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Adam bringing sexy back!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 25, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, July 25, 2010

Short clip of Adam dancing with Brooke last night in Sacramento. Very sexy moves!


Anonymous said...

Very VERY sexy indeed! Damn it Adam!

Anonymous said...

new interview from Canada..



Anonymous said...

more video~


Anonymous said...

LMAO this is fun interview... Here is the first part..LOL

OMG this guy is addicting


GlammyLadybug said...

Hi there!
If you see this someone is streeming right nou from Warfield!!
Poor video, but excellent audio...

Anonymous said...

Ok that was too Hoooooooot to handle!... lol And can Adam ever move that sexy body of his!!! And those last steps, I wanna learn them!:}... I wanna take lessons from you!:}} ( Adam )

Anonymous said...

ZZ 10:24 - Oh man, thanks for the link! Did you SEE those EYES? Didja!???! I could stare into those eyes for days on end. Wow. Beautiful.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry - got so fixated on the eyes, forgot to comment on the matter at hand... Adam - what the hell was that? First of all, you're bad, bad, bad...becuase you know that sexiness is just gonna kill your fans. But secondly, you looked like a wind-up, horny rabbit, on fast forward! :P

- Adam Fix

GlammyLadybug said...

Ok. That was something else!
Go on that UStream channel anyway to see some of the recorded videos. WLL was totally sick! I hope BB's vocal chords are ok after this concert.
Thanks ChellyElley!

Anonymous said...

@GlammyLadybug 10:35 PM -
OMG - thanks for the link! I was laying in bed, trouble sleeping so was on my ipod touch, seeing folks talk on MJ's about the good audio on someone's livestream tonight - but wasn't inspired to check it out...but my brain wheels were spinning with Real Life stuff, wasn't falling asleep, saw your post - and checked out livestream afterall - THANKS SO MUCH! This time our terrible time difference worked in my favor, ha ha (but I agree with you from that old thread, 24/7 such a fun playground, but hard w/ the time differences among participants, lol). After hearing that WLL on livestream - I can NOT wait to see vids tomorrow, loved it! Thanks again, I think I can sleep now :), 2:33am EST, I better find a way or I'll be wrecked tomorrow :).

Also, @ZZ, thanks also for your link - don't like that interviewer (didn't live/post at MMVA's either, too concerned with how HE'S coming off) but AL - yes, so damn addicting... he looked so amazeballs in that interview I thought, man, I couldn't take my eyes off of him... lawdy I'm so enveloped by this addiction :).


GlammyLadybug said...

You're welcome. Sleep tight, MGM!
I am soo late for work :-)


Anonymous said...

Sorry, MGF! I'm in such a hurry..

Anonymous said...

No problem GL :)... and yeah GL - Adam Lambert does that to me too ALL THE TIME!! LOL.

ps. Just gonna paste in this post I put on the "Airplay Chart" thread - some good news I thought peeps who don't go back and look at old threads might be interested in, sorry for the redundancy for those who do! -
Just saw on MJ's that IIHY had two OPH spins and a Club Kane spin this weekend...that should help already w/ radio spins for next week I think. Yay.

Also, IIHY at #18 on Pop iTunes and was #42 earlier this evening on regular overall iTunes - which I think is the highest it's been, I think??, so good news I guess.

glitzylady said...

@Adam Fix at 11:28pm

LMAO.....!!!! ".....wind up horny rabbit....."....Guess we'll have to start calling him "Thumper".....

Anonymous said...

Mann.. is Adam human or robot?! He is so full of energy on every show!! Love that sexy moves baby!! btw I thought u looked like an electrocuted bunny for a while!! Lol

sexy n naughty!! I love it!! :))

Anonymous said...

u're all welcome glamily...I just need my Adam fix everyday, so I had to look for something new to sleep and dream about LOL, so I came across this sweet interview and I thought I gotta share this sexiness with Glamily.
@Adamfix, oh yeah I saw those eyes, how can I not! SO HOT..LOL at "horny Rabbit". good lord, this dude is giving me Frequent Glamatacks :)


Anonymous said...

this fever is OMG, and SUZ, whoever you are, you are a GOD send dear... Thanks for this amazing video.

Another massive Glamattack happening to me, good day Glamily.


Anonymous said...

I think Adam stepped over the line with that last dance move.He grabbed her against her will, and all she did was try to get away. Bad move Adam. No wonder he apologised, I think he was the only one having fun. She will have to laugh it off, if she wants to keep her job.He reminded me of a horny dog, mayby not so cute as a bunny.I hope he doesn't think he can get away with anything , now that he is famous.I am sure that some of the fans thought it was funny and more than sexy.Hope his management doesn't get too upset. Not actually a proud moment for his parents either.This is only my opinion, and I am sure I will get blasted for it. I still love the man and yes he does have gorgous eyes and a great voice. but I still think the dirty dancing went a step too far, ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

@Anon Jul 26 5:13am - If you're being legit and are truly a fan, I completely and totally respect your POV... but my POV, hhhhmmm, Brooke looks like a pretty willing participant in her exchanges with Adam Lambert, here, and in every single one of the many concert vids from this summer... here's the IIHY from last night's second Warfield show in San Fran:

My POV - Brooke gets, albeit disarmingly, pretty aggressive w/ AL in her own right, it's all in the showmanship (and fun) it seems. Just another person's opinion. There are things to pick at Lambert about, if one is inclined to do so...but I'm not so sure your concern for Brooke in this regard is one of them... and peeps, no need to blast me either :), just my POV, and I really do respect yours 5:13am and thank you for sharing. I am one who loves reading through everyone's take on things!

ps. @ ZZ 4:26AM - yes, that "Fever" last night was EPIC...can't wait to see what the 24/7 Glamily says about vids when they're up...I had to watch early a.m. elsewhere, RL and all - but a hot show last night!! :)

Anonymous said...

