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Adam Lambert makes small gain in album sales

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 25, 2010

There may not be too much of a difference in Adam Lambert's album performance compared to last week, but there is still enough of one for fans of the "American Idol" singer to be excited yet again. According to USA Today, Adam sold slightly more than 5,000 copies of "For Your Entertainment" in the past week, a modest increase of 1% from the week before.

In total, this puts Adam at 714,000 sold. The next major milestone for Adam will come when he hits 750,000 copies, which is of course three-quarters of the way to being Certified Platinum. He he continues selling records at this rate, he will eventually make it to his elusive goal -- however, he could still accelerate his chances if "If I Had you" or its following single (which the odds are suggesting will be "Sleepwalker") manages to take off.

Adam Lambert just wrapped a performance in Staten Island, New York, and will now have Wednesday off before heading to his next show in Virginia. Are you pleased with his new album sales, and what do you want his next single to be?

Source: Examiner


Anonymous said...

Great! slowly but surely!!

I thought Adam just said from the latest interviews that there may not be another single from FYE album because he will be starting on a new album to come out this spring.

But if I were to choose, the next single should be... any one on the album cuz they're all amazing!

LIVA said...

A million isn't possible for this album now that Adam is releasing a sophomore album next year. But that is a lot of sales. I think that's the 3rd or 4th best selling NEW ARTIST album this year.

And Justin Bieber is #1 ugh.

Anonymous said...

HI Everyone, is anyone having this problem....

no recent posts list has gone?!!! 24/7 have you removed it or is it just me :(

Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

Hey GIOW/UK - and 24/7 admins - I am having the same problem..."recent posts" is missing from the side bar...???

- Adam Fix

Lolita said...

I love Sleepwalker! If it is the next single, I hope they create a dark, brooding video in a stormy Victorian setting. (Castle? Inn?) I am envisioning horses and/or carriage, black boots, cape, WET ruffled white shirt open in the front, smudged eyeliner, candle and fire light, wine in goblets, bed with heavy velvet curtains, tangled sheets....androgenous form waiting/sleeping...sigh...the rest is x-rated (insert your favorite fantasies here) and won't be shown.

I love Adam's band and party videos, but I want to see this beautiful man act out a sexy story. We all know he can do it!

Thank you for indulging me.

Shirley said...

Yeah i had the same problem but it seems the admins got it back....I can see it now.

And I'm so happy to hear that Adam gained sales this week. Even if it doesn't get to a million copies, it's still a huge success. Dont forget, 700,000 copies these days means 3-4 million copies 10 years ago. The music industry has changed!

Anonymous said...

Let us not forget that ADAM hasn't been to Hawaii yet & that too is a US state so the possibility of FYE selling more in the near future isn't too remote. Besides the sophomore album won't be due out until 2011 ... late spring maybe ... so FYE may still hit the Platinum mark. Don't give up the ship yet Glamberts! Love & Light


Anonymous said...

How about we all buy one mote copy of FYE???
I just gave one to a friend of mine who just had a babsy! A lot of you are soooo creative, I am sure you can find someone to give FYE to.
What do you think???
I know I will get one more. I will wait for the right person to gift it to.

Israeli fan

Oh, let's not forget to keep voting IIHY. Today, at carpool I put in 30 votes.
We can do it!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lolita, Love your Victorian theme for Sleepwalker! All sorts of yummy visions come to mind. Now Adam is saying spring/summer release. Summer is the new word. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hmmm - still can't see the "recent posts". Maybe it's my PC.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Try using Mozilla Firefox browser cuz it's faster & so far it fix all of my problems viewing 24/7 site.

Anonymous said...

Sorry - strike that - I see the "recent posts" now. :P

Sorry to waste valuable Adam-fantasytalk space on this blog with something so mundane!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

OK stupid question. Do digital buys off ITunes go into the figure for # albums Adam sells, or is it just hard copies?

Thanks for information.

Anonymous said...

Adam has 600+ followers on Twitter. Know a lot are show bis types like ET, etc., but I would think his album would easily go 1 mil. Guess lots of international fans and followers? Why doesn't that count.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Help! Does anyone know how to contact the blog administrator? Or do we just post here under comments and hope they read it? There' a video over at muchMusic called Video on Trial (which I cant get to) and it's comedians talking about IIHY. Supposely it's very funny like the one on WWFM. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

the Target here in Enfield Ct. has not stocked the cd since the holidays. They say the distributor is not sending them hmmmmm...many fans have said their store is not carrying the cd so I wonder what the problem is w/stocking the cd and keeping it on the shelf? It's kinda like the radio play-you request-they don't play -keep requesting and a month or two later the song is everywhere. WHAT UP???

Anonymous said...

@ Adam Fix and GIOWUK
Nope! My 24/7 Paradise «Recent Posts» still there... May be because no one found Azores in the Atlantic to take the side bar away from me? HA!

Anonymous said...

Adamluv @ 2:12pm

I just saw the IIHY Adam Lambert Video on Trial over at Much Music and it is pretty funny. I tried to post it here but it didn't work. It easy to call up if you haven't seen it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:14, thanks for responding. I did see it finally and thought it was funny but not as funny as the WWFM parody. I dont know when I laughed as much as seeing that one.! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

ADam Has 600,000 followers on Twitter. Just saying. I think we should rally for Adam to be on Oprah's final season. Follow her on twitter and request it or write letters what ever it takes to get him exposure. Also Ellen has season 8 coming up and we should do the same thing with her twitter account. I think that is the fastest way to reach our friends at the Oprah show or the Ellen show. Jay Leno too. The more exposure he gets and people get to know him the more CD's he will sell. Let join together to make this happen. Are you game? Be nice in your request. I just requested and said Hey Ellen how about including Adam Lambert in your line up for season 8. So many would love to see him and how he is doing once he come off of his Glamnation Tour! Please Please Please!!!
Let's make it happen people!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:16, I like your style! Will do. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Lolita - yes, yes, YES!!! Am closing my eyes and visualizing this video already. It's perfect.

Oh, snap! Back to reality.

Here's the link to the "verdict" video on IIFH:

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I don't think we've seen this pic. I think this may have been taken on Adam's overseas visit last spring:

Possible captions:
Ouch! My foot!

I shouldn't have had so much to drink...thanks for holding me up guys!
