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Adam Leaving Copley Symphony Hall Last Night

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 31, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, July 31, 2010

Just a short clip of Adam walking to the bus.


Cecilia said...

Who's that guy in the orange cap? One of his bodyguards?

Anonymous said...

The way he walked out....what a SUPER STAR!

Anonymous said...

We hung around the buses as I reported in the video section but finally had to leave. This was my 4th concert in 4 days (3 Adam and 1 Aerosmith) and had to drive from there up to almost LA so left knowing we'd probably miss Adam. Really exhausted. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Who the Glamhell is that guy, this guard????? BILL MURRAY??? HA! Where the Glamhell IS K9???... HA, HA!!! ..Fan4fun

Jacelyn said...

LOL FAN4FUN. I thought of Bill Murray too. Funny. xDDD