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Glam Nation Tour in San Diego, CA

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 31, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, July 31, 2010

Opening Voodoo-DTRH-ROF












Anonymous said...

Adam gives 100%...100% of the time! Always awesome! Loved the dance moves and high notes in Fever. It seems like every time he sings WWFM, the audience gets louder when he sings "Thanks for loving me...cuz you're doing it perfectly". Congrats to Adam and to his great audiences. I love watching these videos and am super appreciative that 24/7 keeps them coming! Thanks seems inadequate....but THANKS!

Stephanie said...

Adam performing at his amazing.

Anonymous said...

I was there last nite and it was a fantastic show. The audience went absolutely wild before and after every song! The screaming was deafing but I was one of the screamers. Had good seats again, row 9 from the stage. His performance IMO was much tamer and less dramatic than the 28th Costa Mesa concert but my friend didnt think so! He hit so many high notes that I dont understand how he can even speak todsy. There was a TV crew filming and interviewing ppp. for E - True Hollywood Story so we'll get to see Adam again on TV. One thing, if you dont have anyone to go with to his concert, go alone! You will meet great Adam fans to talk with and share this obsession of ours! Ran into many fans last nite who I had just met from the Costa Mesa concerts. I have more to say but it's about ppl. around Adam so scroll on by if not interested. His father was there again on the other side of the theater but he stands out so much that easy to recognize even from a distance. Leila was there too and I saw her go up to Eber and give him a hug. I was told his girlfriend was there but I didnt see her. Leila sat in the row in front of me one sear over! that was kinda cool. She was on her feet dancing and having a great time along with the rest of us. A lot of ppl. came up to her that she probably knew from the old days in San Diego because there was a lot of hugging going on! I saw no Adam fan approach her and was very pleased about that. I did smile at her when she looked at me but that was it! My friend directly behind Leila later on told me she felt slightly uncomfortable having the mother of the guy she's lusting after sitting so close! Funny!!! Watched Monte being interviewed and he is a very good looking guy with lovely blue/green eyes. Much cuter than in the videos an pictures. Soft spoken and seemed very much at ease speaking with fans! But I guess if you perform with Madonna you have to have your sh.. together. After the show saw Taylor (cutie face), and Sasha in glasses hugging pizza carrying Neil. He looks very young in person and good with the short hair. The three were eating pizza standing between the buses. Also by the buses the 2 girl band members of Allison plus her drummer with the hot mohawk. All 3 were very friendly and chatting it up with the fans. Did meet a nice woman and her son (he kept saying how hot Allisons female band members were!) from Tucson, Ariz. who had bought these tickets before the Tempe concert was announed. I saw them after the concert and her face looked like she had just witnessed the most awesome thing ever! She said she couldnt believe what she'd just seen and heard and now wanted to book another concert besides the Tempe one! Son loved it too plus Allison and Orianthi. They both were great again too. The 12 year old girl sitting next to me was seeing Adam as her first concert ever! Cool! She and her mom both said FANTASTIC when I asked how they liked the show. Neither one had seen or knew anything about Adam since Idol so we nicely "prepared" them by simply stating that this is not the Adam from Idol anymore. I know this was long but hope some of you found the tidbits interesting! Hope I dont go into Adam withdrawal! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

After watching the videos, I could see that Adam and crew had tamed the show down a notch. I imagine because of the E cameras being there, which was a good thing , because we do not know where these videos might wind up. It also showed to better advantage, that Adam is a super star, and does not need to show less tasteful moves of his sexuality. Even though he owns it , he doesn't need it as part of his show, just a little goes a long way. He is not a star because he is gay, he is a star because of his awsome voice, his great personality and his inherant ability to speak articulately and with intelligence. Just my opinion, so don't blast me.

Anonymous said...

Noticed they didn't tone down the Tommy lick in Fever tho.
Wonder if they will air that on the TV special..

To 11:04 - I'm not blasting you - I don't think many people think Adam is a star because he is gay. Lots do think he is
sexy tho! Toning it down would be just as effective - even a
small move is enough to get me excited! But you know with Adam, more is more.

Anonymous said...

These videos are so good! Can't wait for my daughter to have the Adam live experience! These videos have her hooked and she has to have more! Another Adam addict! He's always first class, but being his home town, this had to be extra special for him! Years ago singer Barry White sang, "I want to love you baby" that was the "get it on" song of the day. WLL and Fever has left it in the dust! Thanks 24/7 for supporting our addiction! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I heard they were recording this show for that E program of Adam that will air next month.

That lick/kiss scene was very nice and I hope they air it on TV next month. :3

Anonymous said...

