Glam Nation Tour in Louisville, KY, Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts
Filed Under (pictures,tour news,video ) by Admin on Saturday, July 10, 2010
Posted at : Saturday, July 10, 2010
(Picture Credit: @angelbaby000)

Adam after the concert (Picture Credit: @aquariussue7)

Adam performing Sleepwalker (Picture Credit @azglamfan)

Fanboys cosplaying Adam out in full force tonight! (Pictures Credit: @inscrutable7, @glambert_1481)

(Picture Credit: @angelbaby000)

Adam after the concert (Picture Credit: @aquariussue7)

Adam performing Sleepwalker (Picture Credit @azglamfan)

Fanboys cosplaying Adam out in full force tonight! (Pictures Credit: @inscrutable7, @glambert_1481)

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Gosh, some very cute guys there with Adam, and he looks great (and happy) as well...
I don't think Adam is in those pictures, is he? Looks like a fun group of guys. Love their outfits.
These guys are really front row quality :D
Front row placement to hopefully induce WLL encore :) LOL.
Have a good feeling about tonight's show - can't wait for vids! Feeling better now healthwise and have a very busy "real life" tomorrow - will have to wait 'til tomorrow evening :), but I have a feeling it will be worth it, lol!
ps. Saw on MJ's that OPH played IIHY again this weekend; that's good news.
Very pretty boys. And yeah, I hope they're front row so Adam can see that he attracts gay (and straight) boys just like Gaga <3 hehe.
Oh God - I'm so drunk - it's Saturday night, please forgive me!! Adam is SO inspiring - don't know all the reasons why but it is so great to see him so happy, with friends and fans and know he is on the stage, doing what he loves. We should all be so dedicated to being happy and expressive.....better late than never, thank you Adam babe!!
Picture two - Adam loves boys and those guys are adorable !! Right on ADABABE!!
coloforadam - LOL! Be careful girl! I love to get drunk on weekends after a long and stressful week. xD But I have family over this weekend. :D
Can't wait to see the performances in a few more hours.
Re my rather nearsighted post at 7:31pm
OOOPS!!! I just see Adam everywhere!!! My sorry...Well, still very cute guys, as someone said, should be a very good concert tonight!!!! Lots of inspiration going on there.....
Just saw in the Blogosphere and the Twitterverse that there was a WLL encore in KY and it was a hot show overall. Can't wait for vids. Off to sleep. Have fun playing - those of you in different time zones and such!
It makes me giddy-happy to see boys like this at Adam's show, all glammed up! Hope Adam got to see 'em too!
- Adam Fix
That boy in the middle is soooooo cute.
So true :-)
fyi.....article on music industry money 'divide'
Just came from MJ's after watching Fever & WLL ... ADAM was on FIRE tonight ... FANTASTIC show from the two vids I saw ... can't wait to see the rest of them ... won't give it away but it was H.O.T.T.T. ... don't miss it!!
WELL, after tess4ADAM's little teaser, just had to go see those two, and she isn't kidding......OMG!!!!.....Looks like some are up here now, but watched on MJ's...Fantastic video quality, like you are there (almost)...great sound as well....and one more time.... OMG!!!!!! Just start with those two, if you dare.....had to remind myself to BREATHE halfway through WLL, was getting faint....Enjoy! And FEVER is one of the best, VERY "energetic"....
@coloforadam (July10, 8:25PM)
I know what you are talking about, fellow. Sweet Adam's artistry, and happiness, and strength, and confidence and all the positive feedback he gets wherever he goes are everything so contagious that even when I'm not drunk it is HIS beautiful image what I see in the mirror, not mine.
Btw, don't you worry about a possible hangover, just come to Paradise, take one shot of WLL and ZZZAAAZZZZ!!! it'll be gone! (But you must know that already, by now...)
Would so love Glam Nation Tour DVD...but must include overseas Too when he gets there
We need all the pretty boys in the front of every concert. OMG! Adam is on FIRE! *HOT*HOT*HOT*
MassGlamFan: Thanks for thinking of me, so you know I like watching Adam's sexiness, was it that obvious, haha..
