Danny Gokey talks about Adam Lambert in recent interview
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Q. Be honest: Was Adam Lambert robbed?
A. I said on "Larry King Live" I knew Kris (Allen) was going to win because he had a big fan base. But now the numbers tell me Adam outsold Kris and that means he has a strong fan base, too. With "Idol" it doesn't matter who the winner is. What matters is who you're going to hear on the radio two years from now. Of the 90 or so contestants who have been in the final 13 over the years, you can probably count on two hands whose music is being played. If I'm still being played on the radio next year, I'll be pleased.
Credit: ZZ
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The picture above - oh man, what a few thrilling moments that was!! Especially after Kris Allen was safe... then when Adam was in - his hand over his face... what a magical moment that was!!
On topic - this question:
Q. Be honest: Was Adam Lambert robbed?
Love how that was phrased, I gotta say!!!!
Oh yeah that picture gives me goosebumps!!! I remember how I felt when they were about to announce the loser.
I was so happy when they announced that Gokey was going home.
How's Gokey doing? I haven't heard his song on the radio.
Gokey, Yes of course he was robbed since all your fans switched to Kris, not because they liked him but they werent going to let a gay guy win! Adamluv
Why do we have to keep beating this dead 'horse'
to beat the dead horse one last time...and the AT&T 'scandal-ette'....
Interesting how, now matter what the question is, Danny always makes it about Danny! Who cares what he thinks? This is one person I have absolutely no use for...for obvious reasons, if people remember...enough said! I wish this had not been posted.
Adam's album & single sales world wide, plus his sold out tour prove just how flawed the whole AI voting system is! Regardless, Adam ended up being the winner in the end! :)
Where is Kris Allen's big fanbase now. Poor album sales, and not being able to even come close to selling out 500 seat venues on his tour. LOL
Kris Allen's power voting fans from Arkansas did him no favors in the long run, and ended up making him look like a loser.
Anon 11:28, because injustice and foul play should never be forgotten! Any chance you are a Gokey/Kris fan? And BTW, the subject was not brought up by me! I was simply answering the question. Adamluv
"If I'm still being played on the radio next year, I'll be pleased."
Wouldn't you have to get played on the radio in the first place is order STILL be played on the radio next year Danny? Your best days are NOT ahead of you! You're already washed up and Kris is on his way out!
Adam isn't going anywhere!
lol I hated Danny on American Idol. And I still do now. I'm glad he's flopping.
Adam has the best selling album of AI1. He's the only one with a million selling album worldwide.
I still remember his homophobic family and his homophobic taunts against Adam last year.
Danny is a country western singer and has songs playing on the country station. He hasn't been too successful, though. Thank God, they had him go country, so that I don't have to listen to him.
Oh dear, I hope it wasn't me that started this thread off on a negative vibe... I respect every comment from each and every one of you, but my, just speaking for myself here, intention was only to say that I appreciated how straightforwardly the question was phrased. I suppose it is beating a dead horse so to speak - but my feeling was simply that for ANY AI Season 8 veteran, especially any AI8 Top 13 veteran, I think this is actually a fair question.
But again, none of the comments here bother me, so speaking only for myself, have at it (to repeat, there's a little thing called the scroll down function :)) but for me, what I loved about this post that 24/7 put up was the picture... and here's some video to add to that pic
oh man, AL's hand going up over his face!! My heart swelled so big I thought it might pop out of my chest. ('though, I have to say, I always HATED how AI cut away from Adam's face right after the his hand went on his face, cut away to an audience shot...was so annoyed, lol, but back to the positive, they also cut away to his family celebrating - was so glorius!)
I have never heard Danny said anything nice about Adam.
I never liked his personality and I dont' get why he managed to be Top 3 last year.
Now I ask you, of all 4 men in that photo, who is the most manly, studly looking dude? Our Adam!!!!!!! Adamluv
Ha Ha Adamluv - brilliant point, brilliant!! :)
Kris Allens's a nice guy with a good voice, BUT he puts me to Sleep. Adam Lambert wakes up everything you've got and some you forgot about, Adam has a GREAT voice and vocal range and is the best entertainer to be on stage in a long long time.
