Glam Nation Tour at the Nokia Theater in New York
Filed Under (pictures,tour news,video ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Look at this new cool picture which was featured at the beginning of the concert!!! (Credit: Adamholic)

Voodoo / DtRH / RoF
WWFM / Soaked
Sure Fire Winners
Adam licks Tommy!

Look at this new cool picture which was featured at the beginning of the concert!!! (Credit: Adamholic)

Voodoo / DtRH / RoF
WWFM / Soaked
Sure Fire Winners
Adam licks Tommy!

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yummy lickty lick
go Adam and Tommy Love it
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
wow that is hardcore sexy!!!! Lucky Tommy!! do we know whether Tommy is gay or straight?
Tommy aka glitterbaby is straight shame they do make a great couple
p.s i just read this on our UK News
Katy Perry had 17 stitches in her leg after hurting herself while dancing at a club in Toronto, Canada, following the MuchMusic Video Awards earlier this week.
poor girl ouch!!
Glambrit isle of Wight UK
now the tongues excuse pun will be talking
mmmm delicious you bad boys getting us all excited
WOW.......I think Tommy likes the attention given him by Adam. Who wouldn't??
its ADAM's Show he can do what he likes but wish it were with me
Yum yum!! Lucky Tommy!!!
Tommy LOVES IT we so know he does lucky Glitterbaby
This basically confirmed to me that Adam and Tommy are dating. I mean, Adam's not gonig to kiss any guy, two times in a week!
its was the shaved head uproar last week now this will be the new NEWS good though!
Kris would never force his dancers to kiss him or lick him.
oh god I hope the news don't talk about this and give him backlash! But it's all over twitter now!
Oh, how Adam loves pushing the envelope! Tommy seemed to get a real kick out of it too. Love the laugh afterward - by both of them. I wonder what in the world do they have planned next!? :)
I just wish Adam would kiss the other band members for once lol. The others are pretty or good looking too! lol
I wonder if Tommy likes it? I think he's not straight like so many people say so. I think he's at least bisexual.
"Kris would never force his dancers to kiss him or lick him."
It's Kristy again!! HIDE EVERYONE!!! How's Chris doing ??? Is his fandom THAT boring that you have to stalk Adam's fan blog?
stupid bitch Kris Fan - Christy!!!!!!!!!
tommy was not forced.. go an get a life you sad troll we know you LOVE ADAM and NOT kris thats why you are always on here checking out Adam
Kris Fan - Christy LOVES ADAM you so do!!
I just squirted all over the place. Gonna go clean it up. Thanks Adam.
Haven't posted here in a few days. But ---
OH MY!!! That's sooo sexy!!
to Kris Fan - Christy
who the fuck would want to kiss kris LOL!
Kris Fan - Christy you are so funny and SAD!
Christy~get a life! Adam does NOT force anything on anyone. And besides, who the hell would ever want to kiss, no less lick, Kris Allen~yuck!
Please don't make me barf!
Go back to your freakin' wussy KA web must have latent "Adam desires" to always be checking in on our news.
Anon 9.35, that was dirty, and... soooo funny.
Hey, Adam can "force" himself on me anytime! LOL
THAT was hot!
Lol Kris Fan whatever your name is...that's his bassist. They both love the shock value. They both love glam. They're co-workers.
Tommy is a musician, not his dancer, and he's having a blast. Tommy has previously given Adam his full permission to do this type of thing.
Now go shop at whatever mall Kris happens to be opening this week.
If anyone could turn a straight guy gay, it would be Adam!lol Who can resist this sexy beautiful man?! He could make a straight woman go get a sex change!lol I'm still not over the Detail magazine photo shoot!Too beautiful for words, but alas,have to face reality. So thoughtful of Adam to throw us straight ones a "bone!" ha ha He and Tommy are laughing their a$$es off over the press they're going to get now! Adam's probably aggravated over the hair shock and awe and now will give the world something more to talk about,bb that he is. ha ha funbunn40
Well Tommy sure seems to have enjoyed that!
kristy-who wants to kiss kris allen so boring plus hes married kris allen can kiss only his wife/adam is sexy and single.
