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Glam Nation Tour in Baltimore, Maryland

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, June 28, 2010

Posted at : Monday, June 28, 2010

Backstage picture of Adam from mix106.5fm








IF I HAD YOU (another version)



Anonymous said...

Am I the first????
Will I watch him before any of you????
Can't believe it!!! Bye now, fellows Fan4fun

glitz and sparkles said...

lucky you!!! I have to wait 9 more hours until I'm home from work.

Anonymous said...

I'm also going to work right now so I'll watch them all when I come back....because if I start watching them now, I'll want to finish it and I'll be late for work lol.

But I'll be anticipating it. :D

Sirius said...

Is this the first time Adam's the shortest one in a picture?? 0.0

Anonymous said...

just the thought of him being in the same time zone as me and 20 min away when he is in D.C makes me all excited!!!

Stephanie said...

^^^ Lucky you!!!

I'm going out in a few minutes so I only watched SOAKED (my fav!)

Anonymous said...

That's funny, I've noticed that I am not the only one that wakes up in the morning and visit 24/7 for her daily ration of Adam. Boy, he makes my day! Every single day. Am I too weird???

glitzylady said...

As I commented earlier on another thread, anyone who needs to talk during Soaked should be shown the back door, IMHO! I don't know how ANYONE can talk, laugh or even breath during that song! Its just so beautiful, and deserves to be fully listened to, without all of the hoots and hollers that are much more appropriate to the fun and sexy songs, such as Fever (who could even begin to resist doing a little screaming on that one -its involuntary!) Adam's voice is so pure and magical in Soaked, I just don't want to hear anything else but that. Just being a little grumpy here, I guess, but hoping that when he sings some of his beautiful acoustic songs at "my" venue in a few weeks that people are a little more respectful to Adam's perfect artistry and also to the other audience members who are there to hear Adam sing, and not other's chatter and yelling during those songs. Obviously "preaching to the choir here" but just had to get that out!!! Have been to two other earlier this year concerts and I don't remember hearing all of this "noise" during those more quiet songs.....Of course maybe I was so mesmerized I couldn't hear anything else but him!!!!! He does sort of have that effect on me when I see him live..... :-) The anticipation........

glitzylady said...

@ 10:38am (the OTHER one :-) )

Yep, you ARE weird but join the club!!!!!! Lots of us out here!!! And its a fabulous club to be a member of!

Sirius said...

"That's funny, I've noticed that I am not the only one that wakes up in the morning and visit 24/7 for her daily ration of Adam. Boy, he makes my day! Every single day. Am I too weird???"

Nope! You're not the only one. I bookmarked 24/7 and visit here every morning and watch the performances before I head out to my part time job (It's summer so no classes). And yes, Adam brightens my day all the time!

I just wish the tour would continue forever lol.

Anonymous said...

No comments at all so far? Well, as it seems I'm also the second, and the is no new WLL available (again), let me now DIVE in FEVER! Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Your last couple of lines glitzylady @ 10:38 - YES, when I saw Soaked live at Foxwoods, I remember feeling it was very quiet, and thinking GOOD-as it should be...but when I watch some vids, there were those ding-dongs hootin' & hollerin'... I mean, really, is it rocket science people... don't get it... but anyway, I think, as you said, it was that I personally was mesmerized :). I suppose maybe with some fans it is INvoluntary to make exclamations even with "Soaked" and I guess I can understand it (that's me being kind right there :)...taking a cue from AL, lol). Foxwoods was a big venue, I'm sooo interested to see how GNT is going to play out at the small venue I'm seeing in Cohasset, MA. And also, I hope all you 24/7 people that are taking in shows come back here and comment about your experiences - I for one am very interested!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait! THERE ARE COMMENTS, my computer was locked, sorry!! Fan4fun...NOW I WILL DIVE IN FEVER!

Anonymous said...

oooh lovely and sparkly adam...i like it. he looks like a vampire in sunlight ( like twilight)
hmmm very tasty.

