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Adam's Mad World was played on General Hospital today! (Featuring James Franco)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, July 26, 2010

Posted at : Monday, July 26, 2010

Adam's version of "Mad world" was playing on today's episode of General Hospital, featuring JAMES FRANCO!


Anonymous said...

haha the song is perfect for that particular scene.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I Looove this song!... Adam's version. I listened to it over, & over & over again! I was obsessed with this song!... lol An ex-collegue gave me a copy... because I won't stop talking about Adam since AL time... nice guy!:}

Maria said...

James Franco and Adam would be good friends if they meet! Both are hot and very likable.

Anonymous said...

Ooop! correction 9:15

should say AI time...

Anonymous said... this what soap operas have turned into?? I haven't watched any for YEARS. Huh. Very freaky.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I came across it Friday and posted it on another thread. My sister watches this soap and said they always play Adam singing Mad World when this story line is followed.This is my fave version. The stepped up version is fine for the tour finale, but no one can touch this version.IMHO. funbunn40

glitzylady said...


The only part of Adam's concert that my son was a little disappointed with was the "faster" version of "Mad World" . The Idol version of "Mad World" is one of his favorites, and he missed hearing it live....The acoustic "jazzier" version is great too, but the other one is truly the "classic" the "Simon gives a standing ovation version", so he would totally agree with your statement...

Anonymous said...

Adam's Mad World is by far one of the greatest songs ever recorded. So beautiful. I dare say that had he released this as a single with no appearance on American Idol or any type of pre-publicity - he would have skyrocketed to the top of the charts and sold millions of CDs right away.

Anonymous said...

DIlana talks about Adam and Allison on her interview. Here is the part on Allison and Adam..
To those who do not know who Dilana is, she is an artist from a show called Rock star Supernova and she did "Ring of Fire", Adam performed her version on idol. He gave her a shout out at a later day on an interview. She is awesome, you should check her Holiday video..


Q - How did Allison Iraheta from “American Idol” get to cover “Holiday?”

A - That took me a while to accept and swallow. Everyone would say Dilana, that’s fucking awesome; here’s this chick she’s still in the spotlight. Her management loves the song and she loves it. Why are you so depressed? I would say I was depressed for a week when I found out that she wanted to do my song, because at that point my record hadn’t come out yet. It was due to be released about a month after I heard this. It was like giving up my baby for adoption. I couldn’t let go of it. I wouldn’t give them a yes or a no. I said, ‘give me a few days to think about this.’ Eventually I came around. I just realized that the chances of her making it a hit are probably bigger than mine because she has financial back up and labels and stuff behind her, while I’m independent. Now I’m very happy that I did it. Every time I’ve seen her live on TV or radio she’s singing “Holiday.” It’s great. It’s brought a lot of awareness to her fans who didn’t know a lot about me. It’s a good thing you know?

Q - Adam Lambert did a version of “Ring of Fire” on “American Idol” that was very similar to yours from “Rock Star SuperNova.” What did you think of that?

A - It was very flattering. He gave me a shout out in a little video blog that he did. It was really cool that I was able to inspire a singer, an artist, as amazing as Adam Lambert. I really think that guy is so talented. He in my eyes is really phenomenal. I hate to compare him to one of my idols, Freddie Mercury, but I think he’s up there. He could be someone as extravagant and amazing as Freddie if he focuses and keeps his feet on the ground. It was just a huge flatter for me that he did that.

Here is the link if you want to read to the whole thing... Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

So, why didn't they get Adam to do the song in the bar instead of the very bad and not so attractive drag queen? It was kind of insulting to Adam in a way to be dubbed over such an obviously poor performance. Anyone else think that was kind of weird?


Anonymous said...

@ justpeachy, Don't know what they were thinking or what the purpose was of that guy dubbing over Adam. He was pretty bad and served no purpose that I could fathom, but still glad Adam had the exposure with his magnificent version of Mad World. Maybe their budget wouldn't allow the real Adam. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing that Adam Fix was - is this what soaps have come to, kooky - haven't watched since highschool... which means NO DISRESPECT to anyone who does watch soaps (your sis too funbunn40) and believe me, I watch my fair share of less than hi-brow television to escape and/or decompress (well, actually, now I watch AL to escape and decompress :)...AL and 24/7 - the new tv, lol)...but you guys know what I mean... hell, I can't even admit what silly television my husband watches to decompress and relax, too embarrassing... but anyway, I digress, what I really wanted to drop on this thread because it's a similar sort of "exposure" thing - was that I heard the opening of IIHY at the movie theatre the othe day. At first I thought I was crazy but my child verified it for me - I didn't even quite catch the application - but my ever observant child did - it was used in a little - um, like, notification/heads up sort of thing (audio only w/ relevant onscreen graphics) about shutting off your cell phones... my kid said they used California Gurls too, which I totally didn't catch... as I said, it was just the opening bars of the song, no vocal, just the drum beats... anyway, any exposure is helpful I guess... this was a Showcase Cinema.

Anonymous said...

So cool. Too bad the acting was so terrible.