@ Adamluv @ 2:19
Totally agree...the one in the striped shirt;, and that's the answer to THAT question...
@MGF at 1:24
Saw the top two winners in Seattle last night (In my world, anyway....you know, that other universe that many of us inhabit on a more or less permanent basis, and in THAT world, those two would have won, at least in my little section of it....)and am so happy for both of them.
hes a douche bag. 'nough said.
The Glamberts just don't know how to play this game right.
Adam and Allison both winners now and that's what matters.I've never blamed Kris for actions around him and neither does Adam.I have no use for Danny Gokey, family and friends for very obvious reasons. Think his 15 minutes are up. Adam in pic is heads above the others[excuse the pun]and is the only true glamgod! funbunn40
Thanks for posting this. Love the pic of Adam!! I do need to learn to scroll past these comments. The immaturity of some Adam fans never ceases to amaze me. Some of Kris fans as well.
@ MassGlamFan.(11:15 AM)...I remember I dr0ped my dinner 0n t#e rug....t#e sp0t is still t#ere! Maybe I kept it 0n purp0se.............................@ Adamluv(11:25AM)...(l0ve all y0ur c0mments, y0u are s0 welc0me t0 Paradise).....I say: if a «fan» switc#es, believe me baby, IT is n0t a «fan»! ..........................Fan4fun
@ MassGlamFan(1:24PM)......I'M GETTING READY T0 TAKE 0FF MY BRAZILIAN EX0RCISM AGAIN, even c0unting 0nly 0n my crasy-freak-prick keyb0ard and a missed b0ttle 0f «Pant#er Piss».... are y0u ready t0 supp0rtingme «neig#b0ur»???? ......Fan4fun
@ An0nym0us 2:28PM..............Indeed!!! I agree every single w0rd 0f y0ur c0mment, y0u 0nly f0rg0t using t#e adjective «SWEET» bef0re ADAM LAMBERT..........Fan4fun
Danny's answer was good! just like what Adam keeps on saying it's not about who the winner is... it's all about who will be successful after idol... is the winner!!!
This guy is too much! I hope he gets asked about Adam wherever he goes. ;-)
I always remember what one journalist at the time
said that "the worst thing that could happen to Kris
Allen would be for Adam Lambert not to win American
Idol." It seems those words have proven true.
(Kris does seems like a nice guy tho.)
@ An0nym0us 2:55PM....Will y0u excuse my p00r englis# and my keyb0ard? Please talk t0 me, I didn't get it................................ @Glamg0d, Funbunn40, AGAIN y0u are S0 RIG#T!!!.......Fan4fun
Love your comment 3:58. That is so true. It messed things up for the Idol tour and really generated the fan conflict. I liked all the finalists in that season except for Danny. He just seemed cold to me with no compassion or awareness of anyone but himself. This image could have been a result of his loss, but I just don't how he comes across. I don't like his music. I'm not a country fan, but I think Michael Sarver's stuff is pretty good.
On a more positive note, doesn't Adam look gorgeous in those old Idol pictures?
Thanks 1:24 massglamfan for posting the video -
it brought back so many memories. I used to watch
that many times a day for a long time!
Notice how Adam is friendly and positive even then
putting his arm around Danny while they wait
I thought Danny's comment was fine - giving respect to Kris but acknowledging Adam's obvious
and well-deserved success.
The only one who can resurrect AI is the one who killed it. Adam should replace Simon.
And to any who may have taken my comment at 2:42) to mean I have any negative things to say re Season 8 "winners" or "non-winners" (no "losers" really), I just had a personal preference for Adam and Allison, regardless of the actual result at the end of the season, and no disrespect for anyone else.....They are all very talented and are indeed all winners, just by being on Idol in the first place. Its all history now and everyone is moving forward in their careers and I wish them all the best..... (and of course Adam IS my favorite of all......) (LOL)!!!!
yay 24/7!Thanks for the credit!
