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Adam and Tommy in Finland Magazine

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Photo Credit: @laura_ansa


Anonymous said...

It says Glamrocks rising star Adam Lambert promised not to kiss his band members during the GNT, but hasn't kept his promise xD Did he say something like that before the tour?

Anonymous said...

He said it would be family friendly...hmmmmmmmm

Tommy J is part of family (on the road band family)

and this picture looks very friendly.....Hell..... like Tommy

said it's rock n roll

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:35 - "family friendly and Tommy's family!" I love it!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

mmmm Lickety Lick....God i LOVE these Guys....keep up the Good Work Boys WE LOVE IT......
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen him do that in the last few concerts. I wish they could have found a better picture. I am not a fan of the Adam Tommy kiss or lick. Good way to pass germs around. A nice bear hug,(that adam is so good at) would be better.No need for the kiss any way, if Tommy is straight. He doesn't need to lick the mike either, LOL

Anonymous said...

pass germs around lol,give me some of adam and tommy germs anytime lol

Anonymous said...

I'd take on multiple lambert body fluids in a heartbeat... Especially after a concert closed with 20th Century Boy... ( sorry thread police, speakin' the truth for more than just myself I bet... have at me, I'll take my punishment )

Anonymous said...

anon if you haven't fantasized about that kiss/lick..GTFOH!

The rest of you, you dirty little whores, me included...LOL I love the licklishous!


Anonymous said...

Not EVERYONE likes the Adommy. Straight OR gay, what's the point of 'smooching' in public. In Adam's case,I can understand that, after the AMAs, he wanted to make a point (but, by now, the point's been made a zillion times!). Why continue? Adam himself says that he believes in changing things up all the time. He doesn't need that anymore. He is a 100% bona fide artist with his voice, his dancing and his charisma. He has enough stage presence by himself to fill up an arena. I just think that in the long run, people in other countries could also tire of the Adommy.

Anonymous said...

love tommy/adam kiss- its rock n roll.
fever it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's a visceral thing, which he doesn't care to tamp down or deny himself. Maybe it's about him, and not the world.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:22, I don't think Adam is trying to make a point or anything by kissing Tommy. And this kiss at the GNT has nothing to do with the AMA's. The kissing in his tour is just part of his acting for the song Fever, he is just theatrical(in Adam's word "campy"). How about you all not take everything seriously, this is all for fun, it is all Rock N'Roll!
More kissing baby!Pls give Tommy more FEVAH!!!


Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

@MGF 7:43pm and @ZZ 8:00pm

Well!!!...I never..!!!!...I am shocked!!!!....well, actually, ...I think I expressed a certain enthusiasm, but a little less.....specifically....on the 20th Century Boy thread....Really LOVED that song and performance...kept running through my mind ALL DAY LONG at work, made it hard to concentrate.....PHEW!!!!...I just thought it was very..."rousing" (neutral term)...and made me happy all day...the man is definitely a "Rock God"...and more....and personally like the Tommy-Adam kiss too...loving that "campy-ness" ...they keep it "fresh" by keeping us guessing whether it will happen at any one performance....and whether it will be a lick or a kiss....nope, not tired of it yet....they are careful to tailor the Adommy interactions for the venue....and as some have said, its just part of the song, really...Adam is very "theatrical", so there you go....

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:22, you say "Why continue? (...)He doesn't need that anymore" Well, maybe he likes doing it :) never thought of that? Simple :)

Anonymous said...

OT and maybe someone posted this on another thread but Adam was mentioned tonite on SYTYCD by Mia Michaels. She was speaking to Robert and Mark (they had just finished their dance number) and said, you look like you're on tour with ADAM LAMBERT. They both had their pomp hair style and one eye made up. I think it's great that a choreographer of her caliber knows about the GlamNation tour!! I'm impressed! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I hope Adam and his reps are reading our comments. I believe Adam is THE greatest talent of the decade. HIS VOICE and the way he renders lyrics and music (including his energy and dance moves) is genius. He, his courage and talent frequently "make my day!" I also appreciate the way he respects and courteously talks with ALL people. I believe that he can also become a movie star...even play the lives of Elvis and Freddy Mercury...and have to kiss women and/or men convincingly on the screen. When he performs, he makes EVERYONE happy and in love with "Music Again." Like most great performers, in public he belongs to the world. In private he belongs to himself. Who he is intimate with and how he expresses himself sexually is his business and I am happy [for him] if he is happy. In public, I like the way he provides a safe illusionary world for all of us to enjoy life, love and sex more -- the young people, the gays, the older women, the straight men, couples, etc. I don't know what kissing Tommy on stage is all about. I don't see other great performers slither over and kiss the musicians in their bands. If he is trying to please his fans, he should kiss men and/or women randomly (even if on the cheek). If he is doing it to prove a point, point taken...he can stop now. If he is doing it to simply please himself and/or other gay men, he's no longer in West Hollywood. No matter what he chooses to do, I'll be his loyal fan. I just think he belongs to the whole world...not just a slice of it.

