Adam Lambert is #1 on The 2010 Ladies' Choice Hot 50
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, July 21, 2010

AfterElton may be predominantly gay and bisexual men, but they do have a surprising number of female readers there. They value the ladies and feel bad that every year they have to ask them to sit out the Hot 100 voting.
To try and make up for it, every year AfterElton run a special poll exclusively for female readers, in which they are asked which gay/bi men they find hot.
This year over 12,000 votes were cast for over 600 different nominess.
And the winner for this year is...
1. Adam Lambert

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Was there ever any question....Having just seen him live a few hours ago, and up close......Hmmmm.....gorgeous...losing my train of thought......
Are those female readers lesbians or straight?
Just wondering!
Hell YAH!!! Adam is one HOT, SEXY AND BEAUTIFUL DUDE!!!:)
Adam is the most Good-Looking, Tallented, and Sensual Man, I have ever seen. He is my first and only All Consuming OBSESSION.I have not had more than a passsing interest any celebritiy before. I kid you not, I have often thought that I had developed a mental condition, but I have learned that I am not alone, that there are many, many more Love Struck women out there. If I had the time and money, I would probably fly from city to city to see his Concert, because I saw him here at the Tennessee Theater and he BLEW ME AWAY!!
Well duh...
Anon: 10;50, Not that it matters but I am a straight woman and visit this site daily for the interesting and informative info. This is all due to Adam! Last year he was #5 or 6 and now he is right where he deserves to be # One!!! Later will go and see if the 9 other guys I voted for made the list. Neil Patrick Harris was #1 when the men voted. "This site" I was referring to was afterelton! Adamluv
MGF....agree .. I ditto that duh!!!!
Anon 10:59 I am in total agreement and for the life of me CANNOT figure out what it is about him...but what a ride :)
I was never really interested in Elvis or the Beatles; Adam Lambert is another matter. He is the most mesmerizing, talented and beautiful young man ever. I have to agree with 10:50, I wonder about my mental state!
I'm bisexual and I LOVE ADAM. It doesn't matter whether the women are straight, lesbian, or bisexual. Women in general will LOVE Adam.
Mrs. Jones, are you the woman from the "Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones, you've got a groove thing going on" ? You might be too young to know the song. Adamluv
I wonder..why women (straight or bi) are more attracted to Adam than men?How can you find NPH hotter than Adam?
I think Adam is threatening to a lot of gay men, especially older ones, since he is so open,honest and confident in his sensuality. Nothing against Neil Patrick Harris who I also voted for, but to my mind he is a much safer representative from the gay community to the straight one. If someone has a different opinion, I"d sure like to hear it. And I'm no expert on this subject so please no haters! This was a response to Anon 1:09. Adamluv
Straight here and think he is really special. Talented, good looking, but the fact that he is so nice and has a good, kind heart just trumps this man!
Nothing is ordinary about Adam. His talent is extraordinary. Performance is mesmerizing. His style is exquisite. He is a very attractive man. His personality is sweet at times, and witty at times and vulnerable at times. He is extremely loyal to his friends. He has everything you want in a best friend and a lover. I know if I was a pretty, intelligent gay man I'd be right there at every concert hoping to meet him. He just cuts through all barriers because of his honesty and makes you want to cheer for everything he does and understand that he was BORN GAY and is now comfortable with that sexual orientation. I find him beautiful inside and out.
I have never heard of that song lol. And yes I'm probably too young to know that. (i'm 15).
And MrsJones is named after my favorite Math teacher. :)
Mrs.Jones, Oh yes, waaaaaay too young for that song but love that your name tag is that of a favorite teacher! Adamluv
I agree 100% with everything Anonymous . . . straight here . . . , etc." said and the following comment "Nothing ordinary about Adam . . ., etc."
And yes, I am also straight.
Rock God ...Sex God....
I'm straight too! Married woman with children! I will vote anything in the name of Adam!!! I adore him n love everything about him!!!
U hv all it takes to be a Superstar, Adam!!! So talented, gorgeous, polite and well loved by ur fans all over the world!!!
U r always #1 to me!!!!
