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Adam just changed his Twitter Avatar!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, August 2, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 02, 2010

Black and white drawing that a lucky and talented fan drew for him. Very nice!

And here is his latest tweet:

"Watching an amazing lightening storm from my hotel room. New Mexico."


Anonymous said...

Whoa, isnt that the drawing he tweeted that a fan sent him? It is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's the drawing. It is amazing, and so cool that he's chosen it for his avatar. If I was that artist, I would feel blessed.

Shirley said...

IT'S A DRAWING????? I thought it was an official photo shoot lol. (from the CD single)

Anonymous said...

So nice of him to use my drawing....

jk..not mine.

Anonymous said...

That's gorgeous! Love the extreme 50's Elvis hair style! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Just noticed the tweet from his hotel room? Maybe needs a change from the bus. Hope he isnt ill. Adamluv

Anonymous said...


LILY said...

Who drew that pic is a genuis and so lucky she got Adam's praise.

Anonymous said...

That artist is very talented!!

Junior said...

I love it.

Anonymous said...

What a nice gesture for Adam to change his avatar to this fantastic drawing. The artist is so talented and what a compliment to her. Hope Adam gets some much needed rest and takes a day to do absolutely nothing. At least he can get some sleep in a hotel instead of a rocking bus and appreciate the majesty of a thunderstorm, connecting to the universe. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Don't these look like nipple piercings? Ouch!

GlammyLadybug said...

The artist seems to be "Jenn P" (@santabillie) and you can find more of her drawings here:
I saw her work before and loved it.
She's in heaven after this! Good for her! :)


Anonymous said...

The drawing is beautiful, of course, .... such perfection but it is what she captured that is truly awesome .... that breathless spirit as he is about to pull off those glasses and turn and look at ......what.....who????

Anonymous said...

It so amazing to see an artist who can draw this way... such a gift/talent! Whoever did this drawing should be show casing his/her talent to the masses... imo!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is really beautiful. I wonder if this is the same very tallented Arist that did my favorite drawing of a very soulfull Adam holding a micraphone in front of his mouth?????????

Anonymous said...

I've been watching amazing lightening storms from my laptop screen since you've started your GlamNationTour shows, thanks to 24/7 Paradise, sweet Adam!!!! Oh yeahhh, very sweet lightening storms, indeed! Fan4fun

Juanita Espinoza said...

I think I drew that

Juanita Espinoza said... @AdamLambert