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Adam Lambert Signing for the fans after the show in Erie PA

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Anonymous said...

How can one man be so F..... gorgeous! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

To be so nice to fans after giving his all during the show is incredible. Some more mature artists are incredibly nice to their fans, like Dolly Parton, but you rarely see young singers like Adam being so kind and available to sign autographs after their shows.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so Unlike Most Music Stars because he does NOT have an EGO......we are all so lucky to be chosen to Love the LOVED ONE known as ADAM LAMBERT....YAY
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

i know Adam is Extremly Hot but really do all those FAT WEEBLE PORKERS need to surround Adam from his mainly Women fans!!!!
just a thought!!

Anonymous said...

So nice to see Adam out their greeting his fans and signing autographs. Besides being so talented and sexy, he is also considerate and humble. Most of today's performers want the fame and the fortune, but they often lose touch with the fans who brought them to that success in their careers. I sincerely believe that Adam Lambert will never forget his fans as he becomes the next super rockstar.

Anonymous said...

Oh! hi Adam, I remember that shirt! Your concert in Vancouver, BC on April 8/10 and I was there!... :))

Thanks for coming to Vancouver!!! When are you coming back?

Anonymous said...

delicious man
stunning and mesmerizing


Anonymous said...

Adam has that same great attribute that's gained unwavering loyalty towards Elvis from his fans so many years after his death. It's a very unique human connection, a boyish quality that can morph into a sensuous superstar. They both put their egos aside and can relate to everyday people and have appreciation of their fame. Adam has the advantage of being more worldly and sophisticated than Elvis, and parents that are sophisticated as well. His maturity will also help him avoid their pitfalls of fame. Adam is such a people magnet and so generous with his time towards fans. Love him! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Susie: I had the same thought. Wanted: Event Staff - Must be 6'4" and 100 pounds overweight. Men only need apply.

I just gotta see that 6'4" 350 woman Event Staffer. She wouldn't let him go and sign autographs, she'd just sit on him and lick his face all night.

Maggie Longfellow

Anonymous said...

Susie and Maggie Longfellow:

Speaking of overweight - I posted as "Chubby at 180" and then gave an update at 172. After two months, happy to say I feel better, look better, have more energy and people tell me I'm skinny. Wearing size 5 junior jeans, down from 14 misses. Love it and owe it all to Adam and seeing so many chubetts (men and women) at his concerts. The man in my life these last 24 years wants to marry me all over again - what a honeymoon we'll have.

Not Chubby at 140

Anonymous said...

Not chubby at 140, loved your post! Great job! Keep dancin!


Anonymous said...

NIce gorgeous pic of Adam and Tommy real close!


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, yes, but Photoshopped, I'm afraid.
However, we might find a real one there...somewhere...:)

@NCa140 :)
Be healthy and live happy !


Anonymous said...

@NCAt140 - was thinking of you recently, thanks for update, and yes - live happy and healthy.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that was photo of Tommy, check out the nose its much bigger than Tommy's.

Anonymous said...

Chubby at 180, Congratulations on your weight lost! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Good for you NC140! Adam inspires us in a million diferent ways! I also have some work to do in that regard. Am blaming it on 24/7 giving us so many great updates robbing me of my real life, turning me into a laptop addict! I have to force myself to get away and move! I stay up all night too! Bad for my health, but so good for my psyche! Hopelessly addicted, fellow inmates! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's big hair and left over glitter on his face after the shows.I am glad security watches over Adam.There can be kooks anywhere. Probally will be me when I see him again. I listened to that new song you guys have been talking about, 20th Century Boy and fell in love with it, right away. He is brilliant, thats all I can say!