What a flirt these two are. Playing with us. I piss my pants laughing so hard. My goodness.
thats was tonuge licking good!
you boys you get us going again with Excitement
everyday a Delicious Pic or Video
i never seem to get to bed anymore i am glued to my seat waiting for the next Tantilizing Treat
i am so pleased you didn,t obey the family friendly rule
love Adam, Tommy and all the Glamily your,e all so much FUN
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Kris Fan - Christy you are so THICK!!dancer Tommy's the Bassist you silly COW,get your facts right and PISS OFF!
Well, they know we love it so there it is! Yep, it'll be all over the internet, the tabloid shows, but whatever....If it was ANYONE else it wouldn't be newsworthy, just rock and roll!!! It's also New York, gotta give it a little something extra. Only a lick after all (but WHAT a lick!!!) (Liked the "bone" comment funbunn40!) Living vicariously through Tommy, bless his little heart!!!!
aaah cutest cutesy lick ever,Damn i love those boys so much
And we're still early into the tour - imagine
what they'll be doing by September!
And, I swear, the" Adam show" this summer has taken the place of TV for me, no reruns this year, just all new Adam exploits from now on!!!! How lucky can we be???!!!! Just Adam videos, interviews, 24/7, e-mails to and from other Adam fans, and reading and writing comments. Doesn't get any better than this! Oh, and going to concerts, can't forget that!!!! WOO HOO!!!!
I seriously cannot wait to see what they do next. And then to see what that evolves into at the concert I am going to in Sept. It is tremendously HOT. They are obviously enjoying themselves and I am enjoying them enjoying themselves even more.
Big Mama Here:
Didn't I tell you to ignore Cristy. She comes here to get a rise off you. Just today, I came back to let you know I still here and what happens that little Cristy comes back to mess things up. IGNORE HER IGNORE HER IGNORE HER. Don;t mention her or answer her at all. EVER.
Big Mama
Hi glitzylady, yes that just about sums up my life too...its 6.45 in the morning and i still have not been to bed HOW CAN I??
there's too much going on ..its no good i will have to start night shift duty!! from next week!!
those boys sure know how to thrill and excite us
nighty nightxx
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Why are you "glued" to your seat, Glambrit Isle of Wight? Can't hold your licker? Just asking...:)
I worry that this could cause AL problems but it shouldn't. Everyone accused Adam of licking Tommy, (the last concert), even tho they didn't even touch. I am sure this is in direct response to that and they are laughing about it. I do worry a little but people pay to go see him and it is not prime time tv. Let them be. They're poking fun.
Listen everyone Big Mama Means IT!!!!!!!!
she get Big Papa on here with his own set of BADASS words and you won't want to hear what he has to say! don't risk it!!
just Ignore Christy Kris the Reptile she ain't worth it
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
I can't wait to see what they'll do in late August. Hoping they'll loosen up a little. The performances still seem a little stiff. lol
If Tommy is not gay or bisexual I'm sure He enyoys play with this because give him notoriety and fame. Lately i've seen him moving at stage like if he was the star but the true star is just adam, I hope Adam be intelligent and doesn't let anybody to hang of his fame.
Yep I agee let them be they are having fun with each other and us. I have just watched Rhinnas latest video and it is pretty raunchy with another female, so leave our boy alone, its harmless fun. I love it.
Hi Stanley, its them Boys look what they do to us
its sure is nice though,
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
Anon 10:47
Big MaMa here:
It's not only the badass words he uses, his face gets all purply and those veins stick out in his neck. He just don't like any one talking bad about Adam. I thank God every day Big PaPa can;t use a computer. But those words will curl your hair...seen it happen.
Big MaMa
re 10:50 PM
how can you say that about Tommy, he's part of the Glamily we love Tommy and ADORE ADAM
Adam LOVES Tommy, that was hurtful
Adam oh Adam... "there he goes my baby walk so slow sexual tic tax toe..."
OMG.. that was tongue lickin HOTT!!! U gonna grab the media attention again Baby!! Honestly I kind of jealous that Tommy always get that extra attention from Adam!
Wish i was Tommy! Lol.. who would turn down the offer of getting licked by the sexiest man on earth!!!
Big Mama you Rock and make me Laugh your'e so funny
Gawd Bless yer!
