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Adam Lambert wishes dancer Sasha Mallory a happy birthday via Twitter

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, August 6, 2010

Posted at : Friday, August 06, 2010

Sasha Mallory is a dancer on Adam Lambert's Glam Nation tour, and today, the singer and former American Idol finalist has taken to Twitter to wish the tour member a happy birthday. The performer is constantly taking to the social networking site, and many celebrities do to keep their fans updated. It has proven to be not only a successful marketing tool for many entertainers, but it is a fantastic way to keep in touch, and build a relationship with one's fans.

Lambert writes to the dancer, his friend Sasha:

"@SashaMallory Happy Birthday!!! I'm so lucky to perform and live w such a sweet and talented spirit!"

Each person on the tour whether is is Mallory, Tommy Ratliff, Allison Iraheta or any other band member is an integral part of the overall success of the tour. The fans are mesmerized by Adam Lambert's charisma, but there is also a profound sense of commraderie that is obvious when they are all on the stage together. That is something that cannot be fake -- it has to be genuine, and it is very much so with Adam Lambert and the band.

Thanks Katrina (from Examiner) for this article!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Sasha! Oh, to be so young and talented. She is a very pretty girl too! Pictures dont do her justice. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

*********** Happy Birthday!!! Sasha Mallory *****************

And many, many more happy, healthy and wonderful years to come!!! :)))

Anonymous said...

Today's your birthday...( singing the beatle's version) Have seen you three times in person and you are the little fireball, aren't you? Hope to see you again, soon.

Shirley said...

Happy Birthday to a wonderful girl name, Sasha!! <3 She's amazing.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me how old she is?

Anonymous said...

~*H*A*P*P*Y*~ ~*B*E*R*T*D*A*Y*~
So Cool to be a Dancer with Adam..
Have a Great Day with the Glamily
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

hi glam fans....
\0/ \0/ \0/ \0/ \0/

woohoo i have my laptop back....25 days without was too much to bear. the poor thing tripped off the glitz and was sent away for repair, i can't believe it took so long.....what have i missed what have i missed!!!!

i finally got to type in those fabulous words adam lambert 24/7 and it came back with website not found....i was like noooooooooooooooo this can't be....thank goodness it must have been a type error in all my excitement :D...i can see there has been some changes round here, it could take some getting used too...

back on topic...wishing sasha a very happy birtday ha ha ( i think that was my last post talking about septembert and such )

also very very sad news about tommy's father in peace now all your pain and suffering have heart goes out to all his family and friends..this makes me extra sad as my own father is terminally ill and going through a round of chemo at the moment...

i love coming on here as it gives me a lovey warm and loving feeling...glad to be back

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

bec said...

Happy Birthday Sasha!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wondering about her age too? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hey chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx
Glad your back on board
25 days!!!!!!!!! without 24/7 phew you have a hell of a task tracking back it took me forever to catch up after 10 days without 24/7...good luck with that!!
funny i only mentioned today where were you???
please go to 'whataya want from me' on the global track chart for 21 weeks...thread as i have posted a message about UK charts...
lots of 24/7 news and everything is moving very quickly it will take you a while to catch up
Adam has been putting lots of great live performances on Glam nation Tour and will be back in UK in the Autumn
we are all upset with Adam not getting any nominations on MTV Awards...its a bloody fix!!!!

i am so sorry to read about your dear fathers illness....try and stay strong,he will need your support xx
fan4fun Glamkit *ICON* knocked her laptop on the floor and messed her keyboards up its been a scream trying to read her posts lol
as always so in love with Adam
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sasha!!!

U r amazing!!! U r the liveliest among the glamily... always tweeting even the tiniest details!!! Have a great b'day!! Luv ya!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Sasha. ?? for Sasha,, just reading that you were a contestant on "So You Think You Can Dance" season 3 and I believe I read season 6 also. Were you cut in Vegas during season 4? How far did you go in season 6? You are a GR8 dancer!!!!! We envy you so much!! And to top it all off, to be dancing for Adam ! Keep dancing pretty girl, and many more happy birthday's.... Fan in FLorida

Anonymous said...

Welcome back, chezza-sherbet,glad you won't miss anymore videos, news,and our craziness! So sorry your dad is ill. I hope he will get thru'chemo with as few side effects as possible and he will be kept comfortable. I lost my dad to lung ca and others on this site have lost their dad too. We all can relate to this sad journey and wish you and your family peace and strength. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Hope Sasha had time to celebrate her B-day. Too bad she had to work tonight, but I'm sure the glamily will have fun with her! Don't know if she ever visits this site, but if so, I wish her many, many more happy, healthy ones!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Sasha had been of SYTYCD! (I just started watching last year when Adam performed on the show.) I looked for SYTYCD videos of Sasha, but only found her dancing at her high school, etc.

Does anyone know what Adam's tweet yesterday was all about? ("Pied piper realness")


Anonymous said...

oops, that's ON SYTYCD, not of SYTYCD!

Anonymous said...

@ Chezza Sherbet / Brit fan D: xx
Hello there, be welcome back to Paradise!!!! I see Glambrit gave you big part of info about me, but forgot to tell you that I replaced already my keyboard by another almost 3 times bigger than my laptop...ha! BUt I c0uldn't let it be sent t0 Spain t0 be fixed, I w0uld die wit#0ut sweet Adam after 3 days... And becaUse s#e #ad so muc# fUn guessing w#at I tryed s0 #ardly t0 say with my s#0rt v0cabUlary and c#anged keys, t#at als0 f0rg0t t0 tell y0U t#at Adam Fix qUit t#e respOnsability 0f being President 0f OUr ClUb Weird. N0w Glambrit is t#e new President and my Glamkit «Icon» t#e Vice!!!
You should take care of your countryfellow Glambrit... since she've drank so much all her Bertday long (same day of MassGlamFan's), she calls her GlamMassfan, calls me Adan4fun and reads «Bulge» in every headline about sweet Adam... Oh! very important and just on time, we've got lots of new commenters and new tags theese days. Really interesting comments, you should check them out. And... ummm, there is a very thin chance for me to going to England this Autumn for a «live» sweet Adam's experience. Shall I count on you and «mad Glambrit»? I'd love to meet you there, fellows!