Adam Visits Children's Hospital in Boston
Filed Under (news,twitter ) by Admin on Friday, August 20, 2010
Posted at : Friday, August 20, 2010

Adam just tweeted:
"Just visited Children's Hospital in Boston. Good reminder to appreciate life's value. Those kids have such incredible spirits in the face of illness. I'm inspired."
He also tweeted this funny tweet last night:
"My bus mates are tweeting eachother while they sit right next to one another... I dunno guys... You're abusing twitter."
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Adam can be so extreme about everything!:) One minute he is this " Sexy Beast/Rock Star " on stage and the next minute he is like " Mother Theresa ". Never a dulll moment with you BB!:) Reason why we keep coming for more!... you're incredibly AMAZING!!!
He is so sweet to children. I wonder if he wnats children someday?
Neil Patrick harris (The guy from HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER) just had twins with his boyfriend. So sweet.
See! Just another reason why we love him so much!
I wish this was the picture and article used in the media when they talk about Adam! Adamluv
Our 21th Century Boy!
Sorry 20th Century Boy
Adam,you inspire us. Someday, he would make a great father,don't you think?
lol at 21th century boy comment xD
adam lambert our 20th century boy-someday he has children or child that sing like him-look like him as well so handsome and beautiful.
Thanks Adam. Those kind of activites will help keep your feet with those pretty pewter painted toes on the ground. Quick fame and fortune are great, but as you're finding out, it gets harder and harder to be real. The great thing about you is that you are aware of your human vulnerability to the extreme adoration you are receiving, and you are trying to deal with it in a sane way. May your generous and loving spirit continue.
I wondered why this picture of Adam looked a little strange to me. The expression on his face was wrong until I realized they had reversed the photo.
This person is a really glam rock star with the biggest heart .. x')
your Glambert will always love you <3
and the funny tweet really made me smile .. xD
Ʀơɱαntic Cutiε ~
Oh 24/7 Here is Psart 3 of the Lary Flick Interview:
@ Anonymous 2:01/02PM and 2:23PM
Sweet Adam is MY «21th» Century «Diamond» Boy, lol... but I share him with you, no problem, there is enough of this wonder boy for everybody! Adam Lambert was born to be wordwide loved, no matter the sweet name we call him!!!
Glam A Classroom. A visit to children's hospital. What's not to love about this man?
ps: I love you, Adam Lambert. Sometimes more than I love chocolate and ice cream.
it takes a guy and a girl a kid ????
Why not let him become the worldwide superstar he is destined to be before giving him children. Would think his plate pretty full right now. Just saying--he's relatively young in the scheme of things.
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