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"Glambowl" with Adam Lambert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, July 26, 2010

Posted at : Monday, July 26, 2010


Anonymous said...

Ok is it me or is the bowling thing way below this glorious man's talent...please no more bowling gigs!! Adam..King of Miraculous Voices..long may he reign and NOT at a bowling alley!!

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite "looks" of adam was at a bowling alley in England a couple months ago. He was absolutely scrumptious looking! Anyone else remember that video? His hair was emo style and lots of black kohl eyeliner. Fantastic! what town was the above video from? adamluv

Anonymous said...

So happy for you Adam! that you are having a time of your life!:}... just like what they say, "careful what you wish for"! and you got it... yay!!! You're a wonderful and a great guy and you deserve all of these!!! Enjoy the ride love!

Anonymous said...

WHOA, has anyone noticed Adam added a tour date in DALLAS!!! Brand new date right before the Houston concert.

Anonymous said...

6:01 p.m. That was from the M&G in Denver.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9;12, thanks for info. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

J0Y is m0re j0yful in a naturally beautiful sweet Adams's face!....(I d0n't miss glitter at all).......Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

New album New album NEW ALBUM.... I get goosebumps everytime he says that!! I secretly hope that Master Plan, Can't Let You Go and VooDoo and PopPop Goes the Camera end up on the list but all new stuff would also be unimaginable thrill. LOL Superman!!

Anonymous said...

BB's working hard promoting his glorious ass off... and I think it's actually tremendous that he doesn't feel above anything (and really, all crazy AL fandom that I possess aside...he still needs to do these things, gotta sell cd's!!) Like AL has said many times - this is a full time job (incredible talent aside) and his work ethic is so admirable to me... he does indeed deserve all the good that's coming his way...and how nice it will, must, feel to know that he's worked so hard for it.

Okay, all that serious talk aside now - lawdy I'm loving his mouth in this vid right now :).


Anonymous said...

I remember that bowling UK video, Adamluv! He wasn't wearing bowling shoes and I think wore high heel boots. He did indeed, look scrumptious! Bowling alleys do seem a little out of his element, but Adam's such a good sport, even tho' he's not that much into sports. haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

oooops i thought it said GlamBulge!!

...Hey Everyone its my B*E*R*T*D*A*Y and GlamMassFan.....yay
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

@ Glambrit UK.....00000ps....«Glambulge» istead 0f Glamb0wl?...«GlamMassFan» istead 0f MassGlanFan?...0K, let it be, if it's y0ur B*E*R*T*D*A*Y t0day, y0u are all0wed t0 get a bit drunk..........Adam4fun (instead 0f Fan4fun)...L0L

Anonymous said...

Fan4fun: ha, ha!!!!
GIOW/UK: you're sauced, already?? ;)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Party on, Glowgirl and revel in the Glambulge!! Have a good stiff one for me! haha funbunn40

Boomerbabe1265 said...

Hey don't knock the glambowl, I was there and it's the closest I ever got to see Adam. I actually touched his arm and said Hi as he left that day. I also met a ton of his fans from all over the U.S. and Canada. I'm so glad I went, I'm from Texas and Flew to Denver for the concert. It was Fantastic!!!

Anonymous said...

You guys are a scream