I think the older gay men have had a harder time in the past with prejudices, especially more conservative looking and life style ones. The very "out there",over the top flambouyant ones drew very negative attention to gays in earlier times and may have caused them embarassment and unwanted visibility. Many older and more conservitive men I'm sure want to be respected and not have biased attention thrown their way and just live their very normal lives. Adam may have struck a sensitive chord because of his glam and glitter and in their minds, draws attention to the very stereotype that they would prefer to go away.This is only a guess on my part, since I am straight and don't have any first hand knowlege. Adam, I think is really somewhere in the middle.The bottom line for me is he is a quality,normal,decent, loving being that just happens to be gay, no more or less important than my being straight. It's the soul that matters to me. As for Adam being attractive to both sexes, why not? All can be attracted to inner and outer beauty no matter what your orientation. He oozes sexuality. Even the plant kingdom must love him! funbunn40
Jesus Crist!!!! W#0 is t#at 0ne in t#at picture???? Greek g0d AP0LL0???......FAN4FUN
Straight married woman here( no kids) and I love AfterElton for the… wait for it… the focus on hot freaking men all the time. Adam’s just has it and the make-up /glitter seems to just highlight the broad shoulders, intense eyes, long muscular legs, narrow hips/tight ass, big hands, big feet, strong forehead and chin, and the glambulge too!
My sentiments exactly, Anonymous at 2:03. He is sweet, honest, loyal, and can be vulnerable. He pulls my emotions to the surface and it's like a sensory overload with many different feelings. One minute I want to hold and cuddle him, and the next I want to lick him like a lollipop from his sexy little toes to all over!!OOOPS!!!
"Sexy is Sexy"
----Adam Lambert
@ An0nym0us 10.59AM....... Welc0me t0 «Paradise 24/7» (Get a tag, let us kn0w «w#0» y0u are, besides a g00d fan)....y0u see, y0u are n0t al0ne and t#is IS N0T an 0bsessi0n at all, fell0w: it's MY reality! I believe Sweet Adam's v0ice can wake up t#e deads and bring t#em dancing t0 a new fun life!.....I call it «Universal P0wer 0f Adam Lambert» (w0uld s0meb0dy let #im kn0w it, please?!)...... Fan4fun
I agree with everyone's comments.... and would like to add that Adam's relationship with his family and specially with his mother makes him even more atractive! How many young men are comfortable inviting their mother to their TV or other public appearances without worrying about being considered mama's boy? He even told his mom not to worry financially because he would take care of her!
@ Funbunn40(4:00PM)......Yes, ideed, indeed and indeed again! Y0u read my mind, fell0w, y0u are my very dicti0nary!!! T#anks!.......Fan4fun
@@ An0nym0us 2:03PM...and....5:12PM........ Y0u fans are s0 needed in «Paradise 24/7», please feel y0urselves welc0me and cm0f0rtable, get a tag, talk t0 us and j0in 0ur «Weird Club», it's free......................Fan4fun
I'm married with kids too and I'd vote for Adam in ANY poll. Heck, I'd even vote for him if he's running for the Most Beautiful Woman award. :P Can't help it; I get this unusual kick from seeing him win ANYTHING. :)
ps: I do visit that site from time to time, because it just so happen that most of my favorite stars are gay (Adam Lambert, of course, Jim Parsons and Cheyenne Jackson).
xoxo, Cheyenne Jackson is hot too. Jim Parsons is gay? Didnt know that. Funbunn40, thanks for your input and I agree with what you said as well. Adamluv
NO SHIT!!!! Was there ever any doubt?????
I used to think of global warming when I thought about I think of the Wizard of Glam. Scientists should look into what effect this man is having on that phenomenon.
Adamluv 6:55 My deaf and blind poodle knew Jim Parsons was gay. Might want to do a reset on your gaydar. said with a light heart xoxo
My own quote: Adam is everything that is raging hot in a man and stunningly beautiful in a woman.
Saw him Sat night and was first blown away by how big he is - tall, very broad shoulders, long limbed, big feet, face that is deeply defined, angular and long. Everything moves with power and grace and then that VOICE comes out. You know it is what you have heard for months on vids, CD's and TV but it is totally different when it hits your brain with nothing between you and him. If someone can look at him and not see unique beauty and strength, I feel sorry for their little life.
