Adam Lambert Will Not Kiss Fans Against Their Will!
Filed Under (article ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Adam Lambert insists he’d “never” want to kiss someone who didn’t want to be kissed.
The controversial American Idol star — who has been shocking audiences during his American tour by passionately kissing front-row fans — says he has a fool-proof plan to ensure he doesn’t lock lips with the wrong girl or guy.
“The thing about kissing somebody is that you know if the person wants to be kissed or not,” says Adam. “I would never kiss anybody who didn’t want to be kissed.
“The people I kiss are the people who give me that eye the entire night. I would never force myself on anybody.”
Lambert, 28, recently revealed he was 12 when he realized he’s gay.
“Growing up I wasn’t very confident. It wasn’t until in my early 20s that I evolved into who I really was and wanted to be,” he said.
“I always used to look at being different as a bad thing, but I’ve learned that you need to take pride in the fact that you are unique.
“I was an ugly duckling, I was overweight and at 12 I realized I was gay. I kept that a secret until I was 18, so dealing with that and not feeling attractive was hard.
“The main validation I got was from being a performer, because it made me feel good about myself.”
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O come on...he kissed 2 fans ...they were willing participants...let's not go crazy here......Eric and Erica
...lucky, lucky fans.....
I can't believe he called himself UGLY....!!!
I've never seen an artist that so many people want to change. He's been compared to everyone from Freddie Mercury to Pat Boone? Yeah,I know--this reviewer must be in his dotage.And like he said he is too large to go body surfing for fear of injuring someone. Thought the tongue surfing cute and unique. Haven't read anywhere people who were kissed complaining, probably doing a lotta bragging. Adam Lambert is incomparable. His uniqueness is what made us love him, and we want him to stay just the way he is.
love adam lambert like his uniqueness its rock n roll baby.
Adam is such a perfectionist... he thinks he was ugly. But by now I'm sure he thinks his is so pretty, beautifu, gorgeous and stunning... don't ya, Adam? You keep on hearing and reading it from us, it should sink in by now!:) Better believe it bb... inside & out beautiful!!!
The «controversial American Idol star»???????????
CONTROVERSIAL my glamass!!!! The young man never contradicts himself. Who can be «controversial» being so open, true and sincere?
And stop the glamshit of calling sweet Adam «American Idol star». HE IS A WIDEWORLD STAR, shining as only himself, just getting ready to take his very deserved place on the top of the Universe!
And there is no «NO WILLING» against sweet Adam's kisses! They are so welcome wherever they happen to land! Period!
And those people who feel need to be chocked, next time try to get WET and then use the power of ELECTRICITY, not The Universal Power of Adam Lambert!
Must share. Hubby commented that Adam's got such great hair, why would he shave one side!!! Just gotta understand that hubby never makes those kind of comments. Thought it was so hilarious. I explained that it's probably cooler for Adam and easier to style for the concert where he gets all sweaty and has head geat. Sorry for the OT.
he might have been teased about his freckles and red hair, you know how kids can be cruel to each other. But Adam has the last laugh. I think he looks more like a rock star with his black hair and makes him look even more handsome. Really enhances his eyes. He probably never realised that his face is perfection, the straight nose, the great teeth, full lips,manly jaw. A photographers dream.Now don't get after me for being picking him apart lol. forgot to mention his tall stature.
Now I know the secret to a kiss.Iam going to be in the first row giving Adam that eye the entire night.I think I've been doing that but I'll try again.Thanks for sharing story about husband 5:09 very funny.
Don't you think most kids go thro a period where they feel they're ugly and don't fit in? Adam's might have been more pronounced because of his sexuality, but most assuredly he was not alone. The few pics I've seen of him as a youngster are adorable. Guess we're not seeing the bad ones? Really don't know how Adam at any age or with any color hair would take a bad picture.
Talk about putting a negative spin on something "shocking audiences during his tour . . . . . . . ". It was one fu**ing time. Enuf said. Adamluv
I think that Adam talking about his early years and feelings of being different and not attractive is something young people should read and hear especially once he realized that he was gay. Teen years are difficult enough without other major issues to add to the process of coming into one's own self worth. Having supportive parents I am sure helped him a lot and then finding friends who accepted him once he got into music and the theater were obviously so important in the process of knowing who he was. This talented performer has done a lot to opening the eyes and minds of many individuals when he talks about success and fortune mean nothing if you don't have love in your life. Adam Lambert certainly makes all of us fans feel good about ourselves.
Adam's self esteem was very low when he felt that way.If you preceive something a certain way it is true to you.He said he was 12 years old when he realized he was gay and didn't know anyone that was gay. He was alone, knowing he was very different.Glad that is over and we got AFL NOW.
Hmmm, let's see. Fans fork over good money for concert tickets as soon as they go on sale for multiple dates, some fans drive many miles to the nearest venue, possibly camp out on the sidewalk in front of said venue over night in order to be the first in the door to be at the front of the stage in order to be as physically close as possible to the hottest, sexiest man on this planet, (breath) and these dumbass reporters think ANY of us would be offended by a KISS from Adam Lambert!?! Are they nuts? Delusional? Do they not understand Adam fans and the level of love and desire we have for this person? My god people, I will give him every intense, freakin' "eye" I can think of without scaring him. (Or, making him think I have Tourettes.) Hell, Adam Lambert has my permission to tear my clothes off and fuck my brains out right on stage in front of the entire world! Yes, he does. You are all my witnesses. And, I would thank my lucky stars!!!!
(Note to self: Wear best underwear to future concerts...just in case...)
I have to laugh about the statement that the people who gave him the eye all night are the ones he kissed....Who ISN'T giving him the eye??????? My eyes are glued to him the entire time....still not very hopeful though!!!! I have a feeling its more about who HE is giving the eye to!!!!! LOL!!!!!!
@ Lolita 8:10pm
Tell it like it is, girl!!!!! And that "note to self" is definitely something to keep in mind!!! Ya never know....
Pretty unlikely tho...
lolita your story made my day, I am still laughing.
Lolita, You said what we all secretly and not so secretly would kill for!!!! Adamluv
Are you still here?
Wow Lolita, go on girl, and lay it all out there for us...'cause we all know exactly how you feel!!!! And yes, we feel the same way.
And Glitzylady, you posted my exact thought before I could post it myself - he kisses ppl who are giving him the eye all night???? And who would that NOT be, in the audience, exactly? The venue security guards? He can literally hand pick, of his choosing, from thousand of fans giving him "the eye" every single night...must be tough to choose. Poor Adam. To be so desired.
I would like to think, because there is no way to reverse it, that Adam's "ugly duckling" years only added to his humble, well-rounded personality, and helped make him the compassionate person he is today. Wow - he sure turned out to be quite the swan, no?
- Adam Fix
@Adam Fix
Indeed he did....Inside and out
Anyone seen the old footage of Elvis going into the audience
and kissing the women? I wonder if the newspaper wrote how
worried they might be that someone wouldn't want Elvis near
them (even tho they were cheering in the front row) As if!
Adam is compared to so many birds...peacocks, swans, etc. The peacock is showy, the swan has grace and beauty. I think of him as a Phoenix except instead of rising from the ashes to renew his own youth, this firey bird renews ours. You can feel his energy...and I am sure it's not a hot flash... Oh, and love your post Lolita!
@ lmb
Excellent analogy and beautiful choice of words!!! (He certainly renews MY youth!!!!)
@ Lolita
LOL «Lol»ita!!!! You rock, girl!!!!
@ lmb
... Oh, and I loved your post, lmb!
Yes - a phoenix! That's a great comparison, lmb.
- Adam Fix
Pinstripe jacket is not sexy. I think Bob Geldof made it unsexy.
Lolita! Love your comments...:"(Note to self: Wear best underwear to future concerts...just in case...)"!!!! ROFL!! Yes, we would all be in that front row. I am sure after Eric(a)'s kisses, stubhub has had many exchanges of tickets (worse seats for front row!) Has anyone noticed the blocks long lines of the heat and humidity??!! Nope, not interested in the front rows!!
Thank all of you for your kind words. It is like a support group at this site. Just when I think I have sunk to new lows of Lambert depravity, I find it's a PARTY down here!!!
*Throws Glitter Confettie*
"You can feel his energy...and I am sure it's not a hot flash..." Yes. This. lol lmb!
Well, certainly will be wearing all MY best "stuff" for the concert that I have a front row seat at coming up....Will keep you posted...Keep watching here on 24/7....And I will definitely be "giving him the eye".....LOL!!!!
Ooooooh, glitzylady, please do keep us posted. I would recommend practicing your "sexy eyes" in the mirror before you go. (Otherwise, security may called.) Try "seductive" sexy, then "schoolgirl" sexy, then "fierce" sexy, then "TrueBloodVampireGlamourYouToBeMyLoveSlave" sexy. (If this last one works we want details with pictures and possibly video!)
Good luck!
Glitzlady - you need to practice "giving the eye" in a big way before the Puyallup show! Practice on your husband, but only during the hours of 6 - 8pm, so it doesn't compete with your Adam-24/7 time. Gotta have priorities.