Anonymous said...

Read all the comments here, and can see both sides. I saw the video of the Fever where Adam licks Tommy. It was playful and made me smile! However, when you just see the pic it looks like something different. Does that make sense? It’s like something taken out of context that looks uncomfortable. It becomes the main idea and this is where Adam gets into trouble. It is a lot easier to reach platinum if you aren’t too threatening. I wish it wasn’t so, but friends of mine still haven’t gotten over that blasted AMA performance. It disrespected people on many different levels, obviously not just homophobes or “haters”. Actually, the kiss was nothing compared to the double bird flip at the end and the later scolding of those poor parents who taped his performance for their teens who loved his idol performances. I see Adam as a catalyst much like others have said. He is a powerful connector. I appreciate his talent and I truly think he is a good, decent person…besides being funny, intelligent, and handsome with a voice that is in a class of its own. I want to see him on the cover of Tiger Beat along with Beiber. If he is truly the new icon, he belongs there. Now that would be something provocative and new! He has worked so hard to please his fans… and this is what this magazine chooses to write about? Isn’t it weird that a paper from a country that is supposed to be so “open minded” decided to print this picture and write what they said? It seems like they are just trying to sell magazines. Hey, you guys…he sells magazines just by flashing his boyish grin. He is the King of Glam Rock…treat him with respect! lmb

Anonymous said...

I am not sure what I think about "the kiss". I must say that I quickly find "fever" every night to see if they kiss so I guess I like it, yet I kind of am ok if it stops. I really wonder what Tommy thinks being a straight man. I do get the "all in the name of rock n roll" thing. Just my thoughts...

For those of you interested, Adam's dancer Terrence had this to tweet today:

"Lol I can't kiss my friend @adamlambert we're like brothers! Ok. I probably would do it for one of the shows...;)"

He also tweeted that he was hanging out with Adam about 4 hours ago.

Oh and here is a hot pic of Adam and Brooke getting VERY close (I also search the dancer intro video's out first thing also!).


Anonymous said...

Anon 8.22 - why continue? He probably continues because of the feedback he gets, whenever he kisses or licks Tommy, or any interaction come to that, it always gets the biggest screams of the night. So he's just giving his fans what they want.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

In St. Louis when Adam flirted with and then just tapped Tommy on the chin was the sexiest moment I've seen so far. It leaves everything to the watcher's imagination and boy have I got a great imagination. That playful "could we, should we" imo is what's hot. I've been married for a few years now and I don't ever remember licking hubby's face or vice versa. Maybe I'll try it and see how I like it and if he likes it.

glitzylady said...

Was heading for bed, checking comments one last time, and now some more thought -provoking comments to ponder...I agree with @lmb regarding the quick kiss or lick in the performance, which is usually done with a wink and a smile, and then seeing the still picture in the magazine which freezes the moment, gives no real context and then the rather snarky comment accompanying the picture...unfortunately what sells both magazines and TV gossip shows..While the occasional kiss in the performance is in effect part of the "story" of the song, it does potentially invite more controversy for Adam...It has been surprising to me that it hasn't gotten more mention here in the US, which is saying something I think...On the other hand, it also gets a huge enthusiastic response from the fans in the audience, although there are probably more than a few who could do without it...I think it is harmless fun but also know it is uncomfortable for some otherwise enthusiastic fans...And yes, Adam got a bit carried away with that AMA performance, made some not so smart moves IMO (he admits that it worried him too, afterward, when things had a chance to sink in), sang rather badly (his Dad recently said it was the worst vocal performance he had ever heard from Adam and blamed it on an extreme case of too much adrenaline and an uncharacteristic case of nerves) and it scared the c**p out of me!! I knew it would cause a huge backlash (indeed...) and he is still recovering from it, truth be told..We haven't seen a lot of kissing lately, maybe they are phasing it out a little, or maybe it just depends on the ages and "vibe" of the audience, and Tommy and Adam's moods as well...He tends not to do it in "all ages" venues, when there are kids present...Pretty sure other performers goof around like this as well, we just don't hear about it...And I agree too @withdaydreaminmylif , i don't mind seeing them kiss at all (as I said above, I kinda like it...), but if they decide to stop, that's fine too....I just want Adam to be wildly successful, and loved around the world for his great talent and wonderful, loving, and generous soul...

