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Glam Nation Tour in Lansing, MI

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, July 14, 2010

(Picture Credit: mindchnger)








Anonymous said...

Oh thankyou 24/7 - more than just clips... can't wait to devour these vids - heard from the Twitterverse and the Blogosphere that this night was on fire! INSPIRING AUDIENCE supposedly :)!Less of a crazy busy "real life" day today... can't wait to view. You rock 24/7.

Anonymous said...

Dessert is served!...everyone! Skip breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Lansing were the sure fire winners... they got a whole lot of lovin from Adam!!! :)))

LiLy said...

THANK YOU FOR UPLOADING!! My summer vacation is so much funner staying home getting my Adam fix.

Anonymous said...

Hey fans - do you guys see the "professional-grade" videographer in these vids?? What do you make of that? I wonder if it's a crew from a local TV station, or a guy shooting for the venue for transmission to a jumbotron screen, or what??? Wouldn't it be great if it was someone documenting GNT for some sort of product that will be eventually available to the masses... oh man, I'm giddy just thinking about it! That is no consumer-grade rig, I can tell you that much! If anyone reading here knows the deal, please, do tell!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to get home from work to see these..
Am so excited that I will see him in person in Sept.


Anonymous said...

I swear - when I hear about a fan seeing a GNT concert for the first or second time - I'm as excited as they are I think! Excited for you too G&S @ 10:30am. Those fans who get to see him 4,5,6...11 times, well, them - I'm just jealous of them, LOL, but for the fans who write on here about seeing him once or a few times, I feel such a sense of excitement and happiness for them...I guess because I know what they are in for and how awesome their experience will be :)! I'm about two seconds away from ditching my real life and going on the road with the GNT as a roadie, or documentary videographeror, T-shirt seller, or bus cleaner, or sweeper-uper-of-glitter-from-the-floor-er... lol. (no, my RL is great, wouldn't trade it for the world, but AL is great too, I'm having fun, and loving the VOICE and showmanship). Anyway, hope you can bear the wait 'til Septembert G&S...good luck with that :!

Anonymous said...

OMG - look at my spelling of the word "September" in the last line of my post above - SeptemBERT... totally was NOT intentional... ha ha ha... see, all roads eventually lead back to AL in one way or another... AL always on the brain :). Crap, real life calling me big time!! but Septembert...what a goof I am... I guess we should change all the "ber" months - Octobert, Novembert, Decembert... I'll let you guys figure out the rest :)

Anonymous said...

MGF, What a cute "error"! Hey, I'm game for all the new months! Signed, Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam's birth month - Glamuary :)

My younger child has same birthday as AL - what a glorius day for me!! LOL

@Adamluv - yep. And saw your comment about Billy, SYTYCD :).

Anonymous said...

Love me some Glamuary! How cool to have the same birthday as Adam! Mine is this month and can anyone come up with something better than Glamjuly?

Anonymous said...

...ha ha anon 11:17 I did the same thing recently...also I swear I am going to rename Indianapolis...IndiAdampolis...only claim to fame he was born here but left as a baby....:)

Anonymous said...

@massglamfan "septembert ha ha i love it" it just goes to show how much you must type this gorgeous we all do. i remember reading that somebody couldn't access their email account, it was because they were typing adam lambert and not their password :D

wow the thought of glamnation on dvd for constant viewing....I NEED THIS...please please please...i love all the fan vids but could you imagine a pro dvd..hmmmm am i just building my hopes up!!!!!!

chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx

OMG..i'm a bit slow on this one, my fan name is something an ex boyfriend called me 16 years ago (nothing like my real name) i guess it was meant to be....chezza-sherBERT

Anonymous said...

I was born in Octobert, hubby in Septembert, married in Septembert, first son Decembert and second son in Septembert. We are a totally berting family of

I'd go for Glamuary, Februgasm, Marchtoyourowndrummer, Apthrill, Man, Juneedlove, Julery, Awgasm, Septembert, Octobert, Novembert and finally Decembert.

Let's market a new calendar.


Anonymous said...

Love that picture at the top - nobody can hold a candle to Adam ....... how often do you find someone whose talent, looks and personality rival each other for perfection!!!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of calendars wouldnt an Adam Lambert calendar make a hugh amount of money! And Adam could give the money to or whatever else he wants. I'd buy one for every room of my house! Signed, Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Hi MassGlamFan, yes I think its time you ditched your "real life" and went on the road with Adam somehow (along with me...), because from reading your posts today, its pretty obvious that you have already crossed over into "Adam-land" (fabulous place to be, BTW) and might as well just go with it!!!! You are so giddy and hilarious, just made me laugh!!!! Of course who among us isn't pretty much in the same place right now!!!! Only 6 more days and I'll be in Adam-land for real.......(That'll be "Adam" concert number 4 (!) for me but the first GlamNation....just as excited as the first time....if not more so..just keeps getting better!!!!) Now to watch the latest vids.....

daydreaminmyli said...

Ha Ha, look what you started MGF! I love it Anon 3:13.. my birthday is a Februgasm!! LOVE IT!! I will be a First time concert goer next week! Even though I have been a fan since day one of Idol...I can't even say in words how so very excited I am. I am a bit nervous that the friend I am taking will see a crazy side of me that she has never witnessed!!

daydreaminmyli said...

I wonder if the reason Adam was on fire in Lansing had something to do with performing for that videographer?? I bet Adam heard the message loud and clear that we want a DVD!

Also, I'll buy that calendar for sure!

Does anyone know if they sell one at the concerts? If not, that would definitely sell! They should use the updated month names too :D

Anonymous said...

Oh man - at about 3:30, in WLL, Adam sure, um, looked like he had a whole lotta love he was willin' to share! Couldn't help noticing (*blush*)!

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...


Unknown said...

This was in Lansing, MI. It was after this concert Adam visited a local club and then got chased down the street by drag queens. What can I say, Adam drives ALL the girls crazy.... ;)

Anonymous said...

Adam was on fire because the crowd was showing him so much love! There were 9,400 of us in attendance! Lots of young people and several drag queens. I was right next to the stage and the queens were right behind me. At one point Adam shouted out to them. "I see you queens!" He also said we were fucking pretty and that we rocked!
And it was the night before the concert when the drag queen chased his car. Adam stopped the car, got out and talked to him!

linda said...

I was bitten by the glambug the first time I saw Adam audition. I will never be the same. He is remarkable. Witty, sexy, and talented beyond anyone I have ever seen or heard. Can't wait to see him in Oklahoma in Adamgust and Septembert. Ha! Glambert 4095

Anonymous said...

Loved this WLL (hey Adam Fix, maybe 3:30 can be the cover of the calendar ;)!), loved the vocal MUSICALLY, but so edgy sensuality-wise too !

Really loved AL's chatty-ness in these videos (saw people mentioning that in the Blogosphere the next morning and yeah, it was both endearing and smokin' hot!) Loved his banter in IIHY, delicious.

Also about these vids - lawdy his body language is going to be the death of me.

Thanks for info Anon July 15, 2010 5:06 AM - and I have to say to anyone interested, there are some awesome, informative fan reviews of Lansing on that other popular AL site - no disrespect intended to 24/7, you know I love you, but a few really compelling fan experiences posted there that were an awesome read.


hey glitzlady @ 7:25 PM - at your next concert, be looking out for possible employment opportunities for us, okay, maybe we can be the official GNT Dressers or wardrobe assistants?? ;)

Anonymous said...

MGF, which site? (there are so many!)

LOVE the calendar idea and new month names! How nice to smile after reading the God Ddoesn't Hate page.
