), it is still there.
Anyway, it made our fellow Poland Loves Adam to start fighting for the gays rights in Poland.
And I say: - Yes! That is just one more of the powerful talents of our golden boy, he makes even straight people get starting to move some montains to the opposite direction.
Thanks, sweet Adam.
Yes! Happy Pride to everyone!!!
My brother is gay but he doesn't do gay prides lol. For some reason....
You are always the voice of thoughtful reason, thanks once again for your comment above. Adam truly is an inspiration, an example of a great human being in general, and inadvertently may help to further basic human rights, just by being him!
Visited your great state recently, and understand your pride of living in Mass.The acceptance of diversity is evident in so many places....Had a great time in Provincetown, met lots of nice people who felt comfortable and safe to be who they are. WA state is working on it but not entirely there yet, but to the Pride festival in Seattle now...
Thanks for the nice words, Glitzylady. Adam inspires me with his beautiful soul and hopefully others will open their minds and hearts and enjoy this gift of a man. MassGlamFan, hope all states will follow suit and give all the gay and lesbians the rights for which they are entitled. In my nursing career, I've seen terrible injustice and bias against gays and lesbians. I happen to be straight,and peoples sexual preference is only that. No more than preferring steak over lobster for me. I respect the individual for their mind, kindness and heart and believe that all deserve to love and be loved without any apology{ unless you intentionally hurt someone.] The golden rule has always made sense to me. Have fun in Seattle, Glitzylady!! funbunn40
@7:02 PM, I'm pretty sure the guy handing out Bibles wasn't promoting open-mindedness, but please don't confuse Jesus' message with that of modern day Christian conservatives. They are nothing alike.
10:54 - Yeah, and all Obama has to do to stop the oil leak in the gulf is take a boat out, jump in, swim down and squirt some Elmer's glue on it.
World Gay Pride will be celebrated in Toronto in 2014. I've been to parades there and in Vancouver. You'd be surprised how many there are, mostly in larger cities.
Please don't confuse gay issues which is one of values and beliefs with the horrendous accident in the Gulf which is the result of greed and tunnel vision.
anon @8:36, I don't. I was referring to a post above which implied that all Obama has to do is wave his hand and problems are solved immediately. That's not the way the presidency works. I've heard some people blame Obama for not doing enough to stop the oil leak. I've heard people complain about him not doing enough for this group or that group. I know gay issues and the leak have nothing to do with each other. I just think it's unfair to blame one person. Blame the close minded people around you, and try to do positive things to show them that compassion and empathy for others are indeed moral values, too.
Obama waited way too long to do anything in the Gulf, then he declared war on it by saying he was in charge, then he went golfing. I'm beginning to call it the oil spill in the golf.
OMG anon 4:01 you're going to get blasted by the people who check back to see how many people agree with them. I agree with you, but hang on to your hat, this is a very liberal site.
To Fan4fun June 27, 2010 regarding 8:48 AM - sorry I never responded Fan4fun... I've been so busy, like everyone, that I've just been rushing through the site lately. It's kind of funny that you included me in your question about the Glaad Awards performance of "Fever" because it is actually one of my FAVORITE vocal performances of that song ever. Anyway, you basically got it right, what Lambert said at the conclusion of his performance, already - that basically it is important to not only promote visibility within the gay & lesbian community (visibility to the NON-LGBT community) but also it was important to promote DIVERSITY WITHIN, WITHIN!!, the gay & lesbian community. Many feel that AL was basically speaking to the idea that - one gay man is not every gay man, and that should be accepted and embraced. One lesbian is not the same as the next lesbian - just like as is the case for human beings within ANY community or group of people lumped together and categorized together for some reason... Lambert took criticism from many within the gay community itself - for not being gay enough, for being too gay etc. For example, take someone in the Entertainment Industry who is also gay - Neil Patrick Harris - well he is gay but he is not one to dress up and use makeup and that sort of thing...but that makes him no more or less an admirable representative of the gay community... there will be more flamboyant gay people, there will be more conservative gay people, there will be the very left of center RuPaul's of the gay community and there will be the Neil Patrick Harris' of the gay community (just sticking with entertainment industry people here, I could talk about Barney Frank/politician etc. etc. but just staying within the entertainment industry) and each individual within the gay community can be considered as just that, an individual, but one not more or less a better representative than the other on what it is/means to be gay... that sort of thing. I believe this is what many observers thought Lambert was sort of speaking to with that remark. Others can feel free to chime in if they think I've missed the mark on that.
To glitzylady @ June 27, 2010 1:07 PM - Yes, Provincetown is a great place...Cape Cod is a great place...Massachusetts is a great place. For sure it has it's bastions of closeminded, backward-leaning thinking, sort of old yankee New England puritanical thinking... but it has so many people and places who embrace diversity...great schools, GREAT ARTS, great artisans, great medical centers...I could go on and on. And I find that even people who are sort of old school and have a hard time embracing diversity - well, they are least respectful and tolerant and are, in the end, open to being educated to knew ways, just slowly.
and To funbunn40 on June 27, 2010 3:15 PM - I hope so too, and your comments at 3:15pm were uplifting.
Anon 4:04, what in the world do the political views of people on this site have to do with their opinion of how Obama handled the gulf oil spill? One can be of any political persuasion and have an opinion that is "outside" the box according to that persuasion.There are a lot of people of all political views who feel that Bush reacted too slowly to the flooding of the 9th ward in New Orleans after Katrina. Are you saying all liberals will side with Obama no matter what, or that all conservatives will side and approve of everything a republican does?
Anon 7:39 Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana called for emergency help from the Obama Administration one day after the oil rig blew up in the Gulf of Mexico knowing it could lead to disaster in his state. Nothing was heard in Louisiana from Obama until 15 days later.
Governor Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana did not ask for help from the Bush Administration until after Katrina had hit the state of Louisiana and especially New Orleans and its 9th Ward. Busses provided by the US Govt. were standing by to evacuate the people who had not heeded the Federal Government warning to do so before Katrina hit the coast, but no request was made by then Governor Blanco for their evacuation until the footage of people standing on the roofs of their flooded houses hit the media. According to States' Rights, the US Government CANNOT come into a state until asked by its Governor.
Obama seems to be doing all he can on the golf course and by taking two vacations since the spill to help the people, wildlife and ecology of the "golf" coast.
Bush was thrashed by the news (ABC, NBC, and CBS) when a 6th grader having had a course in civics would know that States' Rights prevail.
It doesn't matter to me who was or is in office during these disasters, one followed the United States laws and the other doesn't seem to care.
Need I say more?
@11:36, I read where Blanco asked Bush to declare a federal a state of emergency in Louisiana on Sat. August 27, two days before Katrina made landfall and that FEMA was authorized to provide help at its discretion at that point. I also read that Bush, Brown, and Chertoff were warned the next day that the levees might fail. I also read that the Louisiana National Guard requested 700 buses from FEMA for evacuating residents before Katrina made lamdfall but that only 100 were sent. I got this info from this website:
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