Anonymous said...

@adamluv 10:32pm.... Mia Michaels didn't say Adam Lambert, I have caught SYTYD yesterday, she said they look like they are on tour with "ADAM ANT".


Anonymous said...

Although Adamluv - Lambert has referenced Adam Ant before in a positive way... Which I was psyched about, I used to love Adam Ant. Also, when Mia M. Made her comment, there was some commotion/talking around her and in the audience and I wondered if it was because some people thought she had said Adam Lambert?

Anonymous said...

love adam lambert so much;love his voice hes a world wide super star now.

Anonymous said...

that i know is when Adam promoted his dancers in his tour a lott of fans were upset because they separate him by Tommy and the show lose lot of his chemistry and Adam was upset too and said that he dont give up his dancers. So his play with Tommy is a request from fans.

Anonymous said...

i know Adam is loved very much in Finland , can somebody to give us whole the article from this magazin? Maybe is not that bed .

Anonymous said...

Here I am again...I don't care what many of you say about the harmlessness of "the kiss" I have noted that Adam (the greatest talent of this decade) was hardly mentioned on the MTV and Teen Choice Awards. Soon, the Grammys will be up for grabs. Will they even ask him to perform for us if they think he STILL can't resist the excitement of the moment and run over and kiss his band member in defiance? Yeah, it is playful and sweet to us but it is confusing and distracting on the WORLD stage. And we can see that it might be getting in the way of his professional progress so I don't think we should encourage it unless we want him to become "the gay singer who brought acceptability to gay men kissing in public" instead of "the great icon whose voice and stage presence took Glam Rock Theatre to another level" Beverly

Anonymous said...

The article is not condemning. It hints maybe he shouldn't have made that promise. There's no reason to be sorry. The headline says boylove, a finnish punk philosopher made a song called that in the late 70's and it was played a lot on the radio then. Men or women kissing is not really a big issue in finnish tv. Negatively it may be comprehended as someone wanting to get more attention. In Adams case I think the problem is that the audience now demands it and feel disappointed if they don't get the Adommy action.

Anonymous said...

soon they will all be on stage having sex, and a lot of you think thats ok ???

Anonymous said...

Oh for crying out loud 6:45 - let's deal in the realm of reality. This site is a great place for legitimate discussion - and most 24/7 participatns like a good, fair, healthy debate... but let's not move into the absurd, it cheapens the opinions of those who want to chat legitimately and within the realm of reality... and please don't come back w/ some comment about sex on stage being a legitimate possibility - if you think that, you don't follow Lambert's career.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I haven't been on this site so often lately. the new format irritates me personely. I remember, a couple months ago, most of Adam's fans loves the kissing, smooching, licking and all the hot and spicy. We got excited over everything and it made us horny. now I see the Adam fans have toned down a lot. Getting all judging and philophical. Where are the old Glamberts? I know MGF and Fan4Fun and I could name a few more but the rest of you really should lighten up? Is it really so important what other people think of him? Is is so important that he go platinum and reach "the top"? I think he's doin' quite well, to say the least, and I just want him to be himself, whatever that means for him - NOT for us.
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

I'm not the biggest fan of the Adommy action, because it is just for the show, but they chose a damn cute pic to that article, don't you think. That is not gonna harm anybody :)

Anonymous said...

glitzy lady,
Thanks for understanding. I couldn't sleep last night because I wrote that in the wee hours of the night and then dreamt I had written something about wanting to see Adam kissing Beiber on the cover of Tiger
I agree with you ( as usual) and also see Beverly's point. Did you guys cry like I did when he got that award in Canada? I think the bottom line here is that he is slowly but surely establishing his place in the music world. They say the most powerful force in advertising is word of mouth. People are talking about his Glam Nation Tour all over the world. Haven't heard any complaints....only some who wished they could have met a dark room....alone...oops lol
Love this Glamily lmb

Anonymous said...