To be honest I kind of stopped watching this Idol season after Tatiana del Toro got voted off. She was hilarious. I thought Adam got lots of praises from the judges. Far more than any other contestant.
Anon 11:43AM, I agree with you on how Danny manages to make everything about him, so pathetic! But he is also making a point, getting highest vote on idol doesn't necessarily mean success.
And Adamluv: "Now I ask you, of all 4 men in that photo, who is the most manly, studly looking dude? Our Adam!!!!!!!"...LOL ofcourse he is the stud! He carries a man when making love girl, he is stronger and broad-chested than the rest of the chickens..LOL
tall, fair & handsome ADAM.
It must be so flattering to Adam and Kris seeing fans getting mad at each other over them. I used to get upset about bad comments about anybody, especially Adam. I think Adam must be aware that his talent surpasses everyone else to the point he probably finds it really easy to be gracious. Danny is probably trying so "save face" since America preferred Adam and Kris over him. It is so obvious I kind of feel sorry for him. I find it amusing when people make rude remarks about Adam. His sold out concerts are proof of his talent and perserverence. I am sure he will be around for along time. Part of the demise of American Idol is the fact that the voting has so many flaws (power texting) in it the best contestants no longer win.
Simon Cowell was probably right when he was questioning the theatricality. Only British can take theatricality to the max. I think Muse is theatrical and sometimes their seriousness is almost laughable. Same thing with the Hurts: Better than love video, although it is a very good song.
Danny Gokey gets interviews???
Good answer except for one thing... where is Kris Allen's "big" fan base now?
Another observation...
Adam is almost a full head taller than everyone else in the picture. lol
And I have never heard Gokey on the radio.
Danny and Kris are yesterday's news. You put the paper you read yesterday where it belongs: behind you, in the past, in the rubbish, in the trash, in the garbage, off of your mind. Take your pick. Let's leave that discussion to some other time and place. Let it rest and go away. :)
Yes, Adam may have lost the battle but he CERTAINLY WON THE WORLD WAR! The truth be told in the end! UR lie or scandle will ALWAYS find U out! Just KARMA! Adam is certainly teaching them a VALUABLE LESSON! The glambert's get the last laugh! TUVM!(Thank U Very Much)
Adam is a once in a lifetime iconic SUPER MEGA STAR! His star is shinning brighter every day!So many people R total devoted to ADAM FREAKIN LAMBERT that he will have long term success & longevity !
Danny said he "knew" Kris was going to win!? What a ridiculous thing to say in an interview.
Gokey isn't the brightest pen in the drawer. He made some really stupid comments on the show like admitting he watched some of the other successful singers and copied them!!! Remember a hilarious video showing him trying to copy Adam. Quite pathetic. He wasn't really that nice to Adam from everything I read, and that's a deal breaker for me. Kris was/is a true friend to him.
I don't know why Danny Gokey would even say this. But maybe it was taken out of context? That has happened to Adam and Kris many a time. You can't go with what you read all the time. Ok I do believe anything Adam says, but that is because he has always been upfront and honest from day one, Gokey not so much. I do believe Gokey has not let go the past. With Adam doing so well I do believe he is jealous. Kris on the other hand is not jealous of Adam, he respects Adam and they are great friends. Kris still says from this day that he thought Adam deserved to win. But does it really matter who won Idol? 5 years from now nooone will remember who on Idol, they will remember Adam!
i would like for gokey to be around my neighborhood on halloween nite to scream for me in case jason from the swamp decides to show his face at my window.lol.
I think Danny's biggest problem with Adam is the fact that Adam is gay and it conflicts with his morality and religious views which are presumably shared by his family and friends or they wouldn't have acted so rude and shamelessly. Adam's talent and popularity on the show were undeniable and Danny finally acknowleged Adam' success and that's a step in the right direction. He may have been conflicted in liking Adam in spite of religious pressure to denounce gays. Hopefully he's learned and grown since then. funbunn40
he look's like Elvis, in that jail house rock video!!!!!!!!!! ADAM THAT IS !!!!