Glambrit Isle of Wight
OMG..that was sooo hot!!! I keep replaying it.
Just hope the press don't tear him to shreds over it, they still seem very negative towards him. Even from the awards the other night, nearly all the reports were about his hair, hardly any mentioned he'd actually won something.
HK fan
Donnaw @ 9:26
"Yum Yum!! Lucky Tommy!!!"
Honey, you spelled it wrong: Yum Yum!! Licky Tommy!!!
The Hawt boys were out tonight to our delight.
Maggie Longfellow
Whatever the media say about Adam it won't stop
Adam's Fans which are rapidly rising on a daily basis
Everyone will want a piece of Adam,
Do whatya gotta do Adam cause you drive us all crazy with your Sexiness
Glambrit Isle Wight UK
over and out!! zzzzzzzzzzz
Hot stuff! Adam and Tommy sure know how to work it and get everyone going. I love those guys.
F**in Hell i love it!!
What can the media say. Looks like two consenting adults to me. Besides any publicity is good publicity.
LOL ... pun intended ... that should get all the tongues 'wagging' on the web ... I wonder how many times they rehearsed that before the concert ... my two bad boys ... gotta LOVE 'EM!!!
I have officially ceased to worry about the media: Adam has millions of fans all over the world (just take a look at this website!) and we love him, Tommy and the rest of the band....They sure keep us coming back for more, sell out those concerts, and on top of that, they remain the nice people that they were before all of this craziness started!!! All that matters, and as 11:14pm said, publicity is publicity. Not everyone "gets" it, but its their loss! And Adam and company are definitely OUR gain!!!! The most fun I've had in years! (Also the least sleep...) Speaking of that, gotta go to bed (seriously.....)
IGNORE CHRISTY! She pretends to be a fan of Kris Allen, but she did not even know Kris was on tour. She spends so much time on this site that she has no idea what her "favorite" is doing in his career. By coming on this site, she has shown she has no respect for Kris. He would never approve of the nasty comments she makes. Shame on you Christy. Grow up.
Adam and Tommy are pulling our collective chains. They know what we like. Show Biz folks. They are playing and pretending. Jake and Heath played a role in Brokeback Mountain just like Ad/Tom are playing a role. It's fun to watch and certainly sexy. Enjoy and don't think so hard about it. It's all good and it's all fun.
Just replayed that about eleventy billion times.
(Can someone show this in slo motion, please!) Wowzers. So sexy! Lucky concert goers, Lucky TommyGlitterbaby, lucky us!
Y'know, I sometimes cannot believe in 20 goddamn 10 that people get uptight about this ol' ROCK AND ROLL craziness-Adam and Tommy are just playing with y'all. People were more open-minded in the 70's when Bowie gave Mick Ronson's guitar a blow job.
Chucking over how many times this is gonna be replayed over teh interwebs.
BTW, Glitzlady-you rule. The hell with the media.
Thought he wanted people to FINALLY center attention on his music. I guess with all these women getting to sex it up kissing each other he's determined to have equality. Now we have to go through all those "shocking!" and "gay kiss" headlines and interviews. I say the same thing for him that I do when the women "Act up." Ho hum, I'll be glad when our society gets past this stage.
Hi Beverly, I thought your comment was interesting. you seem to have a different outlook on the situation than the rest of us. I do agree that there IS too much sex everywhere and that on one hand it should be more about the music but on the other hand -dayum! That was hot! I really enjoy seeing Adam play around on stage, with Tommy also. Fever and WLL are my favourite concert songs. So actually, I guess, all in all, I'm glad Adam does what he wants to do.It's not like he's prancing around almost naked through the whole show like Gaga.
Poland Loves Adam
Btw, I think Adam really needs to get some "action" after these shows. He's got all this sexual energy in him buuilding up that he's probably not letting loose. ;) I think the Adommy scenarios may be a result of the fact that he's just a bit "lonely";)
Yeah, yeah, Poland (and everyone else) -- the kiss was hot! Adam is hot But Adam and all those kiss-kiss girls are just trying to provoke media sensationalism. In Adam's case his voice, looks and performances are enough. The guy has got it all. He oozes mystery and sensuality all by himself. He doesn't have to play shock-shock with Tommy to sell out a house because he's probably the next Elvis.
oh, adam, there you go again! i like you but you did not keep your promise that your shows are family friendly, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? you are not doing yourself a favor. WAKE UP not many people like what you are doing. PLS DO IT PRIVATELY WITH TOMMY!
