"If I Had You" soars to #1 on MuchMore Top Ten
Filed Under (charts,If I Had You ) by Admin on Sunday, July 11, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, July 11, 2010

If you thought Adam Lambert's success on music video countdowns was limited to VH1, then think again. For the third week in a row, the "American Idol" singer was at the #1 spot on MuchMore's Top Ten with "If I Had You", beating out everyone from Katy Perry's "California Gurls" to Ke$ha's "Your Love is My Drug".
So what has led to Adam being so popular on MuchMore? The network's greatest circulation is north of the border in Canada, which has seen the highest chart numbers for the song to date. It also has a devoted block of Adam fans supporting the song with votes.
So what's the ultimate goal with song? The record for the longest number of weeks at #1 is eight, so it's looking pretty likely that the fans will work to get the song to that milestone. Whether or not it will happen, though, is all dependent on a group of fans and their ability to send in votes.
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Canada supports Adam again! Thank you all you fab. Canadians! I vote everyday at VH1.com, sirius.com, and ryanseacrest.com . Some are for the IIHY video and others for the song. Adamluv
I've never heard from «MuchMore Top10» (sorry), but I'm glad it exists and jumping of happiness... my sweet Adam made #1 ????!!! How can I vote from Azores? Somebody please tell me!
Thank you everybody who voted, thank you so much! Adam's fans are working out quite well, all around the planet! I'm so proud of us, almost as proud as I am of my Diamond Boy!
I'm surprised he beat Katy Perry. That song has been playing everywhere I go.
Yes, I really like Katy Perry, but I'm getting so tired of that song. They play it every 15 minutes around here. Actually CG almost seems cut out of the 60's style.
Congrats to Adam and band. Anyone see Tommy's strange tweet about getting ready for cake and sodomy???
California Gurls is awful, but Katy and Snoop Dogg are nice :) Haven't heard Love is my drug in this part of the world..
It went from not even being on the Top 10 one day to Number one the next! Good for Adam. We don't get VH1 in Canada so have to make do with MuchMore Top 10. It's been in the top spot for a few weeks now. Katy Perry is down to number 3 on the top ten and never did make
the top spot.
The tweet from Tommy about cake and sodomy is the title of a Marilyn Manson song, and Tommy is a big fan of his. I detest the man and wish Tommy didnt like him. Signed, Adamluv
Thanks Adamluv from 11:53. Had no idea. Should have done some Google research. Just seemed like a strange remark but makes more sense now that you explained :))
Have a few minutes so going to head for VH1 to vote for our boy.
Glad to hear the good news about IIHY! And agree that some songs are just overplayed. Yes, read Tommy’s tweet and thought the party just got serious on the tour then I remembered MM. Tommy: face of an angel but the boy has some truly wicked sensibilities. Just the way I like ‘em!
Hi ADAM fans everwhere! Here are some voting sites:
tweeter.faxo.com/American_Idol_of_the_Month/2010/07 ... vote every 20 min.
www.q102.com/pages/interactive8.html .. unlimited
www.muchmore.ca/mmtop10/ .. unlimited
www.sirius.com/siriusxmhits1 ... www.sirius.com/top20 ... keep deleting cookies & you can vote more than once
www.ryanseacrest.com/page/at40 ... www.ryanseacrest.com/page/american-top-5 ... delete cookies ... vote more than once
www.4music.com/artist/adam-lambert/for-your-entertainment-video-vip-track.html .. every 30 min.
www.wplj.com/playlist.asp .. every 20 min.
www.z100.com/pages/info/request.html .. 1x per day
www.kiisfm.com/pages/JoJotop9.html .. unlimited
These are in addition to VH1 of course whenever you can ... PLEASE VOTE ... THANX ADAM fans WORLDWIDE .. back to my VOTING!! Love&LIGHT!!
Any idea how to get Adam's vid on FUSE countdown? My husband watches FUSE all the time. But I've never seen Adam's vid on it.
TY tess4ADAM
@ tess4ADAM
Wow, fellow... this info is better than any Master Plan! Thank you for sharing your well done homework with us. If half of sweet Adam's fans get your message seriously, the Glamily will feel the Earth moving faster, just to give sweet Adam, as soon as possible, the good news he deserves. Let's vote, let's vote! Let's vote, let's vote, let's vote, let's vote !!!
Tess4Adam, Thank you so much for all the voting sites. Will vote everyday on them! There's another too. www.hotzonline.com/archives/6296 where Adam is close but losing out to Hanson! What's that about? Also one of my favorite sites is afterelton.com and they currently have a List Your Hot Gay Guys list! You can only vote once and it's for women only! The guys got to vote a couple months ago. Go and give Adam his right spot as #1 Hottie. Voting closes Tues. I think. Signed, Adamluv
@ Adamluv July11(3:27PM)
Have I told you already how many times and how much indeed you are welcome to Paradise??? Just asking... (and where you are?)