When I see a picture of this person, man, god, it sometimes stops my breath and I thank the universe that I am alive at this point in history. Hubby is "thrilled" with my obsession since he reaps all the benefits.
After twenty years of marriage, I guess I have a different look on my face because I'll walk in the room and hubby will say "I'll be right with you," as he unbuckles his belt. "Just don't call me Adam."
Then we laugh and the fun begins.
no tag this time
That is the most powerful post i've seen yet on this site. Good on ya.
As you can see by the photo, Adam IS the most beautiful man on the planet. And not only that, he is the sexiest...he knows how to turn a whole audience on. And for your information, anonymous (you know who you are), Adam IS a man...a gorgeous, hunk of a hunk of a man, Alpha Male!
@no tag this time 7:41
"Just don't call me Adam...."
Hilarious....suppose that could be any one of many of us....hmmmm...let me guess......
Agree, Adam is fantastic! Just wondering,is Justin Beiber in coma now?! What's going on, his name wasn't in the list:( Poor little "Baby" :(
To July 21,10:50 am.
I don't think lesbian women like men, even gay men.
i heard somebody said that some women could become pregnant just stay in one room with Freddie Mercury:)
So, I am not surpise that women (straight women) like (love) Adam.
Fan4fun , You read my mind! Apollo suits him perfectly and you keep me laughing the way you zero in on everything!" No tag this time," and hubby,"Just don't call me Adam!" is priceless! hahaha @7:38, You described Adam in the most beautiful,moving way.So perfectly. funbunn40
Anon @ 7.38 ... u summed up everything I need to say!
bcoz of Adam I feel young again... bcoz of Adam I feel like I'm one HOT woman again.. but luckily I didn't call out Adam's name when I'm making out with hubby! Lol... Look what u've done to this married woman.. Adam!?!?
Adam u r indeed the sexiest man on earth!! Im sooo crazy over u!!!
@Robin - have been meaning to respond to you and say how much I am enjoying your comments - thanks!
Also Robin, I loved your "honeymoon" (or maybe it was "wedding night") comment from the other day :). To you, and to "no tag this time 7:41" - someone posted on this site, quite a while ago, something really cute and interesting about Adam Lambert causing a "bedroom revolution"...wish I saved the comment, it was so funny yet wise, and so true, lol. What could be betterer.
Also, speaking of wise...
@ Anon July 21, 2010 7:38 PM - I add to the chorus of "kudos" everyone has given you here for your compelling comment at 7:38.
MassGlamFan (MGF)
Damn, anon 7/21 @ 7:38...I wish I'd come up with that. You're good; very good. He IS raging HOT and Stunningly Beautiful !!! My first up-close and personal comes tomorrow night at The Warfield, and again Saturday at Thunder Valley. I can hardly breathe right now just thinking about it.
I know my life and consciousness has changed forever after being served such a perfect example from Adam.
@ Anony July 22, 2010 3:27AM, and 10:30am just above me too -
As I like to say sometimes - some people have Oprah, we have Adam Lambert. :)
Oh YES!! Adam is definately #1
Adam is # 1 because everything about him is the best this world can offer. He is just a GREAT person, and great to watch.
The reason I fell (and stay) in love with Adam is that, with all the looks and freakish talent - he's NICE. Now, if he were a straight guy, you can pretty much bet that last part would be "but what an a$$hole." Straight boys: take a lesson.
I am a 60+ year old grandmother. I cannot understand this visceral reaction I have to Adam. Saw him live last Saturday. I was so blown away by the raw sexuality, the beauty, and the incredible voice of this man. Hearing him interviewed reveals a likable, intelligent guy anyone would like to hang with.
I think Adam will eventually take his place with the all time greats of the music industry. The King of Glam.
Anon @ 7:47pm
We're all there with you, confused but happy!!!!!
Sorry 7:38pm - you got that quote from me. It's OK - glad it's out there! Finding words to describe Adam is part the journey that started, March 2009. I'm only mentioning that those are my words because it was a particularly enlightened moment and I don't have many. Gotta love the Glam Family!!
Pictures on Adamsquotedaily Blog tonight are going to disturb a lot of sleep!!! Look like they were posed so I assume it's ok to drool. Taken in December in Paris.
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