THIS KRIS ALLEN VS. ADAM LAMBERT IS TOTALLY DEAD, DO YOU HEAR ME 'DEAD" the media does not even mention it anymore. RIP. ADAM WON! it is worthless now christy!
Adam you are a class act what are you doing ? You know how America reacts to things like this. Please don't ruin your career! You said family friendly and you know people don't consider that family friendly. I don't say it is right just and American fact.
what's up with you, people? Adam never said "family friendly"! Let him have his fun! A kiss or a lick will not ruin his carier. Relax. It's all for fun.
I don't think there should be any fuss. It's Adam's show. It's not televised. Do you remember Madonna? She slithered around onstage while men practically....well you know!
If there is a big todo,it will be challenged (again) and the people who make the fuss will look stupid (again)!!
So giving Tommy a kiss is not family friendly???? What is that supposed to mean? For God's sake, they are having fun, and doing their own thing. There is nothing wrong with that lick. I saw Adam and the gang in Wilkes-Barre and Adam and Tommy didn't kiss but there was some harmless sexy stuff going on and it all works in that type of live show.
This was covered after the Toronto near-kiss too. Even if they do this and more (which I hope they do!) it will still be family friendly. There is nothing wrong with anyone kissing anyone else. Its all about Love, that is what Adam wants to show people. And it is good to see the sparkle brought back to Tommy, that only Adam can bring.
Ok guys, get over yourselves, this is show biz, besides with all the girls kissing now, Adam is just showing he too can do this
Just read a review from the New York Post - slight 'lick' mention-- no biggie---but very positive of the show overall. Also read a mini-recap from Ace Showbiz - again mention of the face lick but no big woop! Exactly how it should be.....Adam's incredible voice is finally being recognized. Even Rickey from had some posiive things to say....even though he would have liked Adam's show to be less acoustic.
Ha!One question for the media-- Did you hear that crowd?!? the people spending their hard earned or borrowed to see the show LOVE IT! So damn hot. Hope they do it again when I'm there in a few weeks.
I saw the same reviews. The Adommy moments are, like 5:08 said, mentioned and swept away, absolutely no big deal.
oh STFU! HOw is a Lick not "Family Friendly"? It is just a lick and it is so HOT! Let the guy be himself! And a lot of us love it. Look at people's comment here, 90%of us love it, so STFU. Majority RULES! FYI, he can't keep everyone happy right.
Man, this dude is just SEXUAL! Go Adam, Go Adam. We love to see more Kissing,licking,touching....MOre is MOre
sorry ,but I don't care for the licking , kissing none of that on stage...................please he's not a bedroom singer, LOVE HIM !! but not that shit , keep it in the BEDROOM !! and that for me goes for, guy & guy !! girl & girl !! and guy & girl !!!!
Here's more licking, this time it's Tommy the Glitter Baby ( found this at Candy Glam site. Enjoy it everyone. I know I am. Hot in here, LOL.
Melissa Toronto, Thank you for the link another Adommy moment that is very cute!
Hi guys, I am just waking up NOW (it's 1 PM)! Jesus, what did I miss?
Oh, sweet Adam, that was great! WHAT A LICK! YOU DID IT AGAIN! That is my golden boy!!! Is there some left for me? Ohhhh, sweety!!!!
I love the fact sweet Adam loves DANGER, but don't you worry about the media, fellows fans... this time my Guard Angel is watching his back, personally, right?
Hey you,
KrisFan - christy (or whatever)
Adam never ever forced anyone to do anything, you fool. By the way, I think you are visiting the wrong site. Would you leave, please?
Whoa....Adam had fun last night huh? After he said he is too busy to get lucky in that interview from Toronto....he just had to go and lick Tommy!
Tommy is such a good sport and cute too.