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

and oh, to the other 10:38am, um, I check 24/7 as soon as I can in the morning... and sneak back to 24/7 as much as I can during the day!! Sign me up for the "weird" club and send my official membership card... :).

ps. I have a good life, a lovely life...but I'm loving having AL's brilliance in it... his presence on the music scene, and therefore in my life, has improved my relationships and so many other things in my life, I can't even tell you... hey, some people have Oprah... I choose Adam Lambert :)... maybe that's sad to some, but I'm a perfectly reasonable person, living a full life with healthy relationships and human interaction all the time.. but I'm a music lover and people person and I'm diggin' AL's music, personality (as much as we can see of it for public consumption), way of being/living...etc. As long as fans aren't slaves to the computer and him (well, not too much anyway ;)!) cuz AL would want fans out there living their own life well, then I think it's all good. Okay, didn't mean to get all serious on everyone, lol... and I'll be waiting for that "weird" club membership card in the mail!!!!

Anonymous said...

weekends- i check morning, anytime i have nothing to do, and at night. prob 10 times a day
Weekdays- right when i come home from school literally, whenever i m on the comp for hw, before bed. prob 7 times a day on weekdays. :) not including his twitter and facebook acount:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you 24/7 and thank you so much Adam for these awesome videos and updates. Always makes my day wonderful!:)

Adam you're the BEST!!!

CrazyOFan said...

I used to check AO every morning but the info there were confusing to me so I only check 24/7 every morning and at night to catch up on my Adam obsession and get my Adam fix.

I have work and a family so I don't really follow many artists but it's different with Adam. I want to know every step of his career! I want to feel like a teenager again lol.

Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...


I too have a full happy life but have to admit I spend a "bit" more time on the computer these days....My husband just shakes his head...Luckily he is a fan too, otherwise would be awkward...He will watch things with me from time to time as he enjoys Adam's interviews and talent and would defend Adam to the death, although he is a bit less involved in day to day Adam fandom than I am. He loves his talent and great personality. I must say that Mr. Lambert has had a ridiculously profound effect on me since I first saw him singing Black or White on Idol ....

My "BFF" is going to his concert here with me in few weeks (her daughter is also a huge fan and insisted that she go with us) and since she lives out of the country most of the year and is sort of out of the loop with my, shall we say, Adam fixation (yes, I'll admit it...) I feel like I sound like a blithering idiot when I try to explain why I am such a fan to her. I hesitate to share TOO much info (as in GUSHING with enthusiasm-or as Glambrit Isle of Wight would say "berting with love"-get me on that subject and I GUSH, get sort of flushed and flustered, well you know what I mean!!) with her because she'll wonder if that's ALL I do these days.....and we ARE supposedly mature sophisticated ladies (HA!) So, I'll just wait and let her experience for herself why I am such a fan.....She may still think I'm a little nuts, but may at least have a better understanding...I'm hoping.....then she can be in the "weird club" along with me...

Anonymous said...

The picture for Strut looks like Brooke is wearing a gigantic head-dress of that head, haha.
Great choreography for Strut - I really love the
I have also found this site 24/7 is the best and so fast with new things and it's the first thing I check every day. Yes, I also have a full,
meaningful life, but this is my entertainment in the same way that some watch sports or go fishing. I go back to work with renewed energy.

Anonymous said...


Looney said...

I agree! That FEVER perf was so sexy.....

Anonymous said...

Did he sing WWL in the encore last night?

(I wonder if the Obama girls are going tonight -
probably a bit too young yet.)

Anonymous said...

I always love everything about the concerts - just a small small thing, I wish Camila would look up at the audience during intros and maybe wave and smile more.

Anonymous said...

Have watched EVERY video of the GNT and, is it just me, but does it seem like he is having SUCH a good time in these videos?? He just seems extra happy - more smiles and fun. Maybe 'cuz he's feeling better, but damn this show just has extra energy. Adam seems so happy and I'm just so happy for him! What a talent - voice, charisma, energy, etc. - can't wait til July and my concert in Costa Mesa! LUV HIM!