I never liked Danny - too full of himself. His family may be religious but no need to inflict his dated views on Adam. Adam is a far more decent and loving person that Danny will ever be. Also, Adam's talent is amazing!
Sheila Box
This has got to be a tough week for the Adam, Tommy and the rest of the Glam N. Family - love and light only please!!
OMG - is Adam gorgeous in that picture???? Just feel sorry for anyone who looks at him and then has to deny what they see and feel. Talk about a strong fan base ..... we are IT!!
This old picture reminded me of a post I made last year, before I knew about the Glamily on 24/7. Thought some of you might like to read it.
I still believe the last line I wrote.
Adam, you must know that women love you for being beautiful inside and out. But the main reason I love you has not been addressed here. Last December my son came out to me. As a mom, I had suspected he was gay for years, but I thought I should let him tell me himself. I knew how I was going to react…with a hug and a smile. But, what I wasn’t prepared for was the WAY he told me. With tears streaming down his handsome face he said, “Mom, I didn’t tell you until now, (he was 20 and was home from college) because I kept hoping I was normal.” I wasn’t prepared for that. I hadn’t put myself in his shoes. I didn’t know about the stages that one goes through, but it makes sense to me now. I went downstairs and sat in front of the computer. There on the screen was a picture of Ellen Degeneres. I found myself asking God to send a male version of her, someone who, by his very being, would at least confuse those who refuse to see. I didn’t watch American Idol, but by the following summer it seemed that everyone was talking about that show. When I expressed my concern over my son’s depression, my niece suggested I Google the 20/20 interview with you and your mom. Then I ordered the Rolling Stone magazine. Your honest interviews about your journey growing up gay have helped so much! My son is well on his way to being comfortable in his own skin, and I give you credit for that. Oh, and on a “little strange” note. When I was a teenager, a fortuneteller told me the number 8 would be very significant in my life. The first time I saw your audition tape, I was startled by the sight of you holding up that 8 on the yellow paper. (for Season 8 of AI) Then there was Prop 8 in your state. In our state the referendum for gay rights was referendum 71 …7+1… ( IT PASSED BY THE WAY…and we worked hard for that!) My son’s birthday? August 8, 1988 - 08/08/88. Before he left to go back to college this Fall, we were outside talking as we raked. He said, “Mom, I will take a job wherever it takes me…even if it’s as far as Miami.” (We live in Washington State). I said, “You might like Miami because when you were in kindergarten you drew pink flamingos just about every day. “ He said, “ Hey, that shoulda told us somethin’ huh?” We both laughed. I Love you, Adam, for the confidence you instill in those who are different! Thanks for the anthem you wrote for this “new” generation and this civil rights movement. You don’t have to make the speeches…we will do that. You just keep being who you are. You are one of the most powerful agents for change I have seen in my lifetime. I think you were heaven sent. lmb
The mother's article about her gay son is an example of why I think it is important for people to know without a doubt that Adam lost because of Arkansas/AT&T cheating to produce millions of votes and block Adam's phone lines. Young people in the LGBT community need to know that Adam was the most popular and talented on Season 8 and would have won a fair vote in spite of his sexuality. It is difficult being different and Adam is a role model.
Thank you for sharing this story. "I was hoping I was NORMAL"" brought tears to my eyes, so heart-wrenching to know that your child had felt that way for so long, waiting to feel "normal" all that time, when all along he WAS normal, just in a different way than he had thought he "should" be.....I work in the dental profession and went to a seminar at one point, which was talking about children's teeth, and the speaker said that he tells the parents that with the different variations in their child's mouth, it is all "normal" on a wide spectrum, and just what is normal for them. I always remember that phrase and use it to describe a child's situation.....Of course, its a totally different subject, but in reality very true. You do have to wonder, why did Adam appear out of the blue now, just at the time when the subject of gay rights is making some progress. It seems like just the perfect time to bring attention to the concept that "normal" can mean many things when applied to each person. I remember a show on Oprah when the guest was speaking about the concept of gay and straight and used a scale of 1 to 10 with bi-sexual being at #5, and with varying degrees of gayness or straightness as you go up and down the line. Each of us has a point on that scale. And I remember it prompted a discussion in my office about where we each thought we might be (if we were being truly honest with ourselves). It just made so much sense to me...I am hoping that sometime soon that will be the accepted way of thinking, instead of just being "normal" or "abnormal", because thinking of oneself as abnormal is a terrible burden to bear, one that causes great pain, and especially when held inside for so long. I greatly admire Adam's courage and honesty in sharing his story with the world. Obviously his parents provided that strong basis of loving acceptance of who he is, and that has helped to give him that confidence that he has in own acceptance of himself and his place on the spectrum of "normal". I was also fascinated with the effect of the number 8 on your life.....And lastly, I also live in WA state and am very proud of (and slightly amazed at!) the fact that we passed Ref. 71....just one more step....Just as Adam helped Michael Sarver to become such a staunch friend of his and become more accepting of "gayness", he may over time help to bring that concept to many, many more, by just being who he is....."normal", not to confused with "average" of course, because he is way above that!!!!
