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Adam Lambert reaches 700,000 albums sold domestically

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 11, 2010

While Adam Lambert may not be Certified Platinum just yet for "For Your Entertainment" here in the United States, he did officially pass an important milestone when it comes to sales. According to the newest SoundScan numbers courtesy of USA Today, the "American Idol" singer pushed out 6,000 more copies of his debut album in the past week. While this number may mark a 13% decrease from the week before, it puts him at a total of 703,000.

The story also presents some other fascinating numbers to consider. With the newest sales figures calculated in, Adam is closing in on selling 100,000 full albums digitally. In addition, "FYE" is #61 in terms of the top-selling albums here in the United States for 2010. (The majority of his sales still came shortly after the November 2009 release.)

So when could Adam reach the coveted Platinum status? If he keeps up his current rate, we may still have a while to wait. Nevertheless, the Adam has stayed consistent with its sales all summer -- consistent enough to suggestion that the one million mark is certainly possible.

How excited are your for the next milestone?



Anonymous said...

Good News. Also, was just thinking... it can't hurt to go to Ryan Seacrest's American Top 5 and submit "If I Had You" in the "Request a Song Here" slot. IIHY is NOT an option for the voting right now - but why not put it in the "Request a song here" box and submit?? Can't hurt, and is just another way to try and let it be known that fans want to hear IIHY. Link:

Anonymous said...

He needs to realise Sleepwalker to reach platinium

Anonymous said...

yeah, and I don't what the deal is with comments section not showing up on VH1, or view totals, but let's not let that throw us off from voting for IIHY video for Top 20 countdown, voting still functioning properly, lets make sure we use it!

Anonymous said...

Anyone know of SW is officially the next release. Haven't seen anything from Adam or from adamofficial. Hope he reinvents the one on the album.

Why is ryan seacrest shunning IIHY? Is that my imagination?

Haven't voted today on VH1 but I will. I usually vote for several as there are a few others I support as well. Wonder if VH1 throws vote out if only one is entered. I know they say not, but still, who knows what really goes on in their system.

Anonymous said...

Only one vote on vh1 is fine, counted. Ryan Seacrest is playing IIHY, maybe not in constant rotation, but playing I think

Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest is a jerk. After all the drooling he did over Adam on Idol, even being tongue tied enought to pronounce his name incorrectly, you'd think he'd be playing Adam more. After all, isn't Seacrest the reason we all tuned into Idol all these seasons? He sure thinks so. Short man syndrome in all its full glory.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:56, I do that daily plus VH1 voting, plus and (someone mentioned this one yesterday). I personally have only heard IIHY once on Seacrest and that was from the interview a couple weeks ago. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Speaking of exposure for Adam - watching SYTYCD finale - so so so wish one routine would be choreographed to a Lambert song, just one! Would be such good audience, very wide demographic on this show. Crossing my fingers!

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv - thanx for reminder about Sirius. And only one time from Seacrest huh? Disappointing. Hoping for chart gains this week... Lots of competition, fingers crossed again.

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard on Seacreast at all. He's a talented guy and works hard, so I wouldn't want to cross him. Maybe he has a wee too much power; he sure gets the big bucks. Really don't think he likes Adam's music. Remember when Simon said how obnoxious it was to hear Seacreast play Miley Cyrus' Party in the USA over and over and over. I mean...just saying...if you like Bieber, will you appreciate Adam? Anyone a Bieber fan out there? Think Gaga scares/intimidates him.

khaiezshronne said...

good damn news!!!

continue to rock that out!!!

~love yah ^_^

Anonymous said...

anon at 3:33,

Ryan does like Adam - very much.

It is evident when he is with Adam. I suspect that he got a lot of flak from his peers, industry insiders, and other Hollywood types FOR that. Everyone there already insinuates that Ryan is gay, and his admiration for Adam probably made that worse.

So I'm guessing his distancing himself from Adam probably has more to do with protecting his image and therefore longevity in the industry than anything else.

It was quite soon after he started that distancing regarding Adam that the publicity started about him dating Julianne Hough. So I don't think this really has anything to do with Adam. It's Ryan trying to protect his "brand", popularity, income, etc.


Anonymous said...

I think there's something to that too Sweetie. There was always lots of stuff in blogosphere and twitterverse about how Seacrest would seem, if even only subtley, to go a bit fanboy when around Lambert. Somehow, I think Seacrest was aware, became aware, of that notion being thought of "out there".