Dear Kris Fan: Go back to your boring, safe, no-press, average-talented, plaid-wearin' guy. Kris rarely does ANYTHING interesting. In fact, the only times Kris has EVER been interesting was when ADAM was standing next to him.
Poor Christy sounds like a very weird guy. So Sad! The sexual energy that Adam experiences on stage seems genuine and Tommy looks like he has just as much fun! And the song was FEVER, for #$%#$ sake - what's he supposed to do, wear a choir robe and fold his little hands??? LOVE how they rock out and challenge the world to flirt outrageously- gonna crank up the CD and shake the house this AM - Adam, you rule the UNIVERSE!!
Hey Maggie~
You're right! "Lucky, Lucky, Lickitty, Lick Tommy!!!"
It doesn't get much better than that.....Tommy is one Lucky Man!!
And to all the nay sayers~ give it up! Its all showbiz.....i don't think at this point in Adam's career a kiss or a lick is going to hurt him. His fans and most of the writers love the excitement that Adam brings to everything he's involved with!!
no more fuss;intertainer; talking about kissing; ok year 2010 guy kiss guy a bet- girl kiss girls; modonna and gaga and others.bullock and meryl we focu on adams signing;how talented he is.fever song is very sexy-be realistic-is no big deal kisisng and etc. actor soap opera both kissing as well no big deal.
That was so sexy I love how Adam just does Adam stuff. He is the best ever! What a GUY!!!!
IIHY is #1 video on US ITunes right this minute! You go, Adam!!!
IIHY song just now hit #99 on US ITunes.
I agree with anon 5.20,
personally I love the 'lick' and anything else he cares to add, have watched it 'quite a few times'. Just don't want the press to get on his back, I get all defensive and protective of him when they say horrible stuff, especially when it is so hypocritical. Winds me up.
HK fan
Adam likes to be impulsive and fun, he lives by that code! Tommy is the beneficiary, he is straight but loves to have fun too! Twitter about the glitter and he will sell out all the rest of his concerts! Go Adam love the tongue!!
Just remember that Adam said he takes his energy from the crowd, its New York and boy do they have energy!!!
WWFM on ITUNES #7 in Austria, #6 in Portugal, #10 in Switzerland, and IIHY #8 in New Zealand. Billboard, WWFM is #3 Adult Pop and #10 Adult Contemporary.
Its just a show! He can cut his toenails if he wants, as long as he is singing beautifully, in tune and pitch. For Christy Kris Fan why bother yourself with what Adam is doing - worry about your idol, his voice cracked while singing Alright whatever during a recent appearance.
Fan4fun here,
- Glambrit Isle of Wight UK,
when you come back and check this out, thanks a lot for your messages to me yesterday, and for your good comments on THIS matter.
- Adam Fix,
so curious to know your opinion/comment about this lick. WHERE ARE YOU??? training on the mirror (ha ha, just kiding). No lick left for any of us, fellow, unfortunately.
Well, sweet Adam, that was another good surprise,
baby, you bet, just L O V E D...... period!
So much to say - but totally rushing right now (damn, that life of mine is always getting in the way, lol). Will comment more another time - but just wanted to quickly type/say a funny little thing - yesterday I was responding to Adam Fix on another thread - she was talking about going to an AL General Admission show, and I was telling her "Good Luck" with that... and I had to add that I had originally mistakenly typed "Good lick..." isn't that what they call "forshadowing" in the literary world :) LOL LOL ... or maybe just my subconscious talking to me! Gotta run for now...but OMG!
(totally almost hit "post comment" without using my tag!!!! - gotta get used to that!)
Okay - MassGlamFan here again - just have to add one other thing - I do have various thoughts on this - but, again, still processing, (and rushing) won't go into right now :)... but did want to throw this one thing out there (and maybe someone else already said it - I read through comments super fast so probaby missed a lot) did anyone else get the feeling that maybe AL didn't expect Tommy to respond with a lick back of his own? (which, I mean, really, who could resist??!!). I've watched clip quite a few times (you all know you have too :)!!!) and AL definitely went for the SIDE of Tommy's face originally... but when Tommy "responded", it made the whole gesture/exchange a little more racy than perhaps it would have been otherwise, without Tommy's response. Thoughts?? Well, I ready one review already, which, when it mentioned the lick, basically categorized it as tame - can't remember the media outlet at the moment, but was a good review overall, a very good review actually. I suppose the argument could be made that it's unfortunate that any such gesture was mentioned AT ALL in any review... but not going to get into all that now :). I just hope there is not media backlasch that causes AL to tone it down for MY concert at Foxwoods Thursday night!!!! (Selfish of me, I know!!!! LOL). Darn it - I better go!!!!!