Well said, 8:29 regarding the phone scandal.
Very unfortunate (and annoying!) that happened.
A win for Adam would have done a lot to advance gay
awareness and acceptance.
Now he will be doing that thru his amazing career!
@lmb July 22, 2010 7:42 AM -
Thank you.
@Anonymous July 22, 2010 7:15 AM, who said...
"... Just feel sorry for anyone who looks at him and then has to deny what they see and feel..." Brilliant!!
To all you WONDERFUL Glamberts: I am speechless & misty eyed after having read all your POSITIVE & UPLIFTING posts here. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt stories about your "SPECIAL" sons. I am a former 'Michael Sarver' who has been 'shown the light' by our FABULOUS ADAM. I had no idea about what was going on in this society until I saw ADAM & started reading about him on my computer ... before that I only used it for downloading music ... nothing more. Now I feel as though I have been 'enlightened' & I am so happy to be a Glambert. Thank you all for giving me new insight about things I have been ignorant for most of my life. I feel more connected to the world now THANX to ADAM & ALL of YOU!!
RE: Danny Gokey ... I know he & his family were CRUEL to ADAM in the past ... but if ADAM can forgive IGNORANCE ... can't we also do so? Let's all CELEBRATE having ADAM in our lives & help ADAM to become #1 UNIVERSALLY!!
Hey there tess4ADAM - glad to see you posting again! Really enjoyed your post above @ 11:06am. It reminds me of what I love, in the non-musical realm, about Adam Lambert's emergence on the pop-culture scene - which is that it is sort of easy to accept/like/enjoy/admire a gay man like Neil Patrick Harris or Barney Frank or Tim Gunn or Tom Ford (I could go on and on)... but it is perhaps more challenging for some (certainly not me, but I'm not naive, it will be for some) to accept a gay man like, for an example of someone who many have heard of by now, a RuPaul... who also seems to be, by all public accounts and media offerings, a great person. To me, Adam Lambert's entrance into the collective consciousness of mainstream society can be very powerful in this regard, in positive ways. I do not wish to heap that sort of responsibility on AL's shoulders, and indeed he should not have to carry that wieght on his shoulders... but IMHO he does help bring more tolerance and acceptance for those people who are what many traditional folks would consider very very left of center by just being unabashedly who he is! IDK, hope that made sense, didn't mean to get all heavy :).
Again, every single day I learn fr0m t#is site 24/7 n0t 0nly englis# and news ab0ut my sweet Adam, but I get real life less0ns....as an 0nly c#ild, and #aving n0 family at all, I must t#ank y0u all f0r s#aring wit# me y0ur 0pini0ns and family private m0ments. Maybe It's t#e «Universal P0wer 0f Adam Lambert» making t#e difference, all0wing me t0 feel y0unger and l0ved. G0d bless t#e m0ment y0u created t#is site, G0d bless t#e m0ment y0u all decided p0sting c0mments #ere in Paradise, G0d bless t#e m0ment I f0und t#is way t0 l0ve my sweet Adam ....and I was just playing ar0und, trying s0me extra fun ....... Indeed!!!!....Fan4fun
9:07pm: I almost cried, reading this - thank you SO much for sharing! I am at work so I will keep this comment brief. I have a young son, and if there ever comes a time in his life when he has to tell us some "big news" about himself, whatever it may be, I know I will be there to support him 100% because I love him to little tiny pieces. That's why I love Adam so much. He is who he is, and he posesses the confidence (now) to accept himself and be proud of who has grown up to be. AND to unabashadly share it with the world.