Hey Poland Loves Adam - we were just wondering where you were the other day and why we hadn't heard from you (ha ha, now I guess we know, lol). Just wanted to say Hi.

Also, @glitzlady re: August 11 9:05PM - Ha Ha Glamsista, I'm rushing right now (damn RL) but one reason (among several) why I find 20th Century Boy so "rousing" (nice PC terms, we'll see if that sticks, lol) is because of what it probably MEANS TO ADAM. Fans should check out the internet using some of those key words that have been mentioned in regard to 20thCB in the last few threads, very interesting, and someone, some commenter, made a brilliant statement about "check it out, get to know Adam better..." or something like that - I agree. I just happened to see Iggy Pop inducted into the Hall of Fame back in March, and I was intrigued about him (along w/ having read about Lambert's love of Velvet Goldmine) and it set me upon this whole path of discovery back in March about this era/genre etc., blah blah blah, but anyway, insight into Lambert to found in this regard IMHO. We blogosphere fans can never really know Adam Lambert, obviously, that goes without saying, but I get a gut feeling that it would mean something to Adam to have his performing this song be widely accepted by his fans. Just my POV :)... it's also just frickin' smokin' blazin' hot, to me, LOL. I've got plenty of delicious WLL's to enjoy - I'd love to see 20thCB performed more... think I can take the "rousing". LOL.

Anonymous said...

don't jump all over me for speaking my mind...i adore Adam and so does my husband, mom, son and friends...his voice is amazing...i for one am sick of seeing him and tommy and the kiss's becoming very old..he's such a beautiful star,but many people don't see this, they see these covers and are turned off by it...

Anonymous said...

he's sinking his own boat!

Anonymous said...

dont' agree, but we'll see won't we

LISA said...

They're so cute together.

Anonymous said...

OMG some of you guys CHILL OUT
regarding American Awards....they are all FIXED and its so plain to taylor swift receiving best single video when we all know Beyonce's *Single Ladies* should of been Awarded...i thank Kanye West for storming the stage with his outburst
....American Media will always dismiss Adams Talent unless it suits them or can make them money.
if Adam had not done the kiss and crutch pull on AMA would Adam of got all the Media Attention!! answer NO!!
Adams name is now known Worldwide and lets face it once you hear Adam's Voice,feel his Wonderful Charisma and see his Incredible Beautiful Looks you want MORE and MORE!!!
Adam and Tommy can kiss and lick all they want ...i find it Exciting, Fun and Sexy!!!
as Adam has said DOUBLE STANDARDS in America are rift... so its OK for Rihanna to rub and kiss another Woman,Gaga being Very sexual in her Videos and so many more i can't even be bothered to mention...DOUBLE STANDARDS!!!
I am soooooooo glad Adam did'nt win American Idol and be moulded into another BORING (yawn)Idol winner...Adam is very Intelligent he has used his success on Idol to Launch his SUCCESSFUL career and now he can do what he wants..thank goodness. and once Glam Nation Tour hits International shores Adam will have even more fans..

In the UK Adam is still unknown to alot of people but he does have a Huge Fanbase growing on a daily basis..Adam needs to bring Glam Nation Tour to UK he can Strut his stuff and show the UK his incredible Talents and throw in some Kisses and Licks, Adams management has not promoted Adam in the UK yet?!! but i know our time will come soon,
UK radios are not playing Adam music as yet as i have found out the UK does not support AMerican Idol winners or runner ups....which is a shame as we all know Adam is so unlike any Idol Star EVER!
so chill out some of you guys it ain't no big deal!!! its only a kiss/lick
and as for the STUPID comment having sex on dare you!!!!
ADAM IS OUR 21st CENTURY BOY he can do no wrong in my eyes
ADAM IS ADAM if you can't handle it then i suggest you all go and throw your CDs out the window and become former fans...but please don't keep moaning about the poor guy..everytime he shaves his hair,licks tommy etc
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

ps ...i wish some of you guys would use a name tag instead of always hiding behind *anony tag* when you comment

Anonymous said...

I liked it when Adam and Tommy rubbed their backs together, or when Tommy put his head on Adam's shoulder. That was charming. The kisses and licks...not so much.

Anonymous said...

just saying Tony

Anonymous said...

Like the kisses and licks because I think Adam only goes for it when HE IS feeling it

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain Tony

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of Adommy too. And I'd rather see Adam make out with a snake on stage.


