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A few more videos from last night's concert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 22, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, July 22, 2010

Meeting Adam Lambert in Portland

Adam Lambert introducing Brooke Wendle at the Crystal Ballroom


Anonymous said...

OMG! Adam you are killing us!!! your dance moves with Brooke are just killer!!! Some people might have to adjust their pace makers before they can watch that! And on top of it, you're adding the "body roll"!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

GOOD GOD - I am SO speechless right now!!! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh! No coherant thoughts goin on in this brain. Have fried it for good, after watching THAT! In body roll heaven.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

**Whew!!** OK, I'm back, but my brain is bruised from watching Portland's Fever and WLL. And that's on top of the recovery effort I'm still going through after seeing Adam live, in Seattle on Tuesday. Between the live show and all the clips on 24/7, I just feel like a little blob of jello.

I just have to say - there have been the best comments from all of you on 24/7 lately. Some hilarious, some touching and personal. The majority of them smart and insightful. I've really, really enjoyed reading all of them and can barely keep up, much less chime in! Seems like there's even more people commenting lately. Glad you're here! The more the merrier.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Hell, he is just so much fun, talent and gorgeousness all rolled into one. What I would give to be able to see him live. You guys are soooo lucky. Love watching the vids and reading your comments. Keep them coming,
Jan NZ

Anonymous said...

Just taking a break from my VOTING for a little ADAM 'fix' .... LOVED the tour video .... but WOW! what a great video with Brook ... kinda missed those 'body rolls' from the AI tour ... glad to see them back again ... THANX everybody for all the videos ... they sure do keep life interesting & the trials & tribulations are much more bearable when I have all these WONDERFUL videos to watch ... Light & Love to All Glamberts Worldwide


Anonymous said...

I don't know how Brooke keeps her composure dancing so close to him! She even looked a little rattled tonight! He's just full of surprises and I love them all! Now have to practice body rolls! Jan NZ, Hope your wish will come true. Maybe it will during his international tour! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Thud - dies (but happy - Death by Adam)

Heard about this in the blogosphere - so happy vid showed up.


Anonymous said...

B0dy r0ll and wave (in «undulati0ns») y0ur spirit t0 me, as farewell, y0u bad, bad Diam0nd B0y!!! I just feel d0ne and g0ne!.......ByeBye ... D0ubt I may rest in peace after I've been KAPUTed by sweet Adam.... Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Bef0re I g0 definitely.... in case, just in case I make ressuscitate by T#e Universal P0wer 0f Adam Lambert,.............@.. JanNZ, nice t0 see y0u back, please stay!!!..............@.. «#00ker» Adam Fix and @.. «LuckyLuckyLucky» Glitzylady, I'll be back after understand and swall0w all details (0r s#0uld I say «deat#tails»?) 0f y0ur Glam Star Trek (s0rry, I've been w0rking extra, n0 lapt0ps all0wded in t#e kitc#en, n0 time m0re muc# timein Paradise).......Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

S0rry, I mean N0 M0RE MUC# TIME IN PARADISE, y0u please f0rgive me, I'm dying.......Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

He made us listen to music again, and now he is teaching us to dance. You rock Adam, teach us some more dance moves...

Anonymous said...

Adam and Brooke have become the Star Players in my fantasies. I will always love him if he never has a relationship with a Woman, but, I am a woman and, I think Adam is the Sexiest Man in the World. I would love to see him with a woman. I would just melt into a puddle of Love if Adam kissed Brooke!! He kissed Tommy, now it should be our turn- kiss Brooke -Please!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Adam likes to keep Brook off guard and while her moves might be choreographed, his are spontaneous and she doesn't quite know how to deal with all that sexiness. I'm sorry, but I'd need to be resusitated with mouth to mouth by Adam after that, over and over and over. HAWTNESS!!!!

Anonymous said...

I read in a medical report that mouth to mouth resusitation is no longer found to be relevant. Tough sh*t! I'd demand it or start biting his leg, real high up. MMMMMMM

Anonymous said...

I coulda done that 20 or so years ago when I was still bendy. Not so much anymore. But that doesn't stop my mind from going all mushy. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:40 you kill me "when I was still bendy"!!!

Daydreaminmyli : sweaty pants remover extraodinaire...

Anonymous said...

Adam,s Body Rolls are Blistering Hot and Sexy...
the Sexixt Man EVER to Walk this Planet...for sure

I have been practising Body Rolling all day in the garden....other half thinks i have now totally lost it....and wonders if he will ever get his lunch or clean clothes again....
LOOK its like this i keep telling him...I'm tracking the Glam Nation Tour,watching Adam and Tommy Lick...and still playing the video interview in New York when Adam says...what did you expect Nudity...then that Beautiful Adam laugh..
and now i'm body rolling all day long... .
phew What a life we all have now we have ADAM LAMBERT 24/7...its like a Dream..we are so lucky to have Adam steal out Hearts YAY
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK