Adam Lambert: Upper Darby Dude
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Thursday, August 12, 2010
Posted at : Thursday, August 12, 2010

Adam Lambert sports another all-black ensemble and some bright blue-green nail polish as he heads inside Tower Theater on Thursday afternoon (August 12) in Upper Darby, Penn.

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What's with the elf shoes?? Is that how boots wear? Nice sharp pics...
Not a fan of a the hat but amazing boots!
Holy Hot Hell his physique. Can't even deal...
hey just stopping by to say let you know I love what you've done w the blog! It looks great :) Especially since there arent any pesky adds in the way of the threads ;)
Adam looks adorable as always
thats the 1st time i have seen Lane for ages (lucky Girl) she has the best job in the world working with Adam
I always love just jared pics always sharp and clear
Gosh Adam you are just so sexy in that hat....
(Elf shoes huh!!)when was the last time you went to a shoe shop lol
...ladies and guys boots have this style these days LOL
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
P.S this white layout has given me such a HEADACHE 24/7 any chance of dimming and adding some glam and glitter to match our BB...pretty please
I love the blue green nail polish, love the batch of pics posted... period.
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
I emailed an admin of 24/7 about the layout and she replied that they may change layout in a few days. They're just testing.
(I like it though. I just told them some people think it's too white)
Anyway, GREAT PICS!!!!
OMGOSHHH!! Please don't change the layout. I LOVE THIS!!!
Why don't people like the white layout? It looks perfect.
Hu Cecilia..thankyou thats so kind of you..i had just got to love the dark background and this white is too bright hope they can sort it i spend so much time like all through the early hours of the morning (as i am in UK)waiting for Glam Nation Videos so i can drool over Adam , i already have dark circles due to lack of sleep lol
i am looking forward to 24/7 maybe changing or dimming
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK
oops Hu=Hi
Even old old old pics of Adam show him wearing boots always too long for him. Guess he likes the look cause we've all seen his feet and his toes do not curl up. lol
Wow ... 24/7 always evolving...this was a little eye-opening. Everything seems super-sized..and quite bright.
OMG I LOVE THAT NECKLAACE!!!!! I wnat to buy it. Does anyone konw where he bought it?
Love your site edit JMO white is good for reading. Pictures just pop. Folks, you can dim your screens a little if there's too much glare. :)))
i think Adam looks great. He looks so happy and relaxed. The world is at his feet!!
These pics are great.Love the hat!
I also like the new 24/7 look!
Awwww, cute face pics, just when he had us convinced he was a grown up.
There's those sexy freckles again.
I like the grey background
I love the new layout, thanks for getting rid of the ads at the top, so annoying. These are amazing pictures, what an adorable dorky hot guy, not really, just an adorable hot guy, he's so cute, wish he'd wear his hair down again, but I'm sure it's better back for performing. I love this website, it's the best, always good pics and info. Thanks!!!!
I saw Lane in Las Vegas with Adam. He can wear a burlap bag and look good.
Dimming the screen does help a lot. Thanks for thinking of that, anon @5:22.
Such a cutie in that hat....such a cutie without the hat...
hey ladies, the shoes have been in style for quiet a long time now. There is about 3 inches at the end of the shoes that the foot does not go in. It is there for looks, style. Look back at David Cook when he is playing with ZZTop. Look at his shoes curled up on the ends. Been around for a few years. Sexy!!!! I like this new site also and the pictures and reading everyone's comments.
Just curious......what's up with the nipples? They're so evident in these pics. Probably not cold there....hmmmmmm.........
Still a gorgeous MAN.
Hi folks, I think Adam has visited one of the
"Darby Hat" shops and bought himself a Darby Hat. Love it. If you go to Darby Pa you must bring back a Darby Hat for rememberance!! Good thinking Adam! Enjoy your hat!!
To PRS 8:02
Adam had his nips pirced while on this Glam Tour. Sexy huh? You can see the little nips sticking up thru the shirt!! It don't seem to have been longer than 6 weeks so they probably have not healed. MWAH!!!!!
I know Upper Darby is in Penn. but near what city? Cant find it on the map. Thanks. Can anyone tell me how to dim my screen? Appreciate any assistance out there! Adamluv
anon 8:12p Google Upper Darby and look at a map on one of the sites. :)
Thankyou, thankyou 24/7 for getting rid of the ostructing ads!!! You always do your best to keep us all happy, quite a job with so many different opinions! lol Love the pics of Adam and nice to see Lane with him again. What happy cute faces! Looks like they're having a great day! He's definitely not a diva. He always carries his own backpack and is so low maintenance. I think he looks adorable in his hat, so endearing and gives him a young look. funbunn40
Oops, just can't type. Forgot the "b". funbunn40
Florida Fan: I thought that in an interview he was asked about getting the piercings, and he flat out said NO, No way. Are you sure they're pierced?
there was a concert picture floating around last week on MJ's, where his shirt was open and you could see the piercing.
HK fan
Ohhh HK fan where is this photo?!!
I can't remember which thread it was on. But it was taken while he was singing fever, and if you enlarged it you could see it glinting, it was the bar type, but not the best quality picture. Maybe google fever pics or something, or go to Mj's and see if anyone remembers it. They probably will as there was always lots of talk on ther as to whether he 'has' or 'hasn't' had them pierced, and that picture confirmed it.
HK fan
I like the denim best ^-^ so far
Thanks HK fan!
Love hat, love shoes. Just saw the shoes like this black brown and white at Nordstrom.
Adam looks great in this outfit:)
Yes, HKFan is right. There was a picture and it showed them to be the little bars, not the rings in his nips. Also there was a lot of talk about them in the comments section. Also, rmember when Allison arrived at the show to start her opening act for him? He hadn't seen her in a while and they embraced real hard. He let out a little squeel and she said, "Oh, i'm so sorry, I forgot about your nipples." Loved it. Now they are a glamily! So loving to each other. (Really though, is it not something else that they can't even break wind that there is not a pic of it? Always a camera rolling) Heck, I'm glad about it all because it is the way we get our appetites wet!!!! Can't do without the videos.......
FloridaFan (FF)
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