Tess4Adam, Just returned from voting on all your sites! But didnt see what to vote for on the 4music.com site? What am I missing? Fan4fun, thanks for all the positive vibes. I live near Los Angeles, Cal. I believe you live in Portugal? Cool!!!! Signed, Adamluv
Hi! Adamluv ... tess4ADAM here .. I live in Lackawanna, NY .. just outside of Buffalo not far from the Canadian border.
re: 4music.com site ... you vote either HIT or MISS for the FYE video .. I can't view it but I can vote HIT or MISS a couple times an hour.
Thanx everyone! You too Adamluv for the new VOTING sites ... will hit them as soon as I leave here! Happy VOTING ADAM fans WORLDWIDE! Please VOTE wherever & whenever you can! Love&Light to ALL!!
Sorry but my info was wrong = it is hotzoneonline.com/archives/6296. Forgot the word 'one'. Adam is still losing but is closer now! Signed, Adamluv
You are one of the super-devoted ones!!! Thanks for all of the info for voting sites.....I had no idea there were so many!!! I'm sure Adam thanks you as well!!!
Thanx! glitzylady ... I've been VOTING non stop since ADAM was nominated for Ultimate World Idol & don't intend to stop until ADAM is #1 on all the polls or at least in the top 5 ... can't win 'em all .. LOL .. but I sure can darn well try! Jump on any of the polls mentioned here whenever you can & drop a few votes for our boy!! I LOVE ALL the help I get from ALL of you Glamberts WORLDWIDE!! Love&Light
Hey! Adamluv ... that poll against Hanson is a toughie ... been trying but they're power voting ... can't keep up. Please spread the word to all Glamberts to go there & vote as often as they can. Thanx!
Tess4ADAM, I went back to 4music.com and READ it this time and duh, punched "hit". Thanks for the help. Nice to know where people live!! Signed, Adamluv
@Anon July 11, 2010 2:44 PM -
WWFM was actually on Fuse for quite a while, some time back...I voted for it a lot for a short time. Never fully informed myself on the scenario over there at Fuse 'though, for the countdown, so I can't be too helpful, sorry, but I like their programming on the TV/Broadcast channel. We should probably keep checking it out - because when WWFM was an option for voting, I think it did pretty well... and Fuse did interview Adam for their "On the Record" series, so they seem to know he exists, so perhaps they'll eventually put IIHY up for an option for voting too.
Thanks to everyone for all the tips here on this thread!
Wow, I had no idea that Hanson was even any kind of "deal" anymore, shows you what I know! Took my "tween" niece to a concert during the "Um Bop" phase but that was when they were younger...., something like 10 years ago....Interesting....Sure don't want them taking #1 away from Adam!!!!
Again to @Anon July 11, 2010 2:44 PM - in my post above at 7:58, I wasn't actually talking about Fuse's fairly new or revamped) MUSIC VIDEO countdown, sorry. Don't know what the deal is with that whole format - but have been meaning to check it out... if anyone reading here at 24/7 knows, please post and inform us. Thanks.
Anybody know where these people are?
Love and Light
Maggie Longfellow
Poland loves Adam
Deus Te Amat
Oscar Wilde
Missing them...
Thanks 2:34........I've picked 3 of these voting sites.......
Up your voting on VH1....GaGa is closing in
To 11:09....hopfully they are off voting for Adam...LOL
Yeeeaahhh, no more excuses, let's vote!!!!
@ Stanley:
No idea about those fellows, except Poland Loves Adam who posted 4 days ago. I'm really worried about Gina, the last one to see her must have been the very sweet Adam... Funbonn40 is not a suspect anymore. Btw, you or anyone can explain to me the deal with Big MaMa + Big PaPa? After our excruciating battle agaist those barbarian nofans a few days ago, Big MaMa commented that Big PaPa was going to retire and live only for country music... but how about HERSELF? Will she come back to Paradise? Who will give us the famous «panther piss» recipe andt wise advices?
So, please include Biga MaMa in your «missing lamberts list», ok?
I've been missing them too Stanley, so I'm glad you asked "out loud".
And I'd been missing you too, so I'm glad to hear from you. :)
Poland for Adam is a teacher, so maybe she's off on summer vacation...and maybe the same for Emmaline since she's a student....?
You're so sweet Stanley... and me too.
@ Adamluv or ANYBODY!
Who can tell me how many times I can vote on
Sweet Adam is losing by a neck to Hanson!
I voted many times and they keep showing the message «thank you, your vote has been already counted" Are they ref. to my FIRST vote only or to any of the others after the first one ?????
I mean, are they counting all my votes?
please everyone GET THE WORD OUT...adam needs our votes
he's up against the band Hanson..a one on one till the 17th...adam is only 100 votes behind and everyone thinks the hanson band will blow him away..........NOT SO!!!! LETS DO THIS!!!!
Thanks Adamluv and Tess4ADAM for all of your research on voting! I will try all of them tonight! @Stanley, I miss them all also and hope it's temporary and hopefully we didn't lose anyone after the big troll blowout last week. I thought I saw Gina on one of these threads in the early AM. Will have to go back and look. It's good to see you too and glad you put out there what all of us were wondering! @ Fan4fun, Thanks for restoring my good]?] name and absolving me of the mysterious disappearance of Gina! haha funbunn40
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