Well, I enjoy & love everything about Adam Lambert, his voice, his personality, etc....the list is too long. Adam loves to play & flirt with the audience when he feels the right energy. I enjoy everything he does. So, Adam, show us your hotness, I think I can handle it, if not I will die happy hehee......I strongly believe Adam will be responsible for the population increase of this generation. OK, that's enough blaa, blaa, blaa, I am going to take a shower now.
As usual. Spectacular performances. Thanks 24/7, you keep us happy.
How many would like to be that microphone? Sigh.
Yes, bring on the pretty boys, because if Adam is happy, we're happy....Hoping they get the FEVER vid up here soon...its a must see! Along with WLL of course...and the rest...
Annon 7:28AM click on SFW vid above on Youtube, then click on indybeck71 videos at the above left corner, her videos visual & sound quality is excellent. So far she has eight songs from last night.
Hey, fellow fans...check out this EXCELLENT fan-made tribute to Adam's If I Had You video!!
Woops! glitzylady I just realize you alredy saw it on MJ..
I held strong that WLL at Fantasy Springs was the best ever, but this one cleary now takes the top spot...the voice, the smiles, the use and placement of the mic. Nice. Very, very nice. He knows he's got us and he's really using it. LOL
Yes, WLL was stellar and a whole different "feel" than Fantasy Springs, my favorite as well (until now????..will have to watch a few more times to decide.....or MORE than a few times....), but think this one is on a whole new level of ....greatness...shall we say... and was thinking the same about the mike.....Thank you Adam.....And then there's this version of FEVER......also worthy of more study.....
These boys were at the show and fans were taking pics of them. One fan tweeted that security was watching them taking pics and laughing.
Another fan said one of the pretty boys said he was for rent, I'm assuming so he could be put in Adam's line of vision LOL (I think that's what he meant)
DC Canadian
Need some votes:
Need some votes IIHY is up against Hanson
OMG I must see Adam live but I am in Oslo,Norway:-( He is on the radio every day,and I think he will love to be here,many pretty boys and we are very openmindid.
Peace and Love from Norway
open minded,sorry for my english;-)
Those pictures of Adam kissing Tommy are so sexy. :D
OMG, people WLL.It's a wonder that place wasn't raided.
hey guys adam needs our votes;
go to
maybe someone can get this posted on this site..
please pass it on and vote!!!
I got a FEVER from watching FEVER.......
ooooooh these are great comments glamfans...i haven't seen any vids yet, but now i'm beyond excitement...i'm just off to get a nice chilled glass of rose (it would be rude not to) and i'll be right back for some spectacular viewing :D
chezza-sherbet/ brit fan :D xx
Wholla Lotta love was PERFECTION vocally and for those movements.., oh that body... how a human being can be SO SEXY???? maybe he is from other planet...just watching this video i had an adamgasm...
Planet Fierce, to be exact!!!! No doubt about it.....
wow that was immense, every emotion you could ever feel was i've said before, happy adam is a truly beautiful thing..breathtakingly fantastic...
my trusty little laptop was my best purchase this year...plug in head phones click to full screen and away we go...i did buy it for the kids, but i've hijacked it..or maybe it's adam that's hijacked me...
chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx
God Allmighty, suddenly this FEVER got so high and hot!!! When will my little devil let me sleep in angelical peace again after coming home from church on Sundays?
Sweet Adam, baby, you just set me inside a ring of fire AGAIN! Bad diamond boy, bad diamond boy!
ha ha fan4fun...yet again your comments make me laugh "bad diamond boy" that is priceless...bravo bravo..
chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx
@July 11, 2010 10:19 AM
was voting but the site gave me a 'time out' and cooling off period cuz I voted numerous times...not sure what the limit is??
See (with big knowing smile on my face), I told you we Kentuckians could handle non-toned down, non-family friendly Adam just fine. We may have even egged him on a bit(Please note cheering at Adam-Tommy kiss on Fever video.)! Was there and loved every blissful second of it. Even the Brown Theatre security staff had a good time.
