Adam Lambert Gears Up for Musikfest Fun
Filed Under (pictures,tour news ) by Admin on Friday, August 13, 2010
Posted at : Friday, August 13, 2010

Ready to keep pushing forth with his busy schedule, Adam Lambert was spotted leaving his Pennsylvania hotel on Friday afternoon (August 13).
Fresh off of playing a gig at the Tower Theater the previous evening, the "American Idol" alum was joined by his brother Neil as they toted their luggage out to a nearby van.
As for his upcoming Glam Nation tour plans, Adam is heading over to nearby Allentown to take the stage tonight (August 13) at the Musikfest Day 8 festivities.
From there, it's off to Canada for a gig in Montreal on Saturday (August 14) followed by a show in Concord, NH to kick off another week of touring on Monday (August 16).

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The two Lambert men are very nice looking. (Just say thank you Neil) Bet they turned some heads.
Again pictures of Adam carrying bags. What is it with these celebrity gossip sites. How about a pic of Adommy (Trademark) lick/kiss for a change.
LOL I had to take a second look at Neil's cro* see what that pink stuff was.
WOW BOTH ADAM AND NEIL ARE PACKING IT!!!!! (if you know what i mean!)
His gig isn't in Montreal, it's in Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, if it were in Montreal I'd be there! Saint-Jean is a 40min drive from Montreal, and alas, I have no car :(
Ha ha obviously the day after the late night before. I bet they both had to be pulled out of bed this morning, hope they had the coffee ready.
Doing the Lambert(Lambeth)Walk,old London music hall song from the 1930s Betty uk
Da boys looking good. Nice to see brothers together. You know the other one has your back.
Good looking brothers. Nice genes!
Vote on VH1 if you can fans.
Oh my gosh Adam! stop looking too hot and gorgeous!... you're killing us... love your glasses! I think it will look cool on Neil too! Please ask Neil if he likes to look as glam as you then you can help him on that dept.!:))
Neil and Glam...hhhhmmm.... I don't know about that... I happen to notice in one photo above that Neil is wearing Sperry Top-sider/Boat/Dock -ish type shoes ... very SoCal maybe, sort of preppy... LOL ... but who knows after travelling the country on this GNT :)
OMG i want him so bad. both of them if possible.
@ crmhaske August 13, 2010 5:00 PM
I believe they will have buses running between Montreal and St. Jean? Someone posted some information on this over at I know a lot of people commute by bus from neighboring communities, such as St. Jean to Montreal because the traffic can be horrendous I hear.
Also, on a personal note... I have an Aunt that lives in Iberville, which is very near there. I was going to go visit her with my Mom, but I couldn't take all that time off (2.5 weeks). Now had I known that Adam was going to be there....then I would have gone for sure! The he** with my job, this is much more important. LOL. Now I'm sad. So close, but yet so far!
I can't afford to go :( I have $8 to my name lol - but thanks for the info anyways!
We will sadly miss his stop in Canada together - hopefully he tours again after the release of his next album in the spring!
love his hair down like this.. it suitable with his beautiful face.
Adam has IT. For all his supposed intelligence, Neil doesn't even know what it is.
Anon 8:51pm - no sibling should ever have to walk in the shadow of another sibling. Just because Adam has some damn good vocals, and a contrasting persona, that doesn't mean his brother is somehow clueless because he chose a different path to walk.
crmhaske - I agree with you. I think Neil is very talented himself. He makes all those funny youtube videos. Maybe he can be a comedian?
Neil is no slouch! He takes more after his Dad. They both are more cerebral and can write quite well. Neil also is very good on the keyboard and has posted some videos on youtube. Songs from Amelie. Very soothing. Neil is also more interested in politics and world events, but he can have a very wicked sense of humour. Adam's fame has to be very intrusive at times. He also gets stopped by fans while trying to go about his life and it probably gets old after awhile. I like seeing them together. Glad Neil is with him on this tour. They are such total opposites and now that they're older, I think they'll appreciate each other more. funbunn40
Neil's time is coming, we'll all see!
Neil and his sister !!!!lol ( watch and see Adam will come out with , THAT HE WANTS TO BE A GIRL ) lol and we will all look like
Oh my god, we must prevent that from happening, that Adam would ever want a sex change operation.
I don't want him to go for any plastic surgery either. Ever.
Might need a little under chin lipo in a few years, but nothing else.Little being the key word. His face is beautiful, perfect, masculine features. Botox would be criminal. I love his expressive face. I think he will age beautifully, looking very distinguished and will never have to worry about losing any sex appeal. At 90, he'll be beating little old ladies off with a club. Haha Think he likes the more masculine role, with a more effimate partner. Don't think he really goes for the body builder types. I'm really out of my element here, just musing and running my mouth. funbunn40
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