Anonymous said...

Didn't Obama said that his daughters love Adam a year ago during the finale of AI? Or am i making things up? lol. I'm sure I read it on Ohnotheyddint

Anonymous said...

Sign me up for the "Weird Club" to as this is what I do same senario, full happy life sensible. mother grandma. wife etc, then have this little fantasy life going on, which I have to be careful, not to go on and on and on about Adam. I remind my self of what he always says get out there a nd live your own life as best you can.

Anonymous said...

Barack Obama is following Jared Leto on Twitter..

Anonymous said...

Adam did look so happy and having so much fun with fans singing along to WWFM.He really was feeling the love with the enthusiastic feedback! When he sings Soaked, Aftermath and any slow songs, I also want to hear every magnificent note and it's not the time for shout outs and noise from the audience.It has to be very distracting for him to focus and stay in character of the song as he likes to do. Fever, Music Again is another story.He's happy for fans to get up and dance and I will too. Glad to be a member of this "Weird Club"!

Anonymous said...

These videos are taking over my life! Can't stop watching them. Wonder if UKG Isle of Wight is in Adam rehab. Haven't seen her today or Adam fix. Maybe they are exercising some self control. hmmm...I forgot to sign above post. Adam burn-out... funbunn40 Btw@ GINA please check GNT Atlantic City for Charlotte info.

Anonymous said...

I exercise two times a day and set up playlist on youtube for Adam's GNT while exercising. This way, I at least do something when at the same time enjoy his music. During the day, I make sure I work 4 hours before I come to this site to check on him. I dont know if I am weired or not, but I am enyoying doing this and it work perfectly for me. Thanks 247. I love you. Fan from Canada.

Anonymous said...

okay the obama girls would NOT be too young to see adam. there were FIVE year olds at the concert yeaterday. 8 yr olds 10 year olds 12 year old. all ages wee there for bb.

Anonymous said...

I'm the same as many I have to get my Adam fix everyday! Luv luv Adam!!!

daydreaminmylif said...

Ok, me too Club Weird. I too have a fantasy life when it comes to Adam. My teenage sons know but even my hubby is just getting a sense of how 'into' Adam I am. I just came back from 4 days of camping and I can't even begin to tell you guys how I missed this sight. I have spent all day trying to catch up and not even close! My hubby will come home and ask what I did all day and I will only be able to tell him the few things I squeezed in besides Adam surfing. We are all mesmerized by this amazing man and his beatiful talent and carisma. Well, he'll be home any minute and Adam re-run is on Ellen next and I have to figure out dinner-crap!...catch ya later!

Anonymous said...

2 «WEIRD CLUB» CARDS here, please (double: in English and in Portuguese), one for me and one for my GLAMkitten «Icon»!!!! Thanks a lot,

PS: Me and Icon wake up in the very middle of night to get sweet Adam's news&comments...WE WIN!!! HA!

Anonymous said...

That is me too. Adam Lambert 24-7.
I visit everyday I can.
It is not weird at all. Just fun time. My time for me to do what I want.

Anonymous said...

Send my weird club card as well. Mother, wife, grandmother and absolute Adam fanatic. Have never followed another entertainer, Adam is the first, and I am besotted. Check this site out every morning and night. Listening to his music, interviews, watching performances just makes me happy and relaxed. Thank you Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Do I really have to confess how often I come to this site? I've told y'all I'm hardly getting any sleep, as it is, thanks to following Adam on line! My favorite Adam-stalking time is late at night, after the rest of the house is asleep and I've done all the "chores" for the night. This is my "me" time. Well, me and Adam! Then I know I will have no interruptions. No interruptions and no SLEEP! Oh well, I have the rest of my life to sleep.

Yes, I have been off on an adventure for a couple days...but was suffering serious Adam withdrawls!!! I will never catch up, now.