Anonymous said...

Adam is not F***IN Alice Cooper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi i should of just added
i had a gathering of friends visit me today and they were all talking about who the Gorgeous Guy was who was hanging on my walls!! so great chance to do my Adam Lambert Soap Box chat,
they all left the house. Buzzin with Delight at the LOVED ONE..
and i know they want more
...HOORAY Toot Toot more Adam Fans
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

p.s. anony 9:27...what's your name tag?...who gives a hoot what the persons name is or is not...what's this kindergarden
and we need to wear a name tag?

Anonymous said...

Tony, Me too! and thank you for the support last week! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I guess I am so into Adam that I hear his name when it isnt even mentioned! Thanks for the correction! Loved Adam Ant back in the day. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv youre welcome and yes wishful thinking with the lick/kiss with ADAM

@ anon 10.18 if you read the comment you would see 9.27 name tag, i am guessing from your comment you don't like the Adommy lick/kiss!
heres my name tag Tony

Anonymous said...

its nice to know what other peoples views are from outside the USA.they don't seem to have any problems with licks and kisses, they are so more liberal than some of us.susie

Anonymous said...

I only started posting here when I saw that more people were starting to use "name tags". Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Both sides have valid opinions, but have to agree with lmb and Glitzylady's concerns of pics being taken out of context. Like it or not, fair or not, this is a business and Adam is learning and charting new territory. The tongue action, while fine with me personally, could keep fanning the flames for him in a negative way. The AMA elephant is still in the room. Life isn't always fair and sometimes you have to make some compromises. That doesn't mean that you have to give up your identity or no longer be true to yourself. You just have to decide how far and wide you want this career to take you, or be content to play for a smaller, specific audience, which ultimately will be Adam's choice and not ours. I for one vote for longevity and his freedom to share the diversity of his talents in a smart way, whatever he deems that to be. He is a smart guy and no matter what we think, I think he will intelligently find his place. In the meantime, I'll enjoy whatever he choose to share with us. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Good job Glambrit IOW/UK 10:11 - toot toot... you know the deal, Bugles are for blowing... 'ya know, I mean keep tooting your horn about Lambert, keep sounding off to anyone who will listen about BB ;).


Anonymous said...

I like the tags.[ Thanks Tony,Susie] It's more like a real conversation with humans than conversing with a phantom, but I also respect anon. postings if you don't want to share your identity for fear of being criticized for a differing opinion or other personal reasons. I like to hear opposing views and opinions. It doesn't make anyone right or wrong and we can learn from each other, or at least think about things in a new way without being disrespectful or judgemental. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Adamluv August 12 10:32AM - I know right?!! :)
(OFF TOPIC: also Adamluv, left a comment defending you on "that" other thread too, but only realized a day or so ago that I didn't leave my name tag, sorry about that, I was the one who said something about "I don't know what 24/7 you're reading but it's not the same one I am...blah blah. Doesn't matter now, no use crying over spilled glitter, but still, sorry I forgot to leave my tag. I think you started using your tag shortly after me, which was after a long while of posting anonymously, but it's fun using a tag isn't it...but comes with its risks 'though doesn't it?? :) We've BOTH found that out firsthand, lol.)

@Tony - you're funny and nice - how compelling, love it!


Anonymous said...

funbunn40 - always the voice of reason. So great. MGF

Anonymous said...

MGF, thank you as well! No, I never commented here until around July 10th and I have always used a tag. You are right about the risks but still prefer to sign "my name". Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam has repeatedly said not to take him too seriously.

Adam has a devilish wit and love of life which transcends into his incredible voice and spontaneous performance persona he delivers on stage!

If Adam wants to fly in on a flaming unicorn and kiss all the band members - what the heck go for it Adam!!!

I can't wait to see what comes next!! David Bowie have you heard Adam wanting to collaborate with you??

Ziggy Stardust would not know what hit him!! Adam just keep rocking and rolling and keep us guessing and wanting more!!