I especially loved the gift to Adam of the gorgeous, elegant opera mask at the end. Very befitting symbol of the Brown Theatre (Louisville's opera venue)and of the exceptional, sophisticated talent that is Adam's. Seemed to suggest there was a Phantom of the Opera quality to Adam's performance.
P.S. This is an interesting state. Not really Southern. Very mixed red and BLUE--especially in cities like Louisville and Lexington, both of which have large gay populations. By the way, how did you like our very pretty pretty boys?
Adam, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for catching on fire last night. What a grand ride that was! Promise you will never hold back who you are. We love you for WHO you are.
Kentucky Fan
**LICK, LICK!!**
Another LICK, by Adam, heard 'round the world, in WLL!
I die.
My insides squirmed. I told you I can't watch every's too overwhelming for me. But I watched THIS one, thank god!! I am now jello. Don't even have the strength left in me to watch Fever, now - will have to come back to it! But I did watch the opening to see what kind of "Tommy action" was going to happen at this show. Yummy.
I agree - cute boys should be in the audience, front and center, at every show, if they inspire this kind of fierceness.
- Adam Fix
@Kentucky Fan
Thanks to you Kentucky fans for being SO very encouraging during FEVER :-) and looks like it followed through right until the end with WLL, wowee!!!! Sounds like even the security guards have good taste!!!
@Adam Fix
Knew you'd like WLL and the "mic" involvement....
Muther effer - frickin' puffy haired fan in my way during "FEVER"... dang dang dang!!
okay, I'm calming myself down now - much appreciation to all who record these vids!! ('though I sincerely hope someone else uploads to YT a vid with no puffy haired fan in some of the most, um, strategic places!!) Oh well, that caused me to concentrate more on the delectably sensual faces AL sports during "Fever"... Hot Holy Hell the FACES!
And really, truly, I hope puffy haired fan had a great time!
@Kentucky Fan July 11 8:13PM - I enjoyed your post, thanks!
@chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx - in case you didn't see my post to you on the other thread (Glam Nation Tour in Cleveland, OH, Allen Theater) just wanted to say thanks for your link to "The Many Faces Of Adam Lambert - Lip Licking and Endless Thank Yous (I Just Love You)". Left you a longer post there, won't repeat, but I had actually never seen that before (shocking I know, lol).
Oh, I also forgot to say (my brain is fried from bad sunburn today - sunburn is probably a good thing cuz otherwise, after watching Fever and WLL vids, I'd probaby be upstairs preventing my hubby from sleeping and he has to get up super early for work tomorrow ;)!)
But anyway, I forgot to say to melissa toronto @July 11, 2010 7:13 - your welcome for thinking of you! I remember exchanging some posts a while back about our mutual appreciation for fanvids - so yes, you popped into my mind when I saw "Vanity". And also, I think it was you that I exchanged comments with about, specifically, the footage that runs on "Vanity" from 2:23 to 2:28 which had been taken down from YT just after I posted a link about it (from Foxwoods show which I attended). I think that was you, either you or Poland Loves Adam, but I think it was you and you had expressed being bummed that you couldn't access the footage - so I felt compelled to give you a shout-out when I saw it as part of this "Vanity" fan vid. But anyway, yes to what you said in your post at July 11 7:13 AM - yes there is a long list of things to love about AL, yes we do need cute fanboys in the front row at every concert for inspiration I think, and yes there probably will be an increase in population of this gen. due to AL... so funny!!
Anyone know where Adam and crew are, haven't heard a word for 2 days. Wondered if it was a 2 day bus ride this time. Adam hasn't even teittered on the Official site
If I was asittin behind that poofy haired beyatch, I'da had me some hair clippers and she'd had a new hair cut real fast. No one blocks my view of my Adam.
Newspaper headlines next day woulda been: "Big hair gets in way of Adam's ticket to fame. Scalped."