@ adamluv, You can never write too many words about Adam! Always love to read what you say and any input on concert, Adam, band sightings is more than fine with me. Adam knows when he needs to tone down or spice up, depending on the audience and circumstance. E filming had to be considered and his talented voice and showmanship is all he needs for a successful concert, but I'll take anything he wants to throw out there! Btw, no one should feel intimidated by expressing an opinion for fear of being blasted. We try to act grownup even tho'Adam brings out the basic animal instinct in us at times. lol Still smiling over Adamluv's friend sitting behind Leila, lusting after her son! I can sooo identify! haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...


GREAT REVIEW! I'm glad you had so much fun!! Always love reading your comments here.

Anonymous said...

From picking up tidbits here and there, I didn't realize that Adams Parents are either separated or divorced. Maybe thats one of the reasons he hired his mother to be his estate manager, nice job if you can get it. Don't know if she lives at Adams place or not.

Anonymous said...

Funbunn40 and Anon 1:26, glad you enjoyed my comments. I love hearing any little scrap of info. re; Adam and anyone or thing pertaining to him! Anon 1:27, Leila said some time ago that she was not living with him. Dont know how long they have been divorced but think it was way before Idol. Loved how they were always there together supporting their boy during AI! Have no way of knowing this but maybe it was a much tamer performance since I imagene a lot of Eber and Leilas friends were there.? Adamluv

GlammyLadybug said...

Thank you, Adamluv. I really enjoy this kind of stories.. I need more of them, please to all of you US Glamberts! :)

I’ve seen so many videos on YT since the beginning of this tour (I think almost all of them actually) that I know the set and choreography by heart. And I know AFL’s face..and body..:) heart also. And don’t get me wrong, I’m addicted to the diehard glamfans’ videos. Those women GNT followers are the GlamWorld's heroines and are getting better with every show. For ex., Suz526 (a real veteran – 581 uploads on her YT channel!) even took some interviews with the fans and venues’ people before the shows and I love her Recons (see: ‘’ and ‘’- if not posted on this site before).
But they cannot get enough of BB..:)..and they are focusing mostly/exclusively on him. And I need more; I love to see the audience and hear what people think (not just twitterers, but also the common people, nonfans), before and after shows, to see the excitement, if any, on their faces during performances, to see the whole stage and the entire action on stage, not just Adam.
Right now, I actually prefer the shots taken far from the stage so I can see the people in front. That is why I am grateful for any ‘behind stories’ you can share with us on here.
And I do NEED that Live GNTour DVD!

Anonymous said...

Haven't watched these yet or read many comments, but had to read Adamluv's. Thank you so much for them all Adamluv! I felt like I was sitting with you,looking at Leila in front of us,seeing Eber, fun.


Stephanie said...

I agree with everyone that Adamluv, that is a great review! So happy for you that you finally saw Adam live at the Glam Nation Tour!

Anonymous said...

GlammyLadyBug (love the tag) and Sweetie, Thanks for your comments. There is a new federal law here in the states that says' "It is a felony to attend an Adam Lambert concert and not write a lenghty review of every detail of said concert, that includes but not limited to: makeup, clothes, glitter, Adam/Tommy action, licks, kisses, pats on butts,heads on shoulders, dance movements, tummy rolls, stair sex, and anyother action deemed relevant". Well, a gurl can dream, cant she? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

can't believe this amazing thread is all the way on the second page! But the usual amazing people still managed to find this thread.

Anyway, I just watched a few and as always, Adam is magical and brings joy to my life.

To all of you who are going to tonight's concert: have fun and enjoy the ride!


GlammyLadybug said...

A tip for concert-goers..maybe..
Just look how pumped up BB's coming down the stairs in Fever and you'll know few moments before everyone else if Tommy is getting some hot action or not.
Waiting for you to confirm my observation.
:) :)

Anonymous said...

I might be way out of reality, but I have a feeling that Adam's last WLL encores were dedicated to someone.. (I mean in SF,CM and SD shows). Then again, maybe it's just me over-interpreting some gestures...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adamluv. Commenting from vaca on iPod/Touch, a real pain! But had to say TX! MGF

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to be on the receiving end of other peoples GN reviews! Someone mentioned earplugs the other day and yes, I would seriously consider getting some. I used them at all of the concerts. A friend got them for $10.oo on Amazon. It's hard to explain but I could hear everything said to me even during the guitar playing but my ears werent hurting at all. And if you are close to the stage or maybe right in front of speakers, you really need them IMO. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adamluv - excellent review! You just saw two shows in a row (plus Arosmith, right)? I can't believe you're even coherent! Yes - all the "regulars" who attend must report on all the important criteria in the show: Adam/Tommy licks, number of pelvis thrusts, authorotative touching of Adam's self, dancer head-carresses, etc. We should just make a checklist! :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

AdamFix, This past week has to have been one of the greatest in my entire life! Adamluv