Hows this Adam voted the most sexiest man in muisic
Lucky Tommy!!!!!
Hi, HKfan, you see,
Glitzlady is right (read her comment above)
I really believe we should not worry so much about the press... sweet Adam has got so many fans around the world, everybody ready to fight for him, that no media can break this chain anymore.
Adam is just rocking (and doing it perfectly)... let our golden boy let himself go...
Go, sweet Adam, go! WE LOVE YOU! SO DOES GOD!
That's cool! Adam can lick anywhere he want. He's a sexy human beings and a great performer with outstanding vocal ability. A few seconds of "licking" interaction out of an hour show just good enough enhance the visual effect and bring down the whole roof.
Oh, it´s ME, above, just forgot to sign....sorry!
Sorry again. When I say it's me above, I refer to my comment to HK fan about Glitzlady.
I absolutely love the wild boys America has to offer :D
Hi MassGlamFan,
I'm sure Adam Fix will accept your good intention! I would! LOL
She posted this link a while back
melissa toronto said...
"Here's more licking, this time it's Tommy the Glitter Baby
found this at Candy Glam site. Enjoy it everyone. I know I am. Hot in here, LOL."
Whoever has not checked this out absolutely must! so radical! That goes to anybody who thinks Adam's pushing it on Tommy! Can't believe it! Adam's gonna turn Tommy gay in a second;)
Poland Loves Adam
@ Anon 6:04 - thanks for this link you posted:
Sexuality aside, it must be tough not to come under AL's spell when spending so much time around him... and not just the sensual spell, but the, um, how sall I say it - the seduction of being such a nice person, at it appears by all accounts AL is.
I got a chuckle out of one of the comments posted under that You Tube clip which basically said - maybe by the time Glam Nation gets to my concert date they'll be in full make-out mode... lol, (yeah, me too, I'm seeing another concert in Aug.) Such funny comments people leave!
I know people have legit issues with this, out of love and concern for his career, but I gotta say - I was very nervous that AL would tone it down too damn much (he is rightly so very business savvy, which I think is totally sexy btw) and so I, just my personal POV, am so frickin' glad to see that this is not the case... but that's just me.
Adam repeatedly has said he doesn't want to be constantly referred to as the "openly gay AI runner up." He doesn't want interviewers to keep asking him about being gay either. He wants them to focus on his music. If that's true, they why keep calling attention to it by giving the media fodder? Seems like a huge contradiction to me. And no, I'm not a Kris fan...just an Adam fan with an opinion about choices made and contradictory behavior.
be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind....
how could anybody be offended by this display of hotness, if fact its so hot in here right now that my smoke alarm is going off. adam fever strikes again.
chezza-sherbet/ brit fan :D xx
kristy allen fan chris (whateverrr) please read this :
YOU ARE SUCH A HYPOCRITE ! you hate adam but you following him all the time! are you sick?
chris said not nice thing about the way his female fans dancing, he said it on twitter then he deleted the tweet after the fans got angry (he's such a coward) - he himself cannot dance ,please don't let him dance it's ugly , that's why he definetely won't have dancers on his show (it'll get worse)
chris let his female fan french kissing him and licking him in one of his concerts (long time ago) even though he's married, whereas adam lambert is single and playful. but nobody wants to do that with chris anymore, hahahaha. chris is just boring!
as you can see tommy kissed adam back, this is called rock n roll, but of course you don't know this bcoz chris is just plain boring, no fun!
kristy fan chris -- i know you hate adam so much that's why you always blindly wrote your comment here and there but DO PLEASE next time you want to trash your comment (out of jelaousy), at least check the facts first, your comments are always deluded !
last but not least...have you checked yourself to the doctor? i think your hatred and jealousy towards adam make you blind and delusional and could harm you in the long term..just go praise your chris at his site, okay? it's healthtier that way !!