How far are you going to go, Adam? You're really pushing it in more ways than ONE! There actually is a line of acceptability. We still love you...but be go further out there with each performance.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 7:27 am. As Adam said, they are all friends and just having fun. It's not that deep. Brooke also loves to play around with Adam.!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon Jul 26 5:13am

Brooke is one of Adam's closest friends, same as Terrance and Monte. Adam is very gracious and very loyal to his friends, as evidenced by the numerous interviews I've read & watched. I'm sure if Brooke did not like it, she would say so without having to worry about keeping her job. And in watching the video and other videos of IIHY @ the GN shows, it looked to me that everybody was having fun, including Brooke.

Anonymous said...

Adam has the idea, not quite there yet. Keep practicing

Anonymous said...

love adam very much- he has lots of fun-plus hes also a funny him-love his music and his sexyness.

glitzylady said...

I would agree that this was them just being silly.... Just watched a different clip on you tube, different angle...all in the name of independent research....and it really just seemed like a goofy exchange between two friends who have been on tour for awhile and have known each other for years....some things work out better than others....I thought that even HE looked slightly embarrassed of those things you do and think, wow, how did THAT look??!!! But IMO "not that deep"...He and Brooke probably had a good laugh afterwards, she may have slugged him on the arm and said WTH? but guessing that would be the extent of it...Just my "take" on it of course, and like MassGlamFan, I appreciate the different points of view expressed here....and also got a chuckle out of anon at 9:02's comment...."keep practicing"....I think Adam would find that quite amusing...

glitzylady said...

Although, have to add, I'm guessing he's already pretty good at it....

Anonymous said...

Adam you are hysterical!! Good try..

Anonymous said...

It's not choreographed and when it's improvised they don't always know what the other will do. They've been friends a long, long, time and think they laugh after each mini-dance. He tries to give us all [straight and gay]a treat each night, all in fun. He would't ever offend any in his crew. I love their interplay and hope there will be more, maybe a little smooch next time! lol funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@5:13am ... I think you're putting too much concern about ONE little dance step. It was done all in fun ... 'horny dog' is a bit much .. IMO .. I would NEVER refer to ADAM as a 'horny dog' ... just a playful 'bunny' trying to give his audience a little something different each night ... since some of his fans attend MULTIPLE shows ... why not change it up from night to night. AND I certainly do NOT think his family was OFFENDED in any way shape or form nor was Brooke for that matter!!
Good Grief!! It's ROCK & ROLL!!
BTW ... I thought it was funny! & CUTE!!


Anonymous said...

@5:13am, you are rediculous... that dance move was just for fun. You know what? I would love for Adam to grind his crotch on my face... He is just so sexy and irresistible.

Anonymous said...

IMHO i thought their feet got tangled and she tripped and he tried to keep her from falling...

Anonymous said...

Tess4adam, I so agree with what you said. As Rod Steward said after the AMAS, "It's rock 'n roll" ! Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Just wanted to clarify, that when I said (@ 9:32 am) that I thought Adam looked "slightly embarrassed", I just think he probably thought that last little thing might have looked a little goofy to the audience...and from the straight on angle it sort of did (the hyperactive bunny part)... All in good fun....And the rest of it was just so FINE....Always look forward to the next time...And I think his family is extremely proud of am I....

Anonymous said...

FYI: He was doing a parody of the Chris Kattan / Will Ferrell Saturday Night Live disco dance scene. You know the one where they get on either side of a girl and just bounce her back and forth between them. He was in now way seriously disturbing Brooke. I was in the 5th row and believe me she and Adam both had a good time and a hearty laugh about it.

glitzylady said...

LOL that is so funny, I know what you are talking about, perfect analogy..., now that you mention it that IS what it looked like....and they ALWAYS have fun up there....its great to know that they can have a good time AND put on such a great show for us too. It was interesting to see them after the show in Seattle, while I waited to see if Adam would come out to sign autographs (he did..) . All smiles..., guessing they are all having a ball, and imagine having Adam for a boss is a pretty good deal....I would replace my employer with him any time.....

Anonymous said...

OMG Anon, I was in the 5th row too! It looks like you were in the middle section though it looks like right? I was in section 1 about the 8th person away from the center section!! Small world! You are right, they were having fun. He actually said "Sorry, Sorry about that, We like to have fun up here". They were clearly havin fun and I was loving the interaction between he and Brooke!