Holy Hell - this boy was on FIRE! He was just all-out nasty. I finally made it back to watch "Fever" - whew! Might need to step away again.
Kentucky Fan - loved your post. I never thought of Kentucky as a very "blue" spot, so that was interesting. Whatever you guys did to Adam, tho, I'm all for it!
MGF - laughing so hard! "Puffy haired fan" was totally obstructing the view of THE lace-up pants! Damn.
- Adam Fix
GlitzSparkles @11:29
A couple of weeks ago there was a poster on this site who was very derrogative and uninformed about Adam "not wanting videos taken at his concerts." Site name was 18Kdg. I hope with everthing I have that that poster reads the article you referenced. Thanks - very informative read.
@ massglamfan..thankyou for your comment, and you're very welcome..i love coming across new adam vids and i just had to share my find..i'm right with you with beth "sparkling" how could anybody not fall in love with adam after that.
"puffy haired fan" ha ha that was hysterical..damn that woman :D
for anyone that missed the link i posted a few days ago, here it is again...i thought my heart was going to burst, so beautiful...
chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx
Adam u r such a TURN ON!!! Love ur WLL performance!!! SEXY... FLIRTY... NAUGHTY omg ... im lost for words to describe!!!
That mic licking.. so damn cute n only Adam could do that!!!
U've got me CRAZY for u Adam!!! U r getting sexier in ur every show darling!!! Keep up the good work!! Love ur playful 'lil kitten' style!!! naughty n sexy at the same time!!!
hey everyone adam needs our votes: he's up against on one....adam is ahead..the voting stops on the 17th, go to
please pass it on...we need a post on this site!!voteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Sweet Lord, you gave us THE SIGN, it was just in front of my eyes, right under my nose... and only now I realize!!!!
@ Attention here, all Glamily fans of Adam's LICK HABIT!!! (att. Adam Fix, you will freak out with my discovery, fellow)...I'm not kidding, this is serious, here we go!
«lambert»: LAMBER T: «LAMBER» means «TO LICK», both in portuguese and spanish, and the very sound of the letter «T» means «YOU», also in portuguese and spanish!!!!!! Yo get it? LAMBERT means «LICK YOU»!!!!!!!HA! Now everything makes sense! HA!!!! EUREKA!!!
PS: you may send my «TopLick» Award to Azores, please. Thank you, thank you so much)
100 Most Technically Skilled Male Rock Vocalists
Updated 3/21/10
Adam is #2.
Great recent (from June 2010) Adam discussion on pages 237-239.
is link for another version of WLL... definitely not the best vid ever - but a few good moments!! and AL is "glistening" so delectably!
Kansas City is waiting for ADAM!!!
Whole Lotta Love is here...Thursday is going to be so awesome, Adam never disappoints...
Everyone--vote for Adam on VH1 countdown and call your radio station...
Thank you for the link anon at 8:01!
(The Many Faces of Adam Lambert)
I actually already have that on my favorites list from when I found it many months back, but is SO gorgeous, heart-warming, and awesome that I am more than glad to watch it again today!
Plus reading the comments below it makes my heart burst open even more.
And I agree with everyhing EowynForAdam said, (the second highest rated comment, so it's 2nd from the top) THIS is why I fell in love with him. So it's delicious to relive that falling in love process all over again through this video.
To AdamFix, Glitzylady, and MassGlamFan,
Thanks, guys! The world is so much more fun with Adam in it.
Speaking of which, @ 7/11 Anon posting at 9:23 wondering what Adam was up to since it had been so long since anybody had heard from him. Well, he was evidently up to something: "in a cab at mcdonalds after being chased down the street by drag queens".
Kentucky Fan
Fan4fun, 6:41 - "Lick you"...really?? That's too funny! I think it's fitting, though! Thanks for explaining that/enlightening us!
- Adam Fix
Think Adam needs to insure that tongue with LLoyd s of London! WLL and all your comments have made me speechless. Having signs of heatstroke after these videos! funbunn40
do you have more shots of him coming out after the show??
Those are my pics (the first three) great memories!!! Thanks for posting :)
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