Chill out everybody and just jump on board!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks MGF, as always. You are too, as well as others. Glad you use your tag, Adamluv. It makes me feel connected and you can't please everyone all of the time and you can't sweat the small stuff. As said on another thread,"People that matter don't mind and people that mind don't matter." If everyone always agreed, the world would be a pretty boring place. I had to laugh when someone said, "Don't let the turkeys get you down," as I used to say that to my husband all of the time. Today I'm going to enjoy my time in Adamland because it's a great place to be! Luv all of the Glamberts,GlamBrits,Glamboys, etc. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hi funbunn40.........i love that saying .....
"People that matter don't mind and people that mind don't matter."
thanks for that!!!
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Personally ... don't shoot ... hear me out ... I think EVERYONE is OVERanalysing ONE small kiss/lick that is done in keeping with the song (Fever) & to the delight of the MAJORITY of the fans. If ADAM has to stop & think about every action then the spontaneity goes out the window & it becomes a 'pat'(rehearsed performance) over & over. Is that really what we want? ADAM don't do this ... ADAM should do that ... what will (so and so) say/think if ADAM keeps kissing/licking on stage? So far ... this tour has all been in keeping with his VISION of what HE wants to do on the tour & IMO .. so far ADAM has been a SOLD OUT SUCCESS!!! He hasn't been around the business for as long as he has & NOT learned anything in the process. I LOVE ADAM's spontaneity ... NEVER know what he'll do/say/sing next. That's what keeps him INTERESTING .. EXCITING .. FUN ... everything that is ENTERTAINING & more. Let ADAM be ADAM ... that's GOOD ENOUGH for me!!

Love & Light to ALL Glamberts Worldwide


Anonymous said...

Hi MGF.... i am still laughing at our great evening of Bugle Blowing Toot Toot..
i hope Adam Fix gets to read that thread when shes back from vac....em REHAB!!
I Love Our Glamily keep up the goodwork Glamsistas,Glamboys
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

That kiss and lick is a "love gesture". People just enjoy it and appreciate the excitement that Adam brought to us.

Anonymous said...

Regarding 12:05/HeartAdam4Ever's "If Adam wants to fly in on a flaming unicorn and kiss all the band members - what the heck go for it Adam!!!"

I'm sure if Adam could figure out how to stage it properly and it fit into the budget, he would... :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, and regarding 12:05/HeartAdam4Ever's Bowie mention - maybe he'll catch wind of that 20th Century Boy cover of Adam's, as it sort of has a meaningful reference or context in his own personal history??????

@tess4ADAM August 12 12:56PM - good points IMHO

@Glambrit IOW/UK 1:03pm - yeah, I've been trying to spice things up a bit in Adam Fix's absence, ha ha, I'll let her take back that role when she returns or I'm going to get myself in real big trouble :). Toot toot. Lovin' the Glamily too - that's why I've been such a post/comments hog lately, so sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv August 12, 2010 10:32 AM
While watching that Mia Michaels eval...I thought she was gonna blurt out our gorgeous Adam's name...and was convinced she had made a big mistake...and was gonna correct herself!!
oh well


Anonymous said...

Ill take the kiss/lick whenever it's delivered. A great part of the show, especially when seeing it live and hearing the response all around you. It's all Rock & Roll Baby. Love the new song, 20 Century Boy. Very good song for Adam, who is our Superstar!

Anonymous said...

There should be a glamrock category in the music awards. Would be interesting to see the other nominees besides Adam. There are a few bands in Finland who would match that category. Eyeliner is a must, of course.

Anonymous said...

dont like all this white its really hurting my eyes,susie

Anonymous said...

I also don't like the tongue, licking and mouth open kissing vids...I also remember Ellen saying in an interview if she were judge at that time she would have told Adam about the tongue out while he is singing...she did not like that...

Anonymous said...

i don't like this white background either!

Anonymous said...

sorry 24/7 I don't like this new layout.i used to love the teal blue colour, then i liked the dark background, but this is just too white

Anonymous said...

re..4,07 is ellen a singer!! i dont like ellen jokes about Adam's tongue either..
for f**ks sake please leave Adam alone you bossy lot of F**KERS! i love ADAM and TOMMY licks/kiss

Anonymous said...

David Bowie back in the 70s...he always used to kiss and i mean SNOG a skull...Adam has gone for the real thing and kissed/licked Tommy...much better and much more sexier...loving it...loving it...
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

glitzylady said...

Was at work all day, peeking at all of the posts throughout the day, and just had a "couple" of more things to say...always....

