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New (Old) HQ Pictures! Adam at The Ten Commandments Opening Night

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 27, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, June 27, 2010

These were taken at the after party, on September 27, 2004.



Anonymous said...

Wow, 6 yrs ago - he doesn't look any older now!
The guyliner brings out his eyes now, but handsome
as ever back then!

Anonymous said...

NICE...I like the lighter eyebrows
So sweet

Anonymous said... handsome.......looks just as young now. I know he loves the guyliner and such, but my he has a handsome face without it too! He is a beautiful man......this has no piercings or tatoos....see his virgin ears?? Sure hasn't aged much in six years!!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I saw him in that musical, he is amazing. I had to buy the DVD.
His voice is so pure and strong. Amazing for a 22 years old.

Keep voting vh1 and requestin iihy. Heared the video is number one in Canada.
We can do it too.
Just hope to hear it on the radio.

Anonymous said...

Always adorable and beautiful. He looks the same but a little younger.

Keep voting on VH1, and spread the word about Adam. I tell people in stores, and of course all my friends and acquaintances about him. I am always surprised at the number of people who have not heard of him.

Anonymous said...

His face is beautiful with or without makeup. His smile melts my heart. funbunn40

LiLy said...

I wonder if the Adam then knew that he'd become a super star 6 years later?

Anonymous said...

wowwow!! He's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

What a handsome beauty.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous. That boy doesn't need make-up, but it's now part of his routine. Wonder if he ever modeled.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Adam: once handsome, always handsome, no matter makeup on that beautiful face or not! What a cute smail... no chance at that time he had an idea how much that face would be loved wideworld 6 years from then. Kind of funny, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

...and yes, guys, let's help our fellow Gina on her great campaing for sweet Adam's VH1 20. Let's fly quickly our golden boy to #1. Thanks for remind us, Gina. You are doing it «perfectly»... I myself voted more than 10 times today! Go sweet Adam, go!!!! We push you, baby!

Anonymous said...

oh, it was ME, just above (4:45 PM)...Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Hey guys-
Here's a link to a remix of IIHY- Just found it on OMRG. It's really good-hope they're will be another remix EP coming out and really hope that Can't let You Go makes it on that one- such a gorgeous song!
Just 3 more days til I get to see Adam in Norfolk, VA! It'll be surreal to actually see him live! Can't wait!
Kristi in NC- guess I need a cute screen name,huh?
NC Kristi

Anonymous said...

Guess it would help if I actually posted the link!
Kristi again!

Click to download, or come to the main page and scroll down the media player to listen to the remix of "If I Had You"


Anonymous said...

I miss the guyliner - he looks like he forgot something that morning. The makeup and fabulous hair is SO much a part of him and what he likes, HE looks unnatural without it!! LOL BB

Anonymous said...

His eyes are just so freakin sexy!!! And of course he is soooooooooooo HOT!

Anonymous said...

Soo good looking -- then and now. I like how he ues the make-up to "signal" whether he's working or not. He has siad on a regular day he does not wear it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like him better without heavy make up, more
natural. He is so handsome he doesn't need to
apply so much makeup. Sometimes more isn't
needed. I like the softer eyebrows. He has
great facial features and the to dark takes away
from them. Adam has it all, what a man. I have
watched him since am. idol. Fell in love with
him then, and hate anyone saying negative things
about him. I have a gay brother and know the
heartbreak and depression that growing up gay
can cause. I don't get on line much and have
only commented to items a couple of times, as
I am not well. I live in Las Vegas, but will be
going back to upstate NY. Family is all there and I do not want to die here. I feel I know
you all from your post, some of you make my day
because you say some funny stuff. Loved the
laundry cleaning,I had wondered the same thing.
24/7 is the best site and I thank them because
I check here first to get my Adam fix. I can
not sit for long and everything and more is here.
Most of you are so lucky because you get to see
Adam live. I will never get to meet him or see
him in concert, but I am so proud of him and
wish him a long life and success.
My name is Phyllis. It has been my pleasure to
meet you all here at 24/7.

Anonymous said...

@ Phyllis,
Visit us and post your comments here more times, be our fellow, let yourself go, join the party and make our day too! Everyone who loves my sweet Adam is soooo welcome on board! Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

I think that his eyes look like they do because he had been celebrating. Mine look like that, too, when I have had a little to drink.

Anonymous said...

