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Channel 963 Ashlyn Interviews Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, July 21, 2010

One lucky Channel 963 listener sits down and interviews Adam Lambert.

Even in the midst of a busy Glam Nation Tour, Adam Lambert is still finding some time within his busy schedule to chat. A new interview was posted Tuesday from when the "American Idol" singer was in Wichita, and it may be one of the most entertaining to date. Why? It was conducted by a fan.

It's always easy to tell which people are truly into Adam's music, since we will have the opportunity to hear some new questions that Adam can answer with enthusiasm. Take for instance when he was asked about what song on the tour means the most to him:

"They're all really special. I think in this show 'Aftermath' really hits a soft song for me ... that's a song I wrote to inspire people to take risks. There's a lot of interpretations for it. it could be coming out, it could be taking a step and being ... it's about taking the big steps in life. It's really personal."

Adam also said that Bruno Mars is one of his favorite singers out there right now, and that he really doesn't get too many chances to go down to his hometown of San Diego anymore.

Do you wish all Adam Lambert interviews were done by fans?



Anonymous said...

Yes.....there should be more fan interviews, more interesting questions would be asked. However, if I were the interviewer my mind would probably turn to mush, my jaw would drop to the floor and there would be no words........

Anonymous said...

This was a good fan interview. She was prepared, calm and asked good questions. Adam looked relaxed and so charming and friendly as usual. I like the fans having the opportunity to ask the questions as long as they are respectful and prepared. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hey fans, don't have time to drop the links right now, but a couple of different online articles have been posted in the last few hours about Allison staying with GNT...24/7 may post them?? but if you're interested in detail - I just found them under a general google search under Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

Charming and adorable as usual! Yay, I guess Allison is going to finish the GN tour with adam. Maybe that petition I signed helped! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

background music is really annoying - why do people do that to interviews?

Charlene said...

I love to see fans interviewing Adam actually. They may be nervous most of the time but they ask better questions.

Anonymous said...

I agree wit# An0n 1:44PM, backgr0und music waS t00 l0ud and my ears may missed s0me w0rds and meanings, but as Funbunn40 said, t#is was a g00d interview / interviewer..... because, y0u kn0w, t#ere are fans and FANS ..... sweet Adam talked ab0ut my fav0rite Aftermat#s, a music t#at is s0 «telling and reminder» t0 me..... And t#at guy seems beautiful but s0rt 0f tired, needing tw0 m0re #0urs resting - but s0 AWAKE and natural t0 answer as pr0mptly as p0ssible, keeping eyes c0ntact.......ummmmm am I mistaked 0r t#is diam0nd b0y just turned 18???!!!! ..............Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

The answers are good, the interview is good. Adam must have meant Wichita when he talked about genuine people in another interview.

Anonymous said...

Hello, cute and casual looking Adam!:) Great interview. I love Adam's answers... short, deep at times and to the point!!! He's a Sweetie!:)

Anonymous said...

Oh those lips....... Aftermath was my favorite concert performance.

Anonymous said...

What a flirt! (I'm looking at you, Adam!)

Anonymous said...

no, no fans interview. they'll probably be starstruck and speechless and fidgety all over and maybe even hysterical or faint. the only sound that may come out will be OMG...OMG...OMG!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just re-watched this again... just noticed Adam saying hi to the camera at the very beginning with his sweet smile... how sweet & adorable!:}}
love it!:} Hi to you too Adam!:}}

Anonymous said...

Great interview! The background music made it kind of hard to understand what was being said, but otherwise it was good.
I wish more fans would get to interview Adam because most reporters ask about the same things. If fans interview we would get to hear something different every time.


Anonymous said...

I've said this before but it is so sweet the way he smiles and talks about that HOUSE and how much it means to him. He just lights up and is almost giddy with pride and appreciation that he now has a home. AWWWWWWWW!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww - he's SO boyish! CUTE!!!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Yes, because fans ask more interesting and different questions than most reporters. But having said that, I'd LOVE to see Ann Powers interview him, and music industry insiders along the lines of Quincy Jones - especially the ones that are also fans.

btw, when Adam first looked into the camera with that smile, my whole heart and being lifted up in joy. I felt better, happier, more glad to be alive. What magic he has.


Anonymous said...

Yes Yes Sweetie @6:30am - would love to hear some industry people interview him!!! What a great thought. Oh, that would be excellent!


PS. OFF TOPIC Alert - poor Billy Bell... without dancing last night, and being in the bottom 3 so much, how can they keep him??? Sads. Getting a bit irritated with this season anyway because of the "teeny bopper vote" thing again. I love Kent too, I do, but I don't want him to win just because of the "oh he's so cute" factor. But I guess that's why it's America's "favorite" dancer...and I guess I shouldn't watch Fox Reality Competition shows then, may fault for setting myself up I guess :)! Really wish they would do something like DWTS, who, from what I heat, only takes in 10 votes per #/email account etc.

Anonymous said...

I agree ... the background music was so distracting & especially for me since I am hard of hearing. Tip: lower the music or eliminate it next time .. PLEASE! Thanx! Is it my imagination or does ADAM get younger with each interview? He looks just like he did on the AI tour. Still Absolutely GORGEOUS .. in any case!!! MUST get back to my VOTING!! Light & Love to all Glamberts Worldwide!!