Lolita - you are super funny! Yes, so glad you could sink down and join the rest of us here at the "lowest of the low" Adam-depravity-posts-territory. It's a hot place to be! We all like it here, and don't plan to surface anytime soon - so "let 'er rip"! (**evil grin**)
- Adam Fix
To Lolita - and to everyone who supported Lolita's comments - Yep!!
MassGlamFan (a little late to the party, may be commenting on a dead thread - but so friggin' in agreement)
@Lolita8:29 a.m.
Okay, have spent all of my spare(?) time today practicing those various "looks" and have come to the conclusion that the ONLY one that is going to work for me is the "TrueBloodVampireGlamourYouToBeMyLoveSlave look", and here is why....the "School Girl" look is NOT gonna fly because I would be more suited to the "SchoolMarmWithYearsOf ExperienceAndKinkySecretsAndWillingToTeachThem" look, which I suppose is a possiblity (I'll work on that one as a back-up) , the "Fierce Look" just makes me look really crabby and hormonal and a little crazy, which takes us back to the security guard comment, and the standard "Seductive Look" is going to be in the eyes of every other fan in the front row....That "VampireGlamour" look ALWAYS works on True Blood so I'm going with that one....guaranteed results every time...Not taking any chances for failure....Now I just need to find a vampire to bite me....Personally, I'm going with Eric........
@Adam Fix 8:31 a.m.
I am in luck...hubby is gone for a few days so can get in some intensive practice....should have it down by Puyallup....and when he gets back, we'll see what works....
@Glitzylady 6.33pm
LOL I find ur experimenting with various "Eyes" hilarious!
Whatever good luck to you! Oh n don't forget to pout ur lips if Adam ever set his eyes on u during the show... guess that will add some points into getting Adam to notice u!! Lol
hv fun n hope to hear interesting outcome from u soon! :)
Practicing the right look in front of the mirror are we??? You are a scream, girl. Can't wait to meet you when we "Do the Puyallup!
Glitzylady (and lmb) - driving home tonight, I saw a billboard for the Puyallup and one of only three performers shown, was ADAM! Don't ask me who the other two were, 'cause after I saw Adam, I nearly drove into the oncoming lane (death by Adam was almost a reality). It was that picture of him from inside his cd where he's got no shirt on (swoon), a dog collar, or something (double-swoon), gloves and the blue in his hair. He's holding his hand out (to me) and saying "come hither". You know the one, right?
Glitzylady - no hubby for 2 days? Lucky you! Oh wait, that didn't quite come out right... I meant, 2 days of un-interupted Adam-and-me time! My hubby will be out of town over Labor Day wkend, so you know I will on 24/7 as much as possible (jeez - I'm still trying to catch up w/the week of 8/9 that I missed!).
- Adam Fix
@ Adam Fix
You saw Adam on a billboard???!!!! The only one that I have seen is one with a big COW on it!!!! And it said "Free Your Glee" if Adam had been on it, my Glee would be beyond free!!! Somehow a cow just doesn't do it for me...I definitely feel cheated....I was with my son and his girlfriend, and I said that I thought that instead of the usual little cutesy phrase they have been using the last few years to describe the State Fair "Do the Puyallup" I off-handedly suggested they should change it this year to "Do Adam..." which resulted in much hilarity.... (don't worry, they are both adults) I think its a perfectly reasonable suggestion...
"Do Adam". Yes!! It rolls so easily off the tongue, doesn't it?? So simple, yet so complex. I like it. Ha, ha!!!
Yes - Adam was on a billboard DT, and the picture of him was about as big as a car! That is a dangerous distraction to drivers! Think I'll complain to somebody and see if they can get it taken down (and re-mounted in my back yard)! :)
- Adam Fix
- Adam Fix
Geez! I have to get out more! No billboards like that going to get my mammogram today... "Do Adam". I like it. My son told me they are advertising Adam's concert on the radio already :) Think I'll go for a drive now....
@ Adam Fix
@ Adam Fix
Yes, I can see that it was QUITE a you had to post your name twice....think I'll have to take a little drive DT too, but certainly not back by the COW sign...Jeez...guess Snohomish County doesn't rate....perhaps not "urban" enough...gotta stay with the farm theme..Think I'LL be complaining about the sign up here too....but sure don't want THAT one in my backyard....Also could get a petition going to change that fair theme for this year.....and every year as far as I am concerned...."Do Adam" does have a nice ring....could add a pronoun or two but think I'll leave it at that....
Hey Glitzylady (if you come back this far again) - yes, look, I was so flustered by "larger than life Adam" that it made me stutter. Had to repeat my name twice. That is the power of Adam.
- Adam Fix
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