@PHYLLIS,So glad you joined us and am glad that Adam brightened your life as he has brightened ours. He is a beautiful gift for all to share. The videos are a wonderful way to experience Adam and you get to see closeups of that sweet, sexy face. His brother, Neil has 3 videos on youtube that I think would give you great comfort and joy. He plays the piano beautifully and it will transport you to a magnificent, peaceful place. When my mother was very ill, I had soothing piano pieces playing for her and I could see the ease contentment on her wonderful face. There is nothing like the comfort of loved ones and laughter is a great healer. Hope we can keep you smiling with our lovesick admiration of Adam! We are a lively bunch! Stay tuned! Love and hugs to you, Phyllis funbunn40

julia said...

@Phyllis, welcome on board...
Btw, Adam pictures look awsome. It looks like ADAM never get old !!...he can make himself look older with different hairstyle, formal wear, and so on but ADAM is just BEAUTIFUL and AGELESS !! He is 28 but he has a look of 20 or 22 yrs old, has a matured conversation of a 40 yrs old, and has good look of any age depend on how is his makeup, dress up, and so on. He is the most handsome & charming man in this decade ! Why he is so addicted ? He could rock you all night and he can be mellow with all his soft songs and lead you into a good night sleep.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, fellows, sweet Adam never getting older and WE always getting younger.... oh, well! This is what I call a very «useful combination»!

glitzylady said...


Ditto to the comments of welcome...I am also so happy that Adam has come into my world and always brightens my day, what a shining star in a world of often depressing news...I too enjoy the people here and am so thankful that 24/7 has given me an outlet for my expression of my love and admiration for Adam the lovely and special human being, with people who understand what THAT is all about! Everyone here is so positive and supportive. So sorry to hear your health is not good, but know that "our boy" can put a little more happiness in our souls and I thank him every day for sharing his wonderful talent with us! What a joy he is and I'm so glad you are able to get on here from time to time, as best you can. So nice to "meet" you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Phyllis, your comment made me blink back some tears. I hope you are ok. Adam offers an escape from everyday life for so many...he is one of a kind, truly. Everyone who meets him is touched by him, and - although you will never meet him (and I doubt the rest of us will, either) - I am happy that he has spread joy into your life.

Thank you for taking the time to post a comment. Please comment more, if you are able to!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Oh, and by the way - is it just me, or does Adam look like a sexy "adult entertainment" star with his open shirt and necklace combo? Ha, ha!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, Adamfix. I see where you're going! It also reminded me of the old Saturday Night Live,Three wild and crazy guys, with Steve Martin, Will Ferrill and ?, dancing in the bar, fist pumping,dressed in 1970's garb. My husband used to have a gold chain with a big cancer the crab pendant. Can't believe how cheesy it was. At least Adam can pull it off and can wear anything that turns him on. It's all in the confidence and looking like a work of art. Now I can't get the image of the porno guy with the black mustache, heavy set, short, long back hair, can't think of his name. Btw I only saw him clothed on tv He did nothing for me, but made some people happy.Still laughing at the image... funbunn40

glitzylady said...


Okay, so what did you mean that you never saw him clothed except in TV interviews?????!!!!!!! Inquiring minds want to know!!!! Hmmmm..... If nothing else, that thought made me LOL!

Anonymous said...

Funbunn40: OK, cracking up. Yes - SNL: 3 wild and crazy guys, totally!!! Or Boogie Nights.

I know the porn star you're talking about...Ron something-or-other. His nickname was "The Hedgehog" (um, why do I know these things? ewwww) I never got him, either. Maybe he was more "average looking" so "real" guys could picture themselves in his role, if you know what I mean.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady! hahaha You don't miss a thing! Inquiring minds will have to wonder.....A little mystery is good! Adamfix, you just jogged my memory bank with the name Ron. The last name I think , is Jeremy and his claim to fame supposedly is "every inch of his love!"hahaha and don't ask me how I know!haha I'm beside myself now with visions of "Boogie Nights!" "The Hedgehog?"I'm having a laughing fit! hahaha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Yes - Ron Jeremy! Right. He was a very hairy guy. Maybe that's why he was called the "hedgehog"? Actually - I don't want to know why. Bleh!

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...


I think I'm sorry I "inquired" : That "every inch of his love" is going to rattle around in my brain until I can watch Adam sing that song and replace the vision of the "Hedgehog" (thanks Adam Fix ..) and his fat, hairy mustashio'd body with something a little more worthy of that iconic and legendary phrase....Oh my God, I'm laughing hysterically now, what is going to happen at the concert and Adam is singing the sexiest song on earth, and I start laughing....I'll be thrown out on my ear as some "troll" unworthy of listening to our Rock God....and its all your fault.....and mine for asking innocently what you meant!!!! That'll teach me to ask questions better left unasked....