Yes - "Weird Club". I'm all over it. I'm all about it. It's all about me. My husband thinks I've lost my mind. I tell him I have, but so what? Sign me up as President of the club, I am so smitten with Adam!

I think GIOW/UK has fried her brains out in the sun. Remember there was a heat wave going on and she was out sun bathing on cliffs, or something? Miss her...hope she comes back soon!

Nice to be back!! :)
- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix,

Baby, YOU ARE BACK to our weird club!!! Just on time, I missed you!!!!! Sweet Adam too!

Anonymous said...

Adam Fix

...and fellow, if you really want to be the president of Weird Club, ask our fellow GINA to run your campaing. We'll have her asking fulltime, in all threads, «VOTE!» «VOTE!», «VOTE AS MANY TIMES AS YOU CAN! It is easy!»

PS: Good job, Gina!
I myself voted for sweet Adam on Vh1 20's 6 times some minutes ago! My Glamkitten «Icon» couln't do it because is underage... sorry!

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzlady
@ Funbonn40

I left big messages for both of you on that thread where I commented first about Adam's voice being so clear and easy for me to understand (interview). Please check them up if you haven't so far...

@ Mass Glam Fan

I'll «talk» to you later about your answer on the GLAAD «Fever» and Adam's statement at the and.


Anonymous said...

I'm very happy to have joined club weird too. First thing I do when I get up is come to this site, as there's usually lots of new stuff been posted during our night. Then check again at lunchtime....dinnertime....evening..I think you get the picture. And somehow fit the house stuff and kids, and work in.... I', off to the UK for 10 days soon and am already wondering how I'm going to manage to get my Adam fix....

HK fan

Anonymous said...

'Ya know Adam Fix - when this sort of "wired club"... oops, I mean "weird club", lol, but WIRED sort of fits too LOL... anyway, when this thread was evolving, I was thinking - We need to elect Adam Fix as Club President... ha ha ha... too funny. Yeah, and maybe GIOW/UK as V.P. :). Hilarious.

And yeah, 24/7-Adam time is "me time" too... like someone posted above - some people fish, some people watch sports, etc. As long as we're living our own lives well & fully too, it's all good IMHO.

And no - you don't have to admit how much time you're on here!!! A gal's got to have some secrets, right! I know you don't go on 'til late at night... that used to be my m.o. too - but I've started to let myself sneak on in the morning, was missing too much sleep, but the morning thing is NOT servicing me and my day's to-do-list very well, LOL. Gonna have to figure out another plan :).

glitzylady said...

Well, here's a prime example: back on here in the a.m. to see what's happened overnight, especially in light of the Washington DC thread from last night. Lucky to have slept at all after watching FEVER and THE KISS! more than a few times (the whole video was stellar, he was as hot as the steamy venue), and then where do I head when I wake up.....!!!??? It's really all Adam's fault, ya know, so whoever said Adam should be honorary president of the "weird club" makes sense. He always admits to being a little weird, so if its good enough for him....And yes, Adam Fix and Glambrit Isle of Wight would be two excellent top officers for the club, ably assisted by some of the other verbose and astute members...Now, off to see if any other videos have been posted from last night....and have to say, I have been a little late for work, hair appointments, and picking my husband up from the airport ("the traffic was terrible, honey...") because of just having to watch one more video (again) or reading and writing (because I had something very profound to say and it couldn't wait....) so yep, DEFINITELY in the Club!!!

glitzylady said...

Oh, boy, just noticed the time!!! Prime example of what I was just saying... I have plumbers coming in half an hour and I still need a shower (especially after FEVER last night...) so here I am, totally oblivious to the passage of time once again!!!!! Off I go....

Anonymous said...

"the traffic was terrible, honey..."
Laughing so hard, glitzylady, - I did that too!

Anonymous said...

You guys crack me up... we should all share one our best "excuses" - like gliztylady's traffic excuse... frickin' hilarious.