@lmb...I really had to laugh when you mentioned you were stressing about what your post said, and you dreamed that you had "written something about wanting Adam to kiss Justin Beiber on the cover of Tiger Beat"....Now that would REALLY make some news...Those late night posts can be deadly because you are tired, and then worry that you might have said something totally ridiculous or phrased it in such a way that it was totally opposite of what you really meant...All the while falling asleep on the keyboard....Been there, done that...And then you check first thing in the morning to see if people are saying "What the h**l is wrong with you" although that could happen ANY time.....

@MGF: hey, I started out with an "A" in front of the word "rousing " but you know, gotta keep it PC thought "rousing" would convey the message in a very acceptable manner....Although, I do think it is quite descriptive as well...But the one with the "A" (for Adam...) is much closer to the truth....

@GIOW thanks for the UK perspective...absolutely agree that so many award shows are rather bogus....They have their usual favorites and will generally go with who will get them the most viewership, IMO, among other things...Adam just isn't that well known yet, but I truly believe that will change soon...And I think the smartest thing the AMA's could do this year is to invite Adam back....They'd get all sorts of people tuning in to see what that "bad wild child" will do next (probably just sing wonderfully and knock the socks off of everyone...) and Adam would get a chance to "redeem" himself to a very wide audience...A very big win-win situation..Guess we'll see...Oh yes, and I am also still laughing over the Glambugle "Toot toot" I am snorting again...We will have to compile a list of required reading for Adam Fix....poor thing will wish she had never left...and missed all of the fun...and controversy...

@funbunn40 Thanks for your comments...some of us "cougar-ish"fans do have a certain perspective on things, having lived life for awhile and have seen things come and go...It's important to be able to listen to different opinions as we often can appreciate things we hadn't thought about before...It doesn't mean we necessarily agree, but at least can maybe "agree to disagree"... One thing we can all agree upon is that Adam is a fabulously talented singer and he has a beautiful soul that we all love very much, and we all here want him to be successful and also to be happy...That is obviously where most if not all of these differing points of view come from, the strong desire to keep him safe and the hope that the world will soon see what we see in him...He is too special to be overlooked and swept under the rug by those who would chose to vilify or ridicule him in the media, to make him seem very one-dimensional with pictures like the one at the top of the page, and saying, oh, there he goes again...kissing boys...he's just so "gay"...and nothing more...

And lastly, I still like the kissing when it happens, part of the song...As someone also pointed out, the tour is doing really well, he's having the time of his life, and having been to one of his Glam Nation concerts, I can attest to the fact that a good percentage of the fans like it too...But, its okay not to like it, and he would say the same thing....

glitzylady said...

Wow, that new giant print makes it look like I wrote a book (sorry..)...And for the aforementioned "cougar-ish" eyes, you really can SEE it....LOL!!! And I think this format is good, at least no ads in the way of anything important...Thanks admin....

Anonymous said...

MGF, Adamfix will be so proud of you for doing such a great job keeping us in the errogenous zone until her return! Thanks for keeping up the heat! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, Our thoughts seem to run so parallel and I agree that we've seen life come and go, giving us as well as others some age perspective. I sooo agree that Adam should sing on the AMA show. It would be so good for him to blow everyone away with his amazing talent this time, being edgy, but leaving the shock and awe to Gaga and the others. This time around I think he just needs to amaze all with his voice and dance ability. What we want for Adam was so beautifully put by you. That really is the bottom line.I'm going to kiss his Rolling Stone cover goodnight[really AM now] and maybe also give him a lick or two! haha My cougarish eyes are really tired and so is my brain. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Tommy is straight ?? at least thats what Adam said, so why does Adam keep making Tommy kiss him ??? u know Tommy has to , just to keep his job ??Adam is a player,he's not stupid and he knows what he's doing

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:32AM, Adam is not making Tommy do anything he feels uncomfortable doing, or anyone else, for that matter. You must have missed Tommy licking Adam's upper arm awhile back that took Adam completely off guard. Adam isn't into bondage of any type, including employee intimidation. It's not that big of a deal, as stated many times. It's rock and roll playing. Not that deep. Tommy's straight,as Monte and whomever else, but these performers are very comfortable with each other and not afraid to show genuine affection. They really are a close knit glamily. Happy to see it and wish so many real dysfunctional families in the world would value their family members with the same regard. Here I go again, fawning over the glamily! Thanks for putting up with me, peeps. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Be Who You Are and Say What You Feel Because
Those Who Mind Don't Matter
and Those Who Matter Don't Mind.”
-- Dr. Seuss

Words to live by.
