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Adam Lambert interview with Mix 94.1 from Las Vegas

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, August 5, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, August 05, 2010

Check out Drea’s interview with Adam Lambert!

Adam says there is a possible acoustic EP that will be released in the next few months!


Anonymous said...

So exciting. So there's an EP filled with acoustic songs to be released this year.

I hope all of those songs are new though. I am dying to hear new songs.

And then we have a new album early next year. YAHOO!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was just cool-slippin' on sand and glitter! Adam crackles with sexy responses but as he says, for him it's a job ..... hey, new definition of CEO,babe!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! that was a delicious interview! Talking about handsome Adam and food all in one interview... yummmmmy!:)) I love yam fries!... yum!

Excited about acoustic EP and to be released soon... how fabulous! And I think the theme should be all about love bb!:))

Stephanie said...

Yay. More CD to add to my ever growing collection.

Anonymous said...

Didnt he say the EP would be acoustic cover versions of the songs on FYE Album? Thats if it happens I would love that.

Anonymous said...

To Anon 6:24 PM

Yes, you're right. Acoustic EP of the songs from FYE album... that's what I gathered from this interview.

Anonymous said...

I love how just about anybody that interviews him talks about his fervent fans, and how their Twitter gets bombarded with requests/questions/comments from fans once they word gets out that he'll be interviewed! Hell yeah, Glamily! We're just throwing his love and passion right back at him!

Adam has good taste - that dinner sounds dee-lish! I love greens sauted in garlic, too. Mmmmm.

He's yummy.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Delicious! I"ll second that! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Delicious. Absolutely. I'll have him for dinner anytime.

glitzylady said...

Acoustic versions will be great, just Adam's beautiful voice....perfect!!!

And yes, his fans are the BEST! Of course, so is he....

Think I want some of that dessert....

glitzylady said...

@ anon 9:19 pm

LOL!!! Don't we wish....

Anonymous said...

I'll jump into that giant ice cream sundae with you, Adam. Call me....

Anonymous said...

Check out this pic of Adam in tight pants...!!

Also if any of you haven't yet checked out Adam's brother Neil's website, it is very interesting:


Anonymous said...

AL's delish on so many levels that I'm gaining wait just thinking about him :).
Still on vaca, still lurking here & there, still addicted to BB!

GlammyLadybug said...

Sorry to break bad news ... :(

On Friday 6th August 2010, @cynthilu said:

Dear Twitter Family...

It is with deep sadness that I tell you that Tommy's father Ron Ratliff passed away yesterday morning.
Please keep Dia and Tommy in your thoughts and prayers.
May he rest in peace.
Please respect them and their privacy in this time of mourning.


(@LambertUK: @cynthilu is a friend of Tommy's mother & has been in touch with her throughout this very sad and emotional ordeal)

May his soul be at peace.

Anonymous said...

I mean "weight" :) ... Exhausted and fried from so much fun on vaca, lol.

Anonymous said...

Oh, sad news... May he rest in peace now and TJR & family be comforted by wonderful memories

Anonymous said...

Absolutely great idea to bring the acoustic EP of songs from the FYE album to those who want it acoustic. There seems to be a lot of them.

Anonymous said...

Nicest interview I've seen in a while....hooray! Plus, Adam seemed more at ease, happier, etc. Always love that.

Excited about the acoustic EP too. Yum.

Off topic: Hi everybody that I still haven't answered from way back! Maybe when SYTYCD is over I'll actually have time to go back and find those posts and answer.

Happy wishes to everyone....


Anonymous said...

He looks so adorable in that hat!

Anonymous said...

Adam - Delicious - Yum!! It's nice to know that I am not the only one that gets these naughty thoughts. I remember when Adam was on Idol and I got all those delicious videos of Adam on You Tube, that sent my Hormones into screaming fits. One that has stuck in my mind is called "Lick him like a lollypop" Everytime someone says "delicious" I think about that.

Anonymous said...

What you're doing is being "appreciated"??? That's putting it mildly .... what you're doing is being slurped up like a cat with cream, Baby!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know that lady´s Twitter who interviewed Adam? She asked my question so I would wan to thank her!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, so if Adam's fans are so amazing, why does he keep slipping on the VH1 Countdown?