- Adam Fix
God made all of us, we are all different yet the same. We all have to account for our own actions. It would be nice to live in a perfect world, but I do not see that happening, but to take a lesson from Adam, who has given us many lessons, "love each other and do not hate". So all I can say is the best to all three guys.
HOWEVER, Adam has my heart and I wish him the best of the best.
@lmb, Thankyou for sharing this very beautiful son and insightful feelings with us. Your comments should be bronzed and read by every parent with children,as well as anyone that doesn't know how very much gays, straights are all trying to live life in the best possible way, with little differences. Above all, I would love Adam and his family to experience your very loving, heartfelt words. It touched me deeply. Glitzylady reads my thoughts exactly, taking the words right out of my mouth and so eloquently expresses so many of our thoughts and is so tuned in to what is important in life. The hearts of those on this site inspires me every day and makes me thankful for all of the caring goodness. The laughter and light make every day a joy! Love y'all!! funbunn40
While I don't want to beat a dead horse or be negative either............I just finished reading "American Idol Vote Scam" written by Kerry Kolsch (Amazon $18). It felt like a relief to read and see actual pictures, charts, figures, etc. that Prove without a doubt that cheating in Arkansas was everywhere and that Adam really was the winner. It also helped me to read that Kris knew all about what they were doing in Arkansas (for example: the state using tax dollars to print Kris T-shirts and selling them with all proceeds going to Kris' parents to help with travel expenses back and forth to CA). I always felt like he had to know at least some of what was going on and now my feelings are validated.
Anyway, on a happier note, went to 4 of Adam's concerts in one week and finally met him after the DC concert. He signed a pic for me. What a lovely man he is inside and out!!!
Anon 5:39 Wow, 4 in one week! Lucky girl/guy! I only have 3 to go to and probably wont meet him either! Thanks for the info. I didnt know actual proof existed and I bet a lot of others didnt either. Not much of a victory for Kris if you win by cheating. Adamluv
thankyou for telling us your wonderful story about you and your lovely son...it was very heartwarming to read...
re.. American Idol....from an International point of view (mine only) didn.t really get into American idol till halfway through and that was only cause i had seen a Picture of ADAM and i though What the !!!! this Guy is Awesome i want More!...
i certainly don,t carry the love you US fans have for the other Guys...dont like Gokey he cannot sing and his family STINK......don,t like Sly Kris either sooooooo boring and the cheating in Arkansa was way out of order....but CLEARLY SEEN BY INTERNATIONAL FANS....in our eyes Adam is the TRUE WINNER..and as we know well on his way to becoming an ICONIC SUPERSTAR..ADAM is the Most Stunning Beautiful Man i have EVER come across...i LOVE this Man so much for his beautiful Voice...Stunning Looks and Charming Charisma...Adam is my Life 24/7 i can never get enuff of Adams Wonderful Fresh Postive Personality...Love that Lambert very Much Indeed
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
I have this to say about Adam Lambert: He is a kind, warm-hearted person. It would make him unhappy to see his fans saying malicious things about a friend of his.
Isn't it funny that Adam Lambert was cheated out of his title and it has been documented in a 380 page book with pictures to prove the facts and yet someone has the nerve to say that it is Adam's fans that are malicious? Was it malicious to cheat? Was it malicious to block Adam's phone lines. Was it malicious for Adam to lose a million dollar contract? Was it malicious when Arkansas said that Adam was not a good "role model". Revealing the truth about what happened is not malicious it is vindicating to all of us who knew Adam should have won.
"Friends" do not cheat each other. Adam was Kris's friend but how could Kris let his friends and family do what they did to Adam?
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