Hi, shezza-shebert / brit fan :D xx
Here, Fan4fun: Thanks for improving my English (be who you are ,etc.) so true... never heard, loved it!
Do you know why sweet Adam is such a happy guy? Because «the truth set you free». He is so honest, just makes us love him so much, and feel happy for him.
god i love adams o fucking much but i cant believe he kissed tommy AGAIN after all the shit he got last time. he said in an interview he wouldnt kiss anyone on his tour and he just did...hes gunna get alot more hate for this againnn:(
I'm betting that having 2 consecutive days off prior to this concert, Adam done got himself LAID! The boy looks and acts mighty happy.
I say....carry on! What an electrifying performance. This is the Adam that we know and love.
I guess it all depends what he wants the attention to be, his fabulous music or his tongue on his bass player. You just know what the media will do with this. Cue Bill O'Reilly to jump into it. He always does.
Fan4fun again here
(this is my day off and I'm goingo to spent it all here on my favorite site)
Fellows fans, I just watched the whole «Music Again» and, of course, «Fever». Let me ask you, is sweet Adam getting more and more oiled each show or was he just hiding surprises about his talent for each show to come?
Seriously, his performances can be even so better when we thought he had gave his best in the last one...
Oh, my, I am in such a big love with my golden boy! What a shining star! And I had to wait 56 years of life to see such a bright?! Is it the light? Shall I cross over now?
hello...miley screwed a stripper pole...adam licked a cheek, big deal!
I would like to see him, lick the keyboard player !!!!!!!!!!
Ok Adam gives his fans soo much happiness and love. He needs to find his love and soulmate for life!! GLAMBERTS, GLAMBRITS, GLAMSKANKS all of Adam's Fans - we have a MISSION. What qualities MUST Adam's soulmate have? This should be fun!
Here's a few:
Spontaneous - Adam acts on the moment in life.
Brillant mind/sense of humor - Adam's 1st love Brad Bell had this.
Insanely Talented Musician: Gotta keep it real must be someone who can inspire Adam!
Ok - Guys -- your turn to add to this list!!! Let's have some fun!!
I live outside America, so I never heard of Bill O'Reilly, is he a feminist..?
Bill Who???? If it wasn't for ADAM ... that name would mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to half of the world!! ADAM brought Bill O. into the spotlight so who gives a flying frig what Bill has to say. I would first have to WATCH his TV show to hear it ... which I WON'T ... and then I would have to actually LISTEN to or CARE about what is said ... which I DON'T!! Bill O. should let out his corset strings .. then he wouldn't be so UPTIGHT!! ... SORRY FOR THE RANT!!
Just a shout out to Sure Fire Winners...that song is a sleeping giant and should be Adam's next single, and his performances of it just keeps getting more and more powerful! The band really rocks it, too!
I love the videos from the tour, but Adam in person is an experience everybody needs to have in their lifetime. You will be blown away. I saw him in Wilkes-Barre, the kick off show, and he was amazing!!! I am sure the show keeps getting better. Adam is pure JOY. Get your tickets now!!!
Hi it's Poland again - i'm sick at home so watching Adam all day. I'd also like to Adam something about the performances (not about the tongue work). I thought the concert in New York was absolutely FANTASTIC! All the people were singing along to the songs (you can hear it awesome on Aftermath and Music Again) and everybody on stage was having a blast, not only Adam. Monty was going insane- a real rock&roller. His guitar was genius. Awesome concert - so jealous of those who got to be there.
hi fan4fun, i read that little line a while ago and loved it also...
and you are so right, you can see how happy adam is and that he is loving every minute. each show is getting hotter and hotter.
i think adam might have been a bit cautious at first, takin advice to protect his voice on such a huge tour. but it's like he's said stuff that, i want to give it my all...and boy is he, he's truly amazing...sigh :D
chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx
Hi. Poland Loves Adam,
if you are sick at home the best you can do is watching Adam. Our golden boy do miracles in our health...make us feel so good!
Aren't you the one who has your mother living in NY, who was going to see the show? Am I lost among old comments or what?
Hi, chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx
thanks for answering and agree about Adam's happiness.
Let's show again the line, so who didn't pay attention above can get it now, OK?
PS: Sweet Adam is doing right that and... perfectly!
Family friendly is so subjective-- whose family? I've seen the show once so far! Adam can sing his hot ass off, lick his bass player and then sing his ass off some more. And if bb likes it, this bitch loves it! It's not an either/or world.
Adam is the Pied Piper of LOVE! End of story!!!!
Hi Fan4Fun! Yeah, that WAS my Mom. I just called her up a second ago and told her what Adam and Tommy were doin' at the show and (although she adores Adam) she was like :"oh, maybe it's better i couldn't get those tickets". I was like :ah, mom, lighten up!;) i come from a VERY orthodox catholic family so Adommy kind of confuses my Mom. thankfully I'm not so uptight. But livin' in NY is making her more tolerant every day;p
Poland Loves Adam,
You tell your mom that Adam does this kind of thing just to have fun... they are all friends, guys having fun together, living their best moment, a dream, toghether...and that is ART, not a sin. If it was a bad thing Adam wouldn't have the approval of his parents, who are as proud of him as we are, maybe more.
BT says:
well well, everyone seems to introduce themselves, I think this is the time I reveal myself. As we all know Adam has a very diverse fan base and I happen to be one of them. I am an ETHIOPIAN abid, abid ADAM fan. I followed him since Idol, to be specific Ring of fire, mind you I wasn't a much Idol follower person, but I heard people talking about Adam and I tuned in for Ring of fire and here I am glued to the computer since then. I went to Idol tour to see him in MN, that was my first concert since I moved to US almost 5 years ago and I went to the Mahnomen Glamnation concert on the 11th, which again is my first solo concert since I've been here. I love Adam's music, art, his heart and his beauty. I say he is the most amazing artist to grace the world in a long long time. And I hope to see more of him and one day to meet him and take a pic. FYI, I come from the most conservative society but I happen to be open minded and I love it when Adam is himself on stage and oozes sexiness with Tommy and the dancers and I say Go Adam Go Adam! Nothing this man does offends me! Not in a million yrs, it rather makes me love him even more and more.
and love to all the Glamberts out there.
Btw, I love 24/7, here is where I get my Adam feed every night after work and you people here make me LMAO.
I love you all (of course except Christy kris fan :( which I want to squeez her till her insides pops down her ass:)
Hi BT,
Welcome on board! Adam's fans list is like a mother heart... always has room for one more!
We identify ourselves because, like sweet Adam, we don't have anything to hide.
Hey everybody, you got to see this, the best WWL (NY) ever, Melissa just gave us the clue in another conversation on this site:
What an Adamorgasmic interpretation!!!
Watch it:
I was dying, need quickly a cold shower. Ha!
BT says:
Thank you fan4fun. I barely commented before but I would make it a habit to express my love for this lovely man and for all you glamberts. And thanks for the link, love it:)
Adam knows his audience and that every ticket buying fan in that huge theater last night enjoys the sexual banter between Adam and Tommy and expect it. That's puttin' on a SHOW! I will never understand troll-behavior who misplace their time every night watching something they don't like. I would consider it a waste of finger muscle to blog into a Kris Allen site. Poor Christy. Maybe we should take up a collection and buy him a copy of Computers For Dummies so he can find his way.
Ohhhhhhhh damn it - late to the party!! Will post a comment on a more "current" page.
- Adam Fix
Anon 11:42, I agree with what you said. It looks so obvious that Adam and Tommy had this planned. Tommy looks straight at Adam and then the hawt lick-'sexual tic tac toe'! Tommy cracked up afterward... I also would love to see this in slo-mo! I agree that Adam has such sexual energy in his music that gets him and all of us going...yowza! Can't wait to see what enfolds in his other concerts.
Welcome, BT, You're a long way from home and I hope you are happy in our country. I Love the diversity of so many countries with a common love of Adam. What an ambassador of good will he is.I have friends from Eritrea and I have sponsored a boy from Kenya for the past 9 years.Adam is making the world a much smaller place and the opportunity to get to know one another. He's a gift that keeps on giving in so many ways. Love that sexy sweet man!! funbunn40
adam lambert is really a hero!
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