Dilana Robichaux talks about Adam Lambert
Filed Under (American Idol,praises ) by Admin on Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Dilana is an artist from a show called "Rock star Supernova" and she did "Ring of Fire". Adam performed her version of ROF on American idol. He gave her a shout out at a later day on an interview.

Q - Adam Lambert did a version of “Ring of Fire” on “American Idol” that was very similar to yours from “Rock Star SuperNova.” What did you think of that?
A - It was very flattering. He gave me a shout out in a little video blog that he did. It was really cool that I was able to inspire a singer, an artist, as amazing as Adam Lambert. I really think that guy is so talented. He in my eyes is really phenomenal. I hate to compare him to one of my idols, Freddie Mercury, but I think he’s up there. He could be someone as extravagant and amazing as Freddie if he focuses and keeps his feet on the ground. It was just a huge flatter for me that he did that.
Thanks ZZ for the tip!

Q - Adam Lambert did a version of “Ring of Fire” on “American Idol” that was very similar to yours from “Rock Star SuperNova.” What did you think of that?
A - It was very flattering. He gave me a shout out in a little video blog that he did. It was really cool that I was able to inspire a singer, an artist, as amazing as Adam Lambert. I really think that guy is so talented. He in my eyes is really phenomenal. I hate to compare him to one of my idols, Freddie Mercury, but I think he’s up there. He could be someone as extravagant and amazing as Freddie if he focuses and keeps his feet on the ground. It was just a huge flatter for me that he did that.
Thanks ZZ for the tip!
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Great comments Dilana!! You look very down to earth and you're a good singer too!
Dilana was fabulous on Supernova.!! Loved her and the show. Much more my style than AI. Adamluv
Think Dilana is Fabulous! Always did.
Thanks ZZ & 24/7
I thought Dilana was incredible and innovative like Adam. Hope she gets the recognition that she deserves. Could you imagine a duet with her and Adam? It would blow the roof off![still love Adam and Allison together] Nice words from Dilana and I'm sure she also appreciated the shout out from Adam. funbunn40
thanks 24/7! you are awesome...and Glamfans, you are all yum!
and 11:24am, I know she is amazing. I just don't know why she isn't big? with that voice she should have been a well established artist. What a shame to see people who can't sing *cough* Ke$ha *cough* are selling millions and good singers are strugling. Unbelievable!
@ZZ 3:33pm
I think Adam is extremely focused for his age and his boots are firmly planted on the ground (except when he dances.) I am old enough to have witnessed the evolution of many of the greats, from the Beatles , David B, Freddie M., Elvis, and MJ; none of them had the total "IT Factor" like Adam. I am sure in a short period of time his fame will be to the point it surpasses all others. A part of me wants him to do a little pay back to ABC and others who displayed such homophobic bigotry towards him. I am sure they will be thanking their lucky stars he is not the least bit vindicitve. I appreciate the positive comments by Diliana and other performers.
I so totally LOVED Dilana on Rock Star Supernova. I tried to find some of her performances on youtube etc later but never could find anything. It is unfortunate her career never took off, but also unfortunately her boots did not stay planted on the ground as her popularity increased while on the show and her head became enlarged. She was taken to task about it. It sounds like she has learned her lesson based on the boots comment.
@Daydreaminmylif July 28 10:09AM
I love Freddie Mercury and Queen and I love Adam Lambert.He is so incredibly talented and I hope he will come to Scandinavia.
Love and peace from Norway
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