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Adam Lambert Fan Interview before his show at The Pageant, Springfield, MO.

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, August 9, 2010

Posted at : Monday, August 09, 2010

Thanks GhedNGreta for the interview and video!

From GhedNGreta:

"This is a video taken of myself and my Fiance getting a once in a life time opportunity to interview Adam Lambert! I won great tickets to see him on stage in Springfield, Missouri, and also won back stage passes and this interview! (oh yea, and we got to keep the camera!) My Fiance is probably his biggest fan and did a bigger part of the interview! She did a fantastic job! Adam is a very nice guy! I hope you enjoy! Special thanks to Adam Lambert for being such a cool guy!

Recorded on August 7, 2010 using a Flip Video camcorder."

Thanks ItsJoooory for the tip!

Article From Examiner:

While in Springfield, Missouri for the newest stop on his Glam Nation Tour, Adam Lambert found the time away from performing (and watching an "anti-hate" protest outside the venue) to give a new interview.

Some of the material we've heard a little bit about already, but it is always interesting to know what any performer prefers to do when giving a show:

"I think the ones that I wrote are a little bit fun to perform ... I know exactly what I was thinking about when I wrote them."

Adam also opened up about the lack of "pop guys" in the entertainment industry right now, and how he hopes to bring it back at some point in the near future. He also claimed that he and some of the other musicians are currently throwing around some ideas for working new material into the show, though it hasn't happened yet.


Anonymous said...

So great, soooo great!
Good demographic - these two. And not just for age, but also overall "vibe"

Anonymous said...

Great interview. They stayed pretty composed and Adam is always so friendly and in the moment.

Anonymous said...

They did a great job with their interview. The girl is obviously a big fan and I'm impressed at how she held it together. I would be freaking out. How sweet that he won the interview for her.

Anonymous said...

Agree, another great interview... a very relaxed one! Adam looks so gooooooooood! I wonder how much hair spray does it takes to keep his hair up that way? :)) Anyway, I Love Adam however he does his hair!

Anonymous said...

Nice, nice.. I'm sorry, what?
I got stuck into the image of the 'incognito BB'!!
The idea of him moving around as he pleases just warms my heart.


Anonymous said...

To GL, it warms my heart too...yay for our BB!
