Adam now has the most followers on Twitter than any former Idol contestants!
Filed Under (news,twitter ) by Admin on Friday, July 23, 2010
Posted at : Friday, July 23, 2010

Adam has finally surpassed Jordin Spark's numbers to become the most followed American Idol contestant ever! Right now, Adam has around 540,000 followers!
Thanks to mindchnger for the tip!
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Another Adam milestone!!
Very cool...
Awesome. This topic just came up in that Brett Andrews interview, cool.
And a little OT, but short, and kinda cool too I thought, here's a link for a simple promo for a Sept. GNT concert... I liked the headline, and sorta thought the brief article was kinda good too:
Love the headline: Glam, bam, thank you, ma'am
This is so awesome. :D I still don't have twitter! Maybe I should make one to follow Adam.
This is a cause for celebration! Yay!
Adam has more followers than Kelly Clarkson?!! Wow...
Or does she even have one?
can someone tell us how many followers Kris Allen has? Just curious.
Kris has 192,000 followers. A long way to reach Adam.
If you are on the fence about TwitterAwesome news I had an inactive account for months but now I look for tweets from Adam every day. Twitter is so easy to use and it's cool to read the tweets from fans at GNT.
If all his fans had twitter the number would sky rocket. I know alot of his fans but none of us have twitter. Now my curiousity is up.Actually, I don' know a single person that has it! How did IIHY mv do on VH1?
AL tweeted this today:
On Friday 23rd July 2010, @adamlambert said:
I love San Francisco!!! Listening to Kesha And Travie McCoy feat Bruno Mars in a taxi. Feelin it. Pop is alive! "I wanna be a Billionaire so fuckin bad"
BB seems happy...good for him.
Forget my question @ 12:21 about IIHY on VH1.I work nights and thought it was Saturday when I first woke up. LOL.
I don't have twitter. I just bookmarked his twitter page. It's faster and I don't have to login everytime to see what Adam said.
MGF Thanks for the link to the article. Some younger posters here might not know that this line is a play on words from an o l d movie with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. One said to the other "It was Slam, Bam, Thank You, Ma'am," meaning he had just had a quickie with a chorus girl. It was said because the children in the audience wouldn't know what it meant.
Now you know just how old some of us are. :)
And that's the rest of the story.
Awesome!!! I joined Twitter just to follow Adam and his band plus @hooplamagnet, an awesome Adam Lambert news community on Twitter. Check it out. I don't Tweet anybody except Adam and/or his band on special occasions or to extend them congratulations for some reason. It's a great resource. I'm a total technophobe, so if I can use Twitter, anybody can. Come on, everybody sign up and help Adam reach the 1,000,000 mark.
I joined yesterday because of the comment someone made about Oh My Rock God.
Haha, GlamBam thankyou maam, but Adam is so good at foreplay!! Unfortunately I'm old enough to know what that means too! I also have a twitter acct. Like to read Sasha's, Neil's, Tommy's and Monte's twitters. They also post photos on twitpic. With 500,000 twitters, don't expect Adam to see any of them. Not enough hours in the day! funbunn40
OT..Had the tv on and heard Adam singing MadWorld on General Hospital! I called my sister who watches that soap and she said they have played it often during a specific story line that is currently going on. It always stops me in my tracks when I hear it. Just FYI funbunn40
oh...that's a lot of followers...congrats Adam!!
cool! I am one of his followers, hehe..
oh, and here is a new interview, sort of with Michael Sarver, season 8 10th place finisher. I didn't know he was room mates with Adam...
Here is what he said about Adam:
Sarver made it to the Top 10, which allowed him to go on tour with the other Idol finalists. Although he grew musically on the show, Sarver said the biggest thing he took away from the experience had nothing to do with music.
"It was character building," he said. "There are so many different types of people."
He roomed with Idol runner-up Adam Lambert, who came out as openly gay after the show finished.
"It was my first time to room with a gay guy, and everyone was like, 'How's that going?' and I said, 'I don't know,'" Sarver said. "I didn't know how to take Adam. But he started befriending me and he had so much class, I realized all these things about this narrow-minded view of life that I've had for so long."
Learning a significant life lesson, Sarver said he now realizes the importance of getting to know people before forming opinions about them. It has opened up his way of thinking and changed the way he approaches his career, he said.
He said he still keeps in touch with other Idol contestants, such as winner Kris Allen and fellow country artist Danny Gokey, as well as Lambert.
Here is the link if you would like to read more:
Enjoy Glamily,
Yay.. so happy for Adam!!! I followed him on Twitter n it's fun! I'm sooo obsessed with him to the point that when Adam never tweeted for like 3 days In a row I felt like my whole world crumbled!! Lol
Adam is everything to me! Can't live without his tweets! I love u Adam.. soooo much!!!
My daughter had a pool party today and as we got out of the car they were blasting If I Had You and the lifeguard told me it was AOL online station. It was very exciting and it sounded great.
I know I am one....just for fun...He can make my day with his little communications really. I do not know how he does it!!
Twitter is awesome. I use it to keep up with all the news. You can pick a wide variety of outlets to follow so you get different viewpoints. And it's fun to follow Adam, Ryan Seacrest, just whoever. Fun also to follow Monte, Tommy, etc. I don't really want people following me because I'm boring, but it is fun to comment on things. Highly recommend Twitter to anyone who is hesitant. Just keep it anonymous. Just use a fake name. It's fun and free. So why the heck not.
Thanks for the comments on Michael Sarver. Had no idea he roomed with Adam during the tour. I know he really changed his viewpoint, and it's so great that he admitted how this experience changed the way he now sees the world. Adam is opening a lot of people's eyes. He is just so beautiful and awesome. Not enough words to express how I feel about him.
Did anyone else catch the MMVA rerun on FUSE TV tonight 7-9PM EST? I only caught the second half ... missed ADAM's perfomance but did see him receive his award!! Wish I could have seen the whole thing ... darn it!!
@ 8:24p tess4ADAM : I watched it ..I'm 32 mother is 55 she was visiting me and after Adam finished WWFM she blurts out "I couldn't take my eyes off him isn't he on youtube?" Meanwhile the song voodoo pops into my head she'll be like me and like so many... under his spell.
I also have a twitter account. It can be pretty cool. I tweeted Adam's dad once and he tweeted me back...ya never know!
I try to check out my TV guide days in advance just in case .. but this time I missed it because they've been showcasing rap & hip hop so I just skipped that channel. Learned my lesson tho'.
If everyone who follows ADAM on twitter would vote fore him at .. ... maybe ADAM wouldn't be #8 in the list BEHIND Casey James, Michael Lynch & a bunch of others ... Jason Castro is #1 ... don't you think the fans on twitter should show ADAM a lot more support than that? I VOTE every 20 min. without fail ... just open another window & switch back whenever you are on the computer VOTING at VH1 & the rest. #8 is UNacceptable for ADAM!!! Love & Light to all Glamberts Worldwide
tess4ADAM (BTW .. I'm 73)
i am on twitter and it's fun to just watch, or i guess lurk. great twit pix are posted too, so highly recommended fun. and good for adam and company.
To all the fans that are not on twitter. You don't have to twit via phone, you can use your computer. Just go to and sign up to follow Adam. All you need is an email account. Don't have one of those? Go to and sign up to get an email address. That's all you have to do.
Anon 2:39, thank you so much for this info. I thought it was a big frickin deal to do twitter but this sounds toooo easy. Will try it! I love it when people give out info. to try and help others! Thanks again. Adamluv
Gosh, I actually decided that today was the day to join twitter officially....even though I follow his tweets anyway...haven't figured it all out yet, but now "following" Adam and the band...want to help him get up to the 1 million mark....and its just a matter of time...
About Adam Lambert: Sarver said in an interview during the Idol tour(at 5.28 minutes) that the coolest person he has ever met on his American Idol experience was ... Adam Lambert... as far as teaching him the most...
see following link for the interview.
Michael Sarver interviewed by Flounder from "Scrubs in the morning" posted by 945THUNDER on Sep 9, 2009.
I know what hotel and room adam lambert is staying at for the next 4 days... if you want to know.. contact me..
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