Adam, Katy, and Jake Together Backstage
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Thursday, August 26, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, August 26, 2010

Katy Perry and Adam Lambert, with Jake Shears, backstage at the Scissor Sisters concert in NYC on Wednesday night.
Scissor Sisters tweeted and thanked Adam for coming.
scissorsisters: "We want to thank the charming @adamlambert for joining our party last night in NYC."
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Great picture! One problem though... why are they so far apart from Jake Shears?!! Oh! I see... he's shirtless!... don't wanna create body friction!... lol
LOL This pic is so cute and Jake is so hot!!
Oh - hello, shirtless boy! Wonder if we'll ever see Adam shirtless in a picture, since we sure end up seeing other guys without their shirts! Probably better he keeps his on, though, when the cameras are snapping...or who knows what the press would do with an image like that. WE'D all like it, though!!!!
- Adam Fix
Talk about a menage a trois................hmmm?
Only kidding. I know she's engaged, and well, I guess that's actually all I know about that situation.
NICE TO SEE THEM TOGETHER. I do sometimes wish Adam would not "pose" - I guess that is his thing but he doesn't need to. When he is most natural perhaps with a smile on his face is when I think he is most handsome. I don't think he thinks so yet?????
Off topic: Does anyone else wonder what is going on with Vh1.
No one seems to be commenting on the fact that they are not showing the count for Adam's IIHY video anymore and there is no commenting??? I have checked for the last 5 days at any rate and this seems to be the case but no one here has mentioned it at all???? No one is even suggesting that we vote on the countdown anymore??? Am I missing something??? any response????
I, agree, Adam looks best when he's being natural with a big smile on his face and not posing. He also looks better with less make-up, in my opinion. Don't get me wrong he always looks great but am just saying......
Cute Also maybe a little off topic , but I read where he had his crew with him , And I wonder why -on these excursions- we never see his "CLOSE FRIEND" Tommy accompanying him even as part of the group . Are they never together except on stage ? Just wonderin'
As far as VH-1 goes,I haven't been able to comment under Adam's IIHY in @ least 2 weeks( no place TO comment),but I'm still voting.I also can't see the view count..I think one other person on the top 20 also had the same situation,but the rest on the top 20 voting list have their comment spaces & view count working..don't know what's wrong,but it's annoying!I'm glad Adam had some fun last night with friends.
Not sure what is going on with Vh1 Top 20, but I am still voting daily. IIHY is doing well everywhere. Don't stop voting that will just drop him down. LOL
Thanks for responding about VH1. I didn't think it had been that long as I did vote a lot for this last week's where he ended up at 6, which, with all the strange things going on in the music business lately with artists releasing songs one on top of the other, I felt was respectable.
Do you think it could be connected to the Universal/MTV dispute that was reported? I find the music "world" confusing.
Jake, er . . . you're barn door's open.
DO NOT STOP VOTING ON VH1!! He's already low enough on the countdown - #6 last week. Let's get him back to #1!!!!!
I LOVE Jake!! Hes amazing. And his "barn door is open" on purpose...he just slipped the pants on after the show cause he has stripper in his DNA and always leaves the stage down to his bare undies...He is the ultimate performer!! Totally amazaing, energized like no other and you cannot take your eyes off of him for one second. To see Adam and Jake in the same picture is making me lactate. They would make beautiful throat babies...
I agree - DO NOT STOP VOTING ON VH1 when you can find the time! Yes, his comments and #'s are screwed up (which only makes me want to vote all the more!!!!!) Would be great to see IIHY at #5 even. AND KEEP REQUESTING on radio - he's been added on some stations recently - KEEP RESPECTFULLY REQUESTIING TO YOUR LOCAL RADIO STATIONS!
About VH1, I don't know what's up with them, but the problem has not been that extreme for me. When I am off from work, i will go to VH1 and vote several times through the day, and then view If I Had YOu. Sometimes you get the comments, but no view #s, and you can't "Like" the video. Two hours later, you may get no comments or view #s. I have never had the situation that you get no video, comments or views. Adam's video is not the only place this happens. I was checking a few videos to see how little the amount of views were, and when I checked on one by "Train", it had no comments or views showing. I have seen this on a few others vidios also.
Anybody else think that Jake looks like Frank Sinatra. I think the resemblance is uncanny.
Just voted for IIHY. It has 2,133 comments and 11,902 people like the song. I couldn't find any other video from top 20 which has so many comments!
Wondering if IIHY has much more comments and views than any other video on top 20,how come it stays on #6?
Where do you go/click on to see comments and votes? Adamluv
Urethra_Franklin, 4:58pm - AH, HAH, HA, HA!
Whut??? Throat babies? Have not heard that one before. Another term (along with bot-bots) I will, somehow, need to work into my posts. Thanks!
- Adam Fix
Frank Sinatra?? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Jake is JAKE! Oh that made me belly laugh!!
Anon @10:30pm
Just click watch video. Actually, I tried to see how many comments Kris Allen "The Truth" got, I couldn't get it for the first time. I opened it later. By the way it was 65 comments on 10:45pm!
I know this is his first week. But this is not first week for Train or John M. I think Adam has more fans any way.
You know, I can't open any comments today and actually I didn't see any view# yesterday!
You right, this is very strange. Because even if any other top 20 videos don't have comments, but all of them have view #!!!!!!!!
I didn't understand. Do they cooun the votes# or views#.
I just watch this video three times and there were not any view#!!!
humor needed..
why isn't there a body friction going?
i love it when i see such pictures...
@adamlambert..Are you looking for a yummier guy than him?